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MAGA Megan vs Preciosa OPCW NHB Fight

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MAGA_Girl_Megan: Preciosa representing KC's The System stable, vs MAGA Megan representing Elle's Subversives stable

Night_Queen_Raevyn: lol Megan is gonna lose again

Preciosa24: Walking into the large spare room in the gym, one mirrored wall, mats rolled up in the corner. Wearing my white, low cut sports bra and tight gray shorts that hug all my curves. Seeing the Trump cult member in the corner. “Fine …you wanted me now you got me. And we’ll make sure Lauren stays as boss where she belongs” yt

MAGA_Girl_Megan: I'm already in the room waiting for you, wearing my trademark red TRUMP sports bra and skin tight leggings showing off my sexy fit body and flat sexy stomach, my hair in a ponytail as I stand there in my corner, arms folded, smirking confidently at my opponent as you enter the room "The only place KC belongs is out of the boss's chair and oud cold at Elle's feet where she already put her" as I start to move toward you now...eyes locked with



Night_Queen_Raevyn: You do look like a loser though

Preciosa24: Standing up straight and walking slowly, meeting you in the middle of the room. “Not bitchy…just a bitch” I growl at you, before suddenly lashing out with my right hand, trying to snatch you up by your ugly weave, at the same time looking to snap a hard jab with my left fist, into your bare stomach. Yt


Sebastian28: Two hotties😮‍💨

MAGA_Girl_Megan: You walk straight out toward me and reach up trying to snatch my hair with your left hand, but I'm not blind and certainly not slow, so I see you going this and bring my left arm up to block your right hand from latching onto my hair, then you do manage to snap a fist into my sexy stomach SMACK "OOuughff" but I give it right back by swinging my right knee up into yours, aiming for your navel with my kneecap! yt

Preciosa24: My punch lands, but your retaliation is quick, your knee launching into my abs…huuunmhh!!!! Grunting, doubling over and stumbling away from you for a moment…yt

MAGA_Girl_Megan: Your fist hit me in the abs, but I take it with a grunt and a wince and pay you back with a much harder knee to your stomach, sending you staggering back, doubled over clutching your own abs and as you back away I rush toward you, lowering my shoulder aiming to ram it into your gut and drive you backwards into the mirrored

Night_Queen_Raevyn: Megan succckkksss

Sebastian28: No,,,but you do😏

Preciosa24: Gasping a little as I hold my stomach, but I recover just a little more than I’m letting on…seeing you charge toward me, I side step quickly and try to grab the back of your neck, sending you the rest of the way, hitting the mirrors face and chest first….” how you like that, bitch?!…yt

MAGA_Girl_Megan: I watch you as you stagger back your head down looking at your feet or at your body either way, not looking at me, so I think I have you here when at the last moment, you sidestep me, grabbing the back of my neck as you do and ramming mem forward and with a loud shattering sound, drive me head first into the mirrored wall "Aaaeeeaaaghh!" I shriek out as the glass shatters and my head and face and chest slam into the wall, and I slump to my knees against it clutching my head and face now, checking my hands seeing blood on them "" I mumble under my breath as you draw first

Preciosa24: The thud is sickening as you hit the wall and shatter one mirror panel. “That’s what you deserve and your pathetic little rebel group are all gonna lose”. As you collapse to your knees, I come behind you and snake my right arm around your neck, getting you in the chokehold! Yt

MAGA_Girl_Megan: As soon as I feel your arm go around my neck from behind, I try to reach my hands up over my head, feeling for your face and when I find it, try to jam my thumbs into your eyes to blind you for a moment and make you let go! yt

Preciosa24: Aauuhhh!!! Yelping in pain as you gouge my eyes, and I immediately release hold, blinking and holding my face, stepping back…” you little bitch!!

MAGA_Girl_Megan: I feel your eyes mash under my thumbs and hear you yelp out behind me and release my head and hair, and I push from my knees to my feet with you behind me stepping back a bit, I wipe some blood from my face with my forearm then swing 360 degrees around on one foot and lift the other to slam it deep into that sexy belly of yours with a roundhouse kick to your midsection


MAGA_Girl_Megan: yt

Preciosa24: UUMFFF!!! Gasping, my body jerking as my belly gets punished again, folding over as I hold myself, trying to catch my breath….yt

MAGA_Girl_Megan: My bare foot slams into your abs making you gasp out and double over harder now, holding your stomach trying to catch your breath, I reach out in front of me with both hands and sink them into your hair "you're a joke, bitch!" I shout out before I leap up, spread my legs apart, and come crashing down onto my ass but as I do try to pull your head down with me and slam you face first into the hard wooden floor with a facebuster!


