The Queendom of Libidine

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Established: 2024-07-08

  • Fantasy
  • Descriptive writing
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
  • Forced cum
Where the Queens of Lust rule~
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Luna's accidental trip


03:54 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I am walking under a starry night, looking gloomy, comfortably in a black hoodie, a small flame embroidered at heart level, my necklace with a small piece of unmeltable ice reflects the light of the moon. My emerald eyes no longer have their usual sparkle, in fact, I lost something precious recently, more precious than anything. I have to deal with it, I have to become stronger, harden my heart, learn to fend for myself. Am I really capable of this? No matter... I walk around floating below the city, paying very little attention to my surroundings, I let the night breeze caress my cheeks, the breeze has cooled, we are slowly approaching Winter. I close my eyes, take slow breaths, this void in my heart, I must fill it, find a way to stop it, or to forget it. I land gently on a roof, I look at the horizon, then the moon, stay still for a moment and then smile.
03:54 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I crack my neck and remove my hood, revealing my long fiery hair tied in a ponytail. I crack my neck, I have to start training, be ready, I have to become stronger, to get through this alone, be ready for any eventuality. And to start... I'm going to practice my teleportation, I only have my knife on me, it's a reflex that I take it now. I concentrate, I can teleport quickly, create several black holes, but if I had to go further, or to a place that I don't see, that I've never seen, then I concentrate. I clap my hands, intertwine my fingers together, I close my eyes then open them slowly, a purple and blackened glow surrounds my eyes, my body trembles slightly, I begin to create a black hole in front of me, but more condensed, more powerful, less precise, a powerful mass of gravity, a mass which seems to want to collapse on itself. I must be able to cover great distances, several tens of meters, no... several hundred? Certainly not !
03:54 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I have to travel kilometers, enormous distances, to be able to travel this fucking universe so that it becomes my playground. I stand there, a big smile appears on my lips but my eyes seem furious, curiously... a few tears flows... whatever, I feel the gravity going crazy, I create something that I have never done, a new experience. But the gravity cluster becomes unstable, it seems to attract me, it seems to have a voracious appetite, shit I lose control, I don't understand what's happening, I panic and I release my hands to stop but the black hole sucks me in in an instant. I feel my body almost being torn apart in a timeless and strange space for a few moments, then I suddenly land on some grass, I grunt in pain, damn where did I end up...
03:54 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I look around, sort of small fields... green expanses and... a castle? I have indeed traveled an enormous distance, I am no longer exactly where I was and this setting means nothing to me... I must first find where I am... my eyes suddenly widen, seeing the sky... it's... purple?! The stars seem so close, so bright, shining different colors, damn where I ended up... But... strangely... do I feel okay? I feel the power flowing into me, as if the air is purer, as if my soul resonates with this place...
22:59 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The violet haze of the night sky reflects against my eyes, my gaze focused on the darkness above, the bright lights of the blazing suns far off into the vast expanse burning brightly at a greater distance than could possibly be imagined, twinkling brightly against the purple backdrop, a multitude of colours lighting up the otherwise dark void of the night. In the distance, the lush, green fields lay spread across the ground, the grass swaying in the gentle breeze, carrying with it the rich, magical energies that permeate throughout my realm, the atmosphere itself containing the lifeforce of my subjects and the rest of the land, developing a symbiotic relationship between nature and it’s inhabitants, one that had started some time after my claiming of the throne and ridding the land of the tyrannical reign of Jelamet. Standing by the window of my inner chambers, I remain lost in thought.
22:59 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My mind wandering back to the day I challenged, and defeated the pitiful excuse for a former Queen, relinquishing her of her title and power, banishing her to the wastelands, from which I have never heard from again, even to this day. At this point, it is uncertain whether she even still lives, though she is far from a position to have been claimed by old age, even after almost a millennium since our battle, given the longevity of our species. My thoughts move on to the time between, undoing the damage caused by the former Queen to her subjects, using my power to ensure the land is sustained, and even the recruitment of young Guila and her sister, Gelda, into my service. The corner of my blue lips curl into a smile as I think of how the Queendom thrives, the gentle breeze taking my dark blue hair in the wind, my tail swirling behind me as the glimmers of the stars reflect on my red, armoured bikini, even in the comfort of my palace, a Queen must always be ready for battle...