MAGA_Girl_Megan: yt

Preciosa24: Unable to react in time, feeling your fingers tangle in my hair, and I’m suddenly yanked downward, my face bouncing cruelly off the hard floor. GUUHH!!! Feeling blood seep out of my busted nose , my whole body flopping over onto my back…. In a daze, I try to scramble back to my hands and knees….yt

MAGA_Girl_Megan: I smash your pretty face down hard into the wooden floor, bloodying your face now to match mine as you flop over onto your back and then try to get up in a daze, as I get on my feet to meet you I stand there waiting for you to get in just the right position, then I step toward you, jump up, swing my right leg over the back of your neck, then let my weight fall on you to drive you straight back down and smash your chest and face down into the floor once again...


MAGA_Girl_Megan: yt

Preciosa24: With the extra couple of seconds that I get, I’m up to my knees and I counter the leg drop by pushing it over my head, shoving you a little off balance. I pull myself painfully back up to my feet, grab your shoulder, and try to spin you around, before delivering a hard chop across your chest…yt

MAGA_Girl_Megan: I leap up and go to annihilate you with a devastating move onto the hard floor, but when I jump, you are able to shove my leg away and I barely get my feet back under me to keep from falling completely, but I stagger away and then feel a hand on my shoulder spinning me around and WHAAAACK "AAUuggnhff!" I grunt out as I am met with a hard chop across my chest right over my beloved Trump bra and tits underneath, sending me staggering backwards again as I clutch my

Preciosa24: pulling myself unsteadily to my feet and limping over toward you..."not over yet you maga-moron"....I gasp out. reaching for your hair to try and hold you in place, and firing off another hard punch into your chest...."how's that feel you little bitch...."yt

Kurt19: Kick her ass, Preciosa!

MAGA_Girl_Megan: I wince out and instinctively reach up to grip your wrist as you hold my hair but this leaves my body open and again you target my chest "AAuuunngghhff!" I grunt out as you punch me square in the chest, sending me staggering back into the wall now with my arms folded across my chest, breathing

Preciosa24: feeling the adrenaline rush back as I've got the Trump-lover on her heels now. your back hits the wall and I'm right in front of you, seeing you cover up your chest. balling my fist, I try swinging a hard uppercut, aiming for your extreme lower belly...trying to pound it

MAGA_Girl_Megan: As I come to a rest against the wall, breathing heavily already and clutching my throbbing chest after taking two hard shots in a row to my tits, you take advantage of my exposed midsection and SMACK "OOOUUUUUUUFFFF!!!" I gasp out as you drive your fist hard and deep up into my lower belly, folding me in half over it as I gasp out and spit flies from my mouth as I snap over forward, my hands now moving from my chest to my stomach as I try to shove you

Preciosa24: the punch lands with a satisfying thud, doubling you over. you shove me backward a couple steps, and I take just a moment to savor the pained expression on your face. moving back next to you, I try to wrap my forearm around your neck, hoping to get you in a side headlock, then firing my free fist into your face..trying to keep you bent at the waist...."little slut, never had a chance" yt

MAGA_Girl_Megan: After shoving you back I glance at my stomach under my hands which clutch it and it's already red and turning bruised and I feel every bit of it. You come back toward me and wrap your arm around my head to put me in a side heeadlock, pulling my head down and against your side as you do. You hold my head in place and CRAAACCK "AAUUUGGHH!!" I yelp out as you punch me square in the face, crunching my nose a bit and making it bleed, but before you can hit me a second time, I try to fire a fist into your kidney, then, showing off my lower body strength from my years of volleyball, I try to wrap both arms around your waist as you still have me in the side headlock, and with a groan I try to lift you up and fall straight back and drop you with a back body


Preciosa24: my heavy punch lands in your pretty face..smiling as I draw blood again from your nose...but this time you retaliate with a vicious punch into my kidney...UUMMFF!!!!.....and suddenly I'm taken off my feet as you throw me backwards, dropping me to the floor, hitting it hard, my body shakes and I reach around, grabbing my back in

MAGA_Girl_Megan: I sit up after dropping you hard on the exposed wooden floor straight onto your upper back, neck and the back of your head. I use my forearm to wipe some blood from my face before pushing to my feet and stepping next to you, seeing you rolling around and gripping your back in pain, I swing my right arm out and drop down and try to drive my right elbow hard into your huge left breast! yt

Kurt19: Come on, Preciosa; roll out of the way!


MAGA_Girl_Megan: yt

Preciosa24: writhing on the floor, but coming back to rest on my back, face up....seeing you hovering above me, unable to move out of the way in time before your elbow drop crushes my big tit..flattening it back into my chest...GUUUhhhh!!!!....oh gawwdd!!...letting out a shocked scream as I immediately clutch my wounded girl...rolling over onto my stomach....trying to crawl away toward the nearest

MAGA_Girl_Megan: After crushing your big tit with my elbow drop, you moan out and flop around some more before rolling over and trying to crawl away toward the nearest wall. As you do, I reach down and try to grab both your ankles with my hands, leaning backwards I try to drag you backwards across the room to the middle "where you think you're running to Preciosa?! There's no "ring" to escape from!" I say mocking you before then raising both your legs up then trying to jam your kneecaps straight back down into the hard gym floor! yt

Preciosa24: clutching the ground with my fingernails as you drag me back to the middle of the room by my ankles, my heavy chest dragging the wood floor painfully...."you bitch...I'll ...UUUHHNH!!....grunting as you lift my legs and then slam them down violently against the hard ground. pissed off, I pull myself up to my hands and knees, then fire my left leg backward, trying to mule-kick you hard in the

MAGA_Girl_Megan: After driving your knees into the ground, you yelp out loudly and I grin in satisfaction hearing your pain filled moans and I reach down for your legs again but as I do, you push up to your hands and knees and "OOUUFFFFF!" I grunt out as you mule kick backwards and stab me in the stomach with your foot, folding me over again this time dropping me to one knee clutching my abs once

Kurt19: All right, don't let up; put this MAGA girl in her place!

Preciosa24: swiftly rolling over onto my back...seeing youu drop to one knee, i try to wrap my legs around your face...scissoring you, then twisting my body to the side, trying to bring you down hard to the ground, on your back. hoping to lock in the scissor hold around your neck.....weak bitch!....can you handle this?? the muscles in my thighs flexing as I

MAGA_Girl_Megan: All of a sudden as I rest on my knees wincing in pain and wheezing for air from the kick to my stomach, you swing your legs up and my eyes shoot open wide as you clamp them around my head, my hands quickly come up to grip your shins but you roll and take me down onto my back on the floor now, my hands slapping wildly at your legs now as I wince and moan now as you start to squeeeeze "UUunnngghhh..uuaagghhh!" I moan out as my face starts to turn red as you squeeze my head and neck, my body rocking frantically back and forth as my legs kick wildly against the

Oh_Elle_No: "This is bullshit! Megan come on you're soooo much better than her!"

Kurt19: "Squeeze harder, let's see this girl's eyes roll back!"

Aleksandre_the_Great: "That does not seem to be the case."

Preciosa24: in a sitting position now as I lock in the hold, straining, keeping my legs closed tight around your face, hoping to cut off your airway....."whats the matter bitch? hard to breathe?" yt

MAGA_Girl_Megan: "UNnghhff!! UUaanngghfff! AAAuunnghhff!" I let out a series of moans and groans as my both thrashes around on the floor as you flex your legs and cut off my airway more and more, my pretty face turning deep red, my abs tight as my body rolls back and forth struggling to squirm free as my hands slap at your legs. yt

Preciosa24: my strong thighs locked in tight in a vise-like grip around your struggle wildly but I maintain the hold. laying on my side, I reach down and grab your hair roughly, trying to hold your head in place, keeping you from thrashing....gritting my teeth from the effort...."c'mon bitch...pass the fuck out!" yt

MAGA_Girl_Megan: Now you roll over onto your side and grip my long blonde hair, holding it tight like handles to keep me from thrashing around so much, my face now a deep shade of red fading to purple as my hands little by little start to slap more and more weakly at your legs until one flops down to the floor with a thud, then the other, and my legs soon stop kicking, now just barely

Kurt19: "Yeah, this girl is done!"