23:00 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My eyebrow raises as I feel a sudden disturbance to the energies of the land, a rift within the atmosphere, a similar sensation to the portals I use to travel between realms, mainly when I visit the mortal realm for sustenance. It should not be possible for any other realm to be able to travel to ours, none within our realm are permitted to exit aside from myself, or my two aforementioned guards, the sisters Guila and Gelda, both of which I can sense outside of the palace, however, I feel them beginning to approach, both of which presumably have felt the same as myself. Just as I feel their approach, the doors to my chamber open, the two loyal servants prostrating themselves in front of me...
23:00 Royal_Guard_Guila: Entering the chambers of our Queen, Gelda and I make our way hurriedly to our Monarch, quickly showing the proper respects and bowing before her greatness. “My Queen, we humbly apologise for the intrusion. Your Highness is already most certainly aware of the strange energy within the Queendom.”
23:01 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “Indeed. I would like for you two to investigate the source of this disturbance, it is almost certain Jelamet could not have left this realm without us being able to detect her, meaning that cannot be her returning. However, if she has found a way to contact other realms without our knowledge, it is entirely possible she is seeking assistance and bringing them here. I will remain here to protect the palace and the citizens, but rest assured, I will monitor the situation and intervene if needed, though I believe the two of you are more than up to the task. Go, quickly.”
23:01 Royal_Guard_Gelda: Me and my sister bow before our Queen on hearing our orders. “Yes, Your Highness!” We both say in unison, we’re totally in sync! Guila didn’t believe me when I told her how cool it would be to finally perfect that! She always just rolled her eyes at me though. “I’ll handle this~” I giggle, raising my hand to open a portal. ‘Okay, just like our Queen taught me...” My eyes close as I focus, my energies becoming one with the land’s, zeroing in on the source of the disturbance... and sensing a presence... “There!” I shout excitedly, before a pink aura surrounds my fingers, my power seeping from them in a long, slithering strand, shaping into a ring, the middle filling with swirling magical energies, creating a portal, our doorway to the source of the disturbance. “There we are~” I proudly say, skipping through the portal...
23:01 Royal_Guard_Guila: ‘At least she was able to at least remember that lesson’ I think to myself, my sister having slacked off on her training on more than one occasion, leaving it in little question as to why her abilities are not as well developed as my own, even despite her raw talent. Gelda casually enters the portal, not seeming to appreciate the seriousness of the situation. “We will serve well, my Queen...” I utter, my voice and expression remaining flat as I steel myself for battle, before entering the portal. Emerging from the other side, I step out onto the grass, Gelda emerging beside me, as we find... a girl...? Emerald green eyes meet my vacant purple orbs, your tied, fiery hair contrasting my violet locks, your hooded, long sleeved garment covering far more than my black armoured one piece, red arm guards, and red thigh high boots. I step forwards, my eyes scanning you up and down. My head tilts, my expression and gaze remaining completely void of emotions, before speaking... “A mortal...?”
23:24 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I observe my surroundings, my gaze is lost in the beautiful sky, I appreciate the beauty of the moment, I am slightly carefree so I don't worry about where I actually am at the moment. Then I feel the ground shaking slightly, a strange noise behind me, I turn around and my eyes widen, there are two girls in front of me, with some kind of portal? I squint a little, both of them aren't very dressed, they're sexy~ but... they have horns? is this some kind of cosplay? But I put myself on guard the next moment, looking closer... they have pointy ears, glowing red eyes, and the strange world around me... they look like succubi? Like in the legends? I walk forward, keeping my guard up, watching the two girls, then I begin to speak hesitantly. "Hey-hey... I think I got lost, my name is Luna"
23:45 Royal_Guard_Gelda: “Wow!! So pretty!!” My eyes brighten as my gaze lands on you. “I love your hair!” My mind as far away as possible from thinking you are the potential threat we were sent here to investigate. “My name is Gelda, and this is- MMMPHHH!”
23:45 Royal_Guard_Guila: My eyes close, my head lowers, before I place the palm of my hand over my sister’s loud mouth to silence her. “Mortal... This isn’t possible, you should not be able to come here.” My eyes emit a low, purple glow as my aura surrounds my hand, strands of energy forming from my fingers, taking the shape of twin pikes, my arms reaching up as fingers wrap around the handles. “Tell me, who sent you here, who have you the means... and why are you here?”
23:50 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I laugh at the excited one, but the other seems more calm and determined. I feel a threatening aura, but I get lost in his eyes for a moment, this's magnificent~ I smile at these questions and I begin to float gently in the air to show them my powers. "Well I have some ability... that got me lost here, I'm a little stupid and I didn't control it well, no one sent me, I just got lost, maybe you can help me get home?”
00:02 Royal_Guard_Guila: You begin to... levitate...? Impossible! Mortals are incapable of magic! ‘Is she simply disguised as a human? No... that can’t be it either... Her physiology is unmistakably mortal... but these powers...’ Thoughts run through my mind, though my eyes and expression reveal none of them, simply watching you with a vacant stare. “Oh?” I utter, head tilted. “Most unusual... no mortal should be able to do this. Regardless, your story is rather unbelievable. None have ever ended up here by mistake. If you tell us where you got those powers, we will allow you to live long enough to explain yourself to our Queen...” I say in a flat, matter of fact tone...
00:03 Royal_Guard_Gelda: Dammit! She always does this! I can’t have any fun! My eyes widen further as you begin to levitate, a broad smile spreading across my lips. “OMG! That’s awesome!” I cry out, before my wings sprout from my back, spreading out and flying up to meet you. “This is the first time I’ve seen a flying mortal, and a cute one at that~” I give you a wink, before remembering what we’re here for. “Oh! Right! Hey, Guila! Let me handle this!” I call down to my sister, before turning back to you. “Sorry, but I gotta agree with my sis on this one, for a change...” I say that last part under my breath. “Shame to do this to such a cutie, but if you don’t tell us the truth...” I raise my hand as my pink energy emits from my fingers, forming a long blade, my fingers wrapping around the handle as I clutch my sword.
00:03 Royal_Guard_Gelda: My pink hair shimmers against the backdrop of the night lights, my black combat push up and thong clinging to my skin, my thigh highs hugging my legs, and gauntlets around my wrists and hands, whilst a pink hue begins to shimmer over my body, my eyes lighting up. “I’m gonna have to make you scream a little until you do...”
00:10 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: "Hahaha, you're cute pinky miss~" She makes me laugh a lot, but I also feel a threatening, powerful aura, she can make weapons appear? What kind of magic is this? It worries me a little... I have to be careful, I have been taught to be more careful, I must not let my wild nature take over. I stop floating and go back down, I take a black crystal out of my pocket. “Well to answer you I ate a crystal like that, I don’t really know what it is to be honest.” I smile and throw the crystal above me and catch it with my teeth before breaking it in my mouth and swallowing it. My heart beats LOUDLY for a few times, you can hear it beating aggressively for a few beats before it calms down, my eyes glow with an intense purple glow, I have a big smile on my lips, now I don't feel Even more pain when I eat a crystal, but I have the impression that the effects are stronger, this place seems to have strange effects.
00:25 Royal_Guard_Guila: I watch as you bring yourself back to the ground, my gaze remaining squarely on you as you pull something out of your pocket... That... My eyes widen, the first sign of any expression in my face since first laying eyes on you. “Wait! Don’t-!” I yell, my tone much louder than my usual cadence, trying to warn you against ingesting the artifact... but it is too late... your body seems to swell with power as you take in the effects of the crystal. It is unlike anything I have ever seen before, unsure of it’s exact origins... but one thing is certain, there is terrifying power within those stones. To my surprise, the power does not destroy you, simply absorbed into your being, are you truly mortal...? Not having the time to process, I shout to my sister. “Gelda! Fall back! Let me handle this! You back me up if I need it, she’s far more powerful than she appears!”