Oh_Elle_No: I HATE this

Preciosa24: as I feel your body start to weaken finally, the fight draining out of you, I pull myself up, rolling you over onto your back but keeping my thighs wrapped around your face, kneeling over....facesitting you, making sure there's nothing left of that bitchy

Kurt19: "How can you hate this?" I say to Elle, "This is a wonderful sight!"

MAGA_Girl_Megan: My sexy body finally relaxes and goes limp with my head and throat crushed between your legs, and as my body ragdolls, you roll me over onto my back and sitting on my pretty, bloody face with that wide ass of yours, totally covering it as I wince and moan softly, drifting back into consciousness ever so slightly yt

Preciosa24: "you don't go down easy, I'll give you that"....pulling myself off of you, getting to a standing position, I reach down and grab the front of your sports bra, yanking it down, hiding that dumb as fuck Trump logo while exposing your tits. I grab both of your breasts and start yank you back up slowly to a standing position by them, keeping you steady as you're barely

MAGA_Girl_Megan: You get off me and jerk my bra down, revealing my modest but still amazing tits, then I let out a whimpering moan as you grip my tits tightly with both hands and jerk me up to my feet, and I collapse into you unable to support my own weight my bare tits press against yours and my cheek against your

Oh_Elle_No: She's already done bitch! Leave her alone!

Kurt19: "Don't stop, humiliate this MAGA bitch!"

Preciosa24: shut up bitch! you're next! I yell over to Elle....dragging megan's sorry ass toward the wall...."this is what happens when you fuck with the wrong woman....say goodnight ...I snarl, before gripping the back of your head, and slamming you face first into the wall, denting the drywall....then swinging you back around and dropping you forward, going for a face-busting front slam into the ground, finishing your pathetic ass

MAGA_Girl_Megan: You drag me onto my feet only to spin me around and then violently bash my pretty face and head violently into the gym wall, "AAAuuunnnnggghhhhh!" I let out a loud deep groan as my head smashes THOUGH the drywall, busting my nose and lips completely now as blood now runs freely down my face, but that's still not enough for you as you still dont let me go before spinning me back around, still gripping my hair, and dropping down and smashing my face into the hard wood floor with a final facebuster that does just that, busts my face wide open as blood splatters onto the floor and the impact knocks me out for good, laying there now starfished, flat on my stomach and chest with blood starting to seep out from under my head and

Kurt19: I start to clap loudly as I shout out, "Beautiful, just beautiful!"

Preciosa24: on one knee next to you, making sure I take a good, long look at your defeated body. before deliberatly rolling you over onto your back, your face a mask of blood, matting in your blonde hair, shoulders down, ceremonially pinning you. "kurt.....please do the pin count for me" I wink at him....

MAGA_Girl_Megan: You roll me over and I flop onto my back like a ragdoll. My formerly pretty face now a bloody mess with my silky blonde hair matted to it. You instruct Kurt to count the pin as I lay there motionless in front of you as you pin

Kurt19: "Gladly," I reply as I wink back at Preciosa before I start to run over to you both. I get down on my knees and start tapping my hand down on the hard floor as I carefully watch Megan's shoulders in case she jerks out at the last minute, shouting out, "One... two... three!"

Kurt19: yt

Preciosa24: Megans arms folded above her head, holding her wrists together as I lay on top of her, my bigger chest pressing against hers as I listen to Kurt count the skank out. Tossing my hair back at the 3 count and smiling for the crowd. Then getting back to my feet, staring down at you passed out at my feet. Letting it serve as a warning for any other weak bitch that wants to try.

Kurt19: I walk over to Preciosa as she stands above her defeated opponent, and raise her hand highly into the air in victory.

MAGA_Girl_Megan: I let out a soft moan as you crawl on top of me and pin me under your full weight, your massive tits pressing down and squishing my little naked tits flat against my chest, my sexy flat stomach flattened even more now under yours, my pretty head rolled to one side as bloody drool seeps from the corner of my mouth. Kurt seems to enjoy counting the pin....getting to 3 the match is over and you lift your body off mine and stand over me, side by side with Kurt as he raises your hand in victory. YT (or end?)

Preciosa24: (end)

Published: 12 days ago, viewed 0 times.

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