00:25 Royal_Guard_Guila: Confirming what I feel within you, knowing full well that your power as it stands should still be manageable by either of us, but not knowing your skill makes leaving you to Gelda dangerous, since she has a habit of not taking a fight seriously...
00:26 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I remain in the air as you swallow the crystal, feeling a powerful energy emitting from it, an energy that, much like my sister, surprises me when your body absorbs and holds it in, your form remaining perfectly intact. What my sister and I DO disagree with, though, is letting her hog all the fun for herself! I float down, my feet touching the grass in front of you as I turn back to my sister. “If you fight her, it’ll be over before I can have any fun! You always say I need to train more, what better training is there than an actual fight against an unknown enemy??” I argue, before turning back to you with a smile. “You’re full of surprises, you know that? And you’re really weird! Who eats something when they don’t even know what it is! It could taste like poop!” I realise I’ve gone off track.
00:26 Royal_Guard_Gelda: “Anyways, what I said still stands. You’re hella strong for a mortal, but that won’t be enough to take me down! You’re coming with us!” I pull my arm back, drawing back my sword, before lunging forwards my arm extended, the point of my sword aimed for your arm, only looking to disable, not kill... unless I have to...
18:25 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: The two succubi in front of me seem to want to fight, I must avoid this situation, friends have tried to teach me wisdom, I must not respond to their provocations and try to calm things down but... I feel become slightly stronger with the environment... I have a terrible desire to try that, but I must remain resonable! The pink haired girl rushes towards me with a sword, my eyes widen, I jump back floating gaining a little height before responding quickly. "Hey!! I'm not here to fight! I need help! Please don't attack me...huh...what's your name?" I have to remain careful but I really want to have fun, let's try to analyze the situation... I'm in an unknown land, facing a legendary creator, it doesn't seem to be my world... how do I did I land there? I ask myself several questions but... can I just go back to my world?
20:10 Royal_Guard_Guila: I sigh in frustration at my sister’s impulsiveness, she makes a good point, but she’s not fooling anyone, Gelda just sees this as a simple game. At the very least, I could simply observe how you fight and gauge your skill, deciding to watch for now. I cross my arms and watch as you jump backwards, your reflexes seem to be impressive, making it evident to me that you have combat experience, and from the way you evaded Gelda’s strike, it is not an insignificant amount. In addition, this stange power within you... it seems to resonate with the magical energies of our land, much like ours... and I can feel a gradual increase... If I see anything that Gelda will not be able to handle, I will step in, perhaps even look to incapacitate you completely whilst distracted with my sister. For now, I watch...
20:10 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I lunge forwards with my sword ready to strike, looking to land a devastating pierce at your shoulder! Then I’ll... huh... you dodged it... Well so much for that idea... I watch you jump backwards and take flight, my feet skidding against the ground as I come to a stop, looking up at you. “Wow! You’re fast! Neat!” I spread my wings and fly up to meet you, my lips spread into a huge grin. “It’s Gelda, one of the heads of the Royal Guard to our Queen. There’s no way you’d have been able to come here without some demonic intervention! And the only one who should be able to do that is the Queen herself. That means we HAVE to take you down!” I ready my sword again. “Besides, you look fun to fight... and you’re cute.” I smirk, before launching forwards for a second time, my sword raising and swinging downwards, again, looking to avoid anything too vital... Mortals can survive a severed limb... right?
23:08 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: You don't seem to back down and don't seem to believe me, pffff whatever, I'll make myself respected otherwise! There seems no point in trying to resonate with you so I'm going to force you to listen to me! I quickly step away from your air-slicing sword slash, I can hear it hiss, I see my reflection in the metal passing before my shimmering emerald eyes, I can see my face for a moment and I... . mouse ? In this situation ? obviously~ it would be so much fun to fight unknown creatures! and it can allow me to train, I want to discover how this force which is growing in me can act. As you are carried away by the swing of your sword I throw a violent elbow towards your jaw to try to calm you down. Then I miss the ground, fighting in the air can disrupt me and with your wings you should have the advantage. The other succubus doesn't seem to be moving, so I can concentrate on that one. “Alright Gelda~ Let’s have fun together!!
23:33 Royal_Guard_Gelda: With Guila sitting on the sidelines, all the attention is on me! Finally! A real chance! I swing my arm downwards, my sword slicing through the mortal like it was nothing... it literally felt like nothing... it was nothing, wasn’t it...? You dodged again... Huh, maybe mortals are immune to swords or something. I turn to face you, only to be greeted with an elbow to the jaw, the force of the impact sending me spinning rapidly and slowly moving back a few feet, before coming to a stop and bending at the waist, my arms spreading out, one foot pointed downwards with the other pulled back, my knee and calf over my back with my foot near the back of my head, pulling off a pose resembling a ballerina stance. I look up at you and smirk.
23:33 Royal_Guard_Gelda: “You’re pretty quick, huh? Too quick for weapons combat, guess I’ll cut it out!” I quip, flinging the sword at you, using it as a distraction as I use the advantage of midair combat to rapidly backflip my body in the air, hurtling towards you to swing my outstretched foot, hoping to land a strong kick against your jaw.
00:03 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: And here we go, the fight really begins, it seems inevitable. My impact knocks you back but you seem to have taken little damage, hmmm I think I'll have to go hard, I wonder how resistant these creatures are. You throw your sword at me, my eyes widen, it could be dangerous. I reach for the sword and emit a gravity wave that stops it, I grab the tip with two fingers, a smirk on my face. “That was pretty cool no-” WACK!! All of a sudden I get a nasty kick in the jaw which makes me spit a long stream of saliva on the side, I fall to the ground holding my jaw and groaning, damn she's strong, I have to be careful this doesn't is not just anyone. I dropped the sword as I fell and I didn't have time to stay on the ground, I quickly got back on my legs and jumped back.
00:03 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: However, I always have a big smile on my face, it reminds me of some of my matches. I raise my fists with a boxer's stance, jump on the spot and take an increasingly rapid pace, waiting for your next attack, I make the air around me tremble slightly in rhythm with my little jumps, my emerald eyes shine brightly. intensity, you can see my teeth because of my smile. I crack my neck and send you a challenging look, lowering my chin slightly. “Ohhhh we’re really going to have fun Gelda, fuck talking, lets battle!!!”
00:13 Royal_Guard_Gelda: Getting... dizzy... did I land the attack...? The world around me is a blur as I keep flipping, the momentum distracting me to the point that I didn’t even feel if the kick connected. My blurry vision manages to make out your bright fiery hair, looking a lot closer to the ground than you were a minute ago. Oh! Right! I stop my rotation, shaking my head as I try to get rid of the dizziness... Before realising I stopped upside down, facing away from you. I pull myself back upright and lower myself back to the ground, giving you a wide grin. “Well, you can take a hit! This WILL be fun!” I summon my power, my pink aura surrounding my body, not to use any magic, no. That would spoil the fun. I lunge forwards, moving quickly with my elbow aimed for your chest.
02:05 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: My shot seems to have had more effect than I had in mind, it's perfect, I must continue. But you're ready to attack again, are you rushing towards me quickly, your elbow towards my chest? It's easy to see the attack, but what is that rosy aura around you? I wait until you're close and push your elbow to the right side before it touches me, making you spin around. My fights have taught me to be on the defensive sometimes, an attack launched from so far away is predictable, even if I admit that you are fast. While you're spinning I try to catch you as soon as your back is to me. I could take out my knife and stab you in the throat but that might be too hardcore and I can't predict the other person's reaction, I still have hope of calming things down. However, I begin to hammer your ribs with a rain of blows!
22:05 Royal_Guard_Gelda: On the attack again! This is my shining moment! A bold charge! Straight for the enemy! I burst forwards at great speed... only to... be parried...? Ohhhh! This is what Gelda meant by parry that time! I get it now! Whilst lost in my thoughts, it takes me a second to realise I’m facing the other way, only vaguely feeling your hands against my arm and twisting me in another direction. “Wow, you’ve really got some- ACK!” My complement is cut off by a flurry of sharp blows to my back, each one delivered with much more force than expected of a mere mortal, each strike feeling more excruciating than the last, like hammers repeatedly pounding my back, squeals leaving my throat from each hard strike... Until my lips part, revealing razor sharp teeth as they spread into a wide grin, my long tongue slipping from my mouth, my eyes glowing brighter, my aura spiking, my pupils shrinking as I emit a soft giggle from my lips, transitioning into a deranged cackle.
22:05 Royal_Guard_Gelda: My tail slides up from behind me, looking to coil around your wrists and catch your hands. “More...” I speak in a low growl, before my head spins around 360 degrees, facing you directly as I speak in a crazed, demented snarl. “More! More more more more more MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!” My voice growing more demonic as I begin to lose my mind to the pleasure, my cheeks flushed pink as the pain awakens my machoistic side... Along with my sadistic tendencies... My body suddenly bends forwards as I swing my leg upwards behind me, intending to land my heel against your chin.
22:06 Royal_Guard_Gelda:
22:46 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: As I pound you, suddenly your cock grabs my handle with force, my eyes widen in surprise. “You can do that?!” But the next moment a real nightmare is before my eyes, something surreal, she turns her head 360 degrees, damn it's terrifying. A feeling of intense fear runs through my spine, I understand that I may be falling into some kind of hell, what the fuck is happening, can I really fight this thing? Fuck fuck fuck, My eyes which were amused cool down and become serious, I'm not here to laugh, it seems dangerous, I can't stay in this state of mind. I was always surprised at your face seeming to enjoy it, your tongue, your eyes shining, and all of a sudden you lean forward allowing yourself to SMASH my chin. My head lifts back and I spit out some saliva, feeling dizzy for a moment. But I've suffered a lot of blows in my life, it will take a lot more to bring me down. This time more pity, more fun.
22:46 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I take a few steps back to collect myself, I quickly take out my knife in a quick movement and throw it towards you, boosting its speed with my gravity to try to stick it in your stomach. I passed in an instant into a wild world, for my survival, I must succeed in getting out of there, these monsters are not like me. I found her funny and cute but I understand that she could really kill me.
23:08 Royal_Guard_Gelda: Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain! This one word runs through my mind over and over again! Give it! Inflict it! Take it! Love it! Hate it! Turn pain into pleasure! Pleasure into lust! Lust into arousal! Arousal into sweet release! I want it! I want it! I want it all!! My mind becomes a fog, eyes glaze over, the state my Queen warned me I need to learn to control instead taking control of me, my actions no longer my own as I land a devastating kick into your chin, feeling the harsh impact to your jaw, eliciting a moan from my lips, gaining immense pleasure from inflicting pain. My tail releases your wrists as the attack lands, my foot placing back against the ground as my body straightens, before spinning around to face you, from the opposite direction my head turned, twisting it all the way around, all whilst my head remains perfectly still. Why did I do that? How did I do that? I don’t know! All I know is pain!
23:08 Royal_Guard_Gelda: You take out a knife, throwing it straight for me as I make no attempt to dodge or counter, the blade plunging deep into my abdomen, my body hunching over as I emit guttural groans and grunts... “Ahh... Ahhh...” Soft breaths escape from my lips, before my head raises and an excited, yet deranged squeal from my lips screeches out. “Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!” I scream excitedly. “SO FUCKING GOOD!” My cheeks flush further as the pain turns into pleasure, my hand reaching down to the handle, gripping it tightly, my teeth gritting with soft whimpers as I slowly pull the blade out, the metal smeared with my blood. I look at you with a crazed smile, the gaping wound in my stomach gushing blood. I bring the blade to my face, my tongue coiling around the metal and licking it clean. “Hehe! Your turn!”
23:09 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I speak in a demonic voice as I pull my arm back, holding your own knife and lunging at you at great speed, looking to drive the blade into your thigh, my wound not seeming to slow me down at all... If anything, my movements are faster...
12:45 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I see my knife sinking into your stomach, I'm worried for a moment that I was too far but... you find a way to terrify me even more, you seem to be taking... pleasure? A shiver runs down my spine, it's terrifying, it seems ineffective, you withdraw the blade as if nothing had happened, your blood is flowing but you don't seem to care, you lick your own blood while laughing. What the hell kind of monster is this? There's nothing normal about this creature, and there's another one after that? Shit...will I...make it...? FUCK I need to get these thoughts out of my mind, ok the blade doesn't seem to be effective so I need to find another way. I remain on guard looking at you and... a slight smile appears on my face, a little smirk, this thrill, this danger, it makes me live!!! ohhhh my little succubus... I will beat you up, destroy you until I can kill you, you will be an experiment, a stone in my path, something I must get rid of, for my survival.
12:45 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: As time passes my powers slowly become stronger, I don't realize it right away, too focused on surviving. You suddenly dive towards me, using my own blade against me. I react slightly late and the knife scratches my hip, I grimace, a cut appears on the side of my leg, a few drops of blood are projected. “Grrrrr damn monster!!” I remember what worked, my first attack, if I can't cut you I can knock you out...!!! So I jump, spin around, and use a powerful flow of gravity to quickly spin me around and deliver a terrible kick straight like fucking lightning to destroy your chin. My feet rush towards your jaw, boosted by a flow of gravity which makes the air hiss in my rotation, like a murderous top, a fucking scythe! ​
13:12 Royal_Guard_Gelda: Yes... Yes! This is what I wanted! The thrill! The rush! The spilling of blood! The pain inflicted and received! It’s beautiful! Orgasmic! Fuelling my desire for more, my power swelling as I let loose, releasing the side of myself that my Queen and sister would never allow... I have yet to learn how to fully control this side of myself, something Guila does a lot better... But how...? The power, the bloodlust, the... LUST lust... it’s too much... too overwhelming... I can’t control it, I can’t contain it, I need to give into it. Yes, just give in, just let it overtake me... My mind fills with these thoughts as my body moves on pure instinct, looking to draw blood, to inflict pain, to satiate the need to take pleasure from it. My strike with the knife mostly misses, once again due to your impressive reflexes, managing to avoid the majority of the damage, even if I did cut you a little.
13:12 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I take more pleasure from causing more pain than I feel disappointed at it not being as much as intended. As you dodge the attack, I turn to face you, only to be met with a powerful kick to my chin, the force behind it much more immense than I had expected for a mortal, the sheer impact sending my neck completely limp as my body flies backwards from the momentum, transitioning into a backflip as I land on my feet. I stand, my head dangling as my neck limply hangs from my shoulders, the force behind your strike shattering the bones inside. My hands press against the sides of my head, lifting it up, facing you as my expression displays a twisted and deranged satisfaction! “Yes! YES! Give me more! Show me what you can do!” I scream out in a demonic voice as I lower my head back onto my neck, a series of sickening cracks emitting as I pop it back into place, before rolling my neck and putting myself back to normal.
13:13 Royal_Guard_Gelda: “This is so fun!! My turn again!” I squeal excitedly, as if treating this as a game of trading blows. I spread my legs, my left foot behind the right, body lowered slightly, a gleam in my eyes with my lips spread into a sinister grin. My aura spikes as my left foot pushes hard off the ground, my right foot pressing onto my toes as I begin a rapid spin, before taking flight and hurtling towards you, looking to land a hard strike of my tail to your face.
13:37 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: Damn, my kick seems to have broken your neck but... are you putting it back in place?! It's too much... what can I do against you? Standing up is ineffective, breaking your bones seems harmless to you... pffff fuck I'm going to beat you up until you stop moving! As you terrify me by putting your bones back into place, your pink energy flows, you take strange positions, your laughter disrupts my mind. Then you jump and spin to finally slam your cock hard on my face. I take the impact close to the cheek, my head is thrown to the side, a trickle of saliva and blood thrown up, making me dizzy for a moment, I stagger back, shaking my head to try to recover. I spit blood on the ground and lick my lips, feeling the metallic taste of my blood on my tongue. "Alright Gelda....let's play~ I'll show you what I can do!" I raise my fists, take a boxing stance and speed up my movements, jumping up and down, my emerald eyes sparkling, staring at you fiercely.
13:37 Luna_the_fiery_boxer:
13:37 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: And we go!! I rush towards you, purple energy is emitted around me constantly. I'm planning on sending a hard combo to see if you can recover from it. I start by sending a heavy left uppercut towards your stomach, where I stuck the knife. Then I pivot on myself to send a back elbow strike towards your jaw. I step forward to SMASH the middle of your face with a right hook and jump to combo with a knee strike again to the middle of your face. I grab your head when I jump and push it down as I bring my knee up to DESTROY your face for maximum damage, you seem to be asking for violence, so I'll give it to you~ Every blow is boosted by gravity, another violet surrounds my fists while each impact makes the air roar, like the sound of a stalled engine, the air shudders around us.
14:18 Royal_Guard_Gelda: My tail delivers a harsh impact against your cheek as it swings violently, eliciting a giggle from my lips as I take pleasure from inflicting yet more pain, my grin widening further to show my sharp teeth. My spinning ceases, stopping on the spot as I wait for your next move. “SHOW ME! SHOW ME ALL OF IT!!” I bellow, completely hooked on the pain you inflict, falling in love with the sensation, the agony, wanting as much as you can give! Your first strike alone is devastating as your blow tears my stomach, the wound spreading as a torrent of blood spurts from the wound and gushes from between my lips. Gosh... how beautiful this pain feels! And that’s just the start... Every blow you inflict sends wave after wave of pain through my body... Your elbow practically shattering my jaw... Your fist slamming into my face... Followed by two devastating knees... The pain... Excruciating...
14:19 Royal_Guard_Gelda: The sensations running throughout my body as I fall deeper and deeper into ecstasy, your final strike sending my body stumbling backwards, my lips still emitting a slight giggle... The urge to kill overtaking me... Wait... Kill...? No... No, I don’t want to kill... What’s happening to me...? I begin to groan as my battered and bloody body starts to writhe, dropping to my knees and holding my head, fingers clenched tightly to my scalp, nails almost piercing the skin beneath as I look up at you, tears flowing from my fearful eyes, mixing with the blood on my face... “I... don’t want this...”
14:19 Royal_Guard_Gelda:
14:19 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I’m scared... I’m scared... I’m scared! I’m scared! I’m scared! I’M SCARED! I’M SCARED! I’M SCARED! I’M SCARED! These words run through my mind over and over again. I can’t take it! It’s too much! This power! This urge! I don’t want to kill! I let out a blood curdling scream as my aura engulfs the terrain, emitting a powerful shockwave out in all directions as my agonised cries pierce the air itself. “MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!” I cry out frantically, over and over. I don’t want what is happening to me! I don’t want to lose control! I don’t want to lose myself! Suddenly, I feel a sharp impact at my back, a small, purple explosion occurring behind me, instantly silencing me as my aura, my cries, the shockwaves from my power, all ceasing simultaneously... the glow from my eyes dims, before my body slumps to the side, completely motionless...
14:20 Royal_Guard_Guila: I stand with my arm outstretched, palm facing Gelda, fingers outstretched and spread, my eyes emitting a purple glow, no emotion to be found in either them nor in my expression, a wispy purple residue still emitting from my hand...
14:44 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: After beating you up you start to panic, my punches seem to have had an effect? or is your power fading? I don't know... but suddenly everything stops, you stop screaming, crying and you collapse to the ground. I can see the other succubus behind you, she seems to have done something to you... seriously, did she get Gelda in one hit? She must be even more dangerous... I put myself directly into a fighting position, my emerald eyes directed towards the succubus. "Hey...I don't know your name you really want to continue?" I jump up and down, trying to recall the nasty combo I just inflicted on Gelda, trying to scare her or at least dissuade her from attacking me.
15:04 Royal_Guard_Guila: Gelda... you still struggle to control yourself in that state... still fear it.... you are afraid it will consume you. I close my eyes and let out a small sigh of annoyance as I turn my hand, palm facing up, before clenching all but my index finger and curling it, my sister’s unconscious form raising and floating towards me. I lay her gently on her back to my side, crouching down as I place my hand against her abdomen, emitting a low, purple glow as her wounds heal, her body free of marks, bruises, gashes, and blood, though choosing not to awaken her, believing a rest would be best for her. I raise back to my feet, facing you with the same impassive stare I have worn for the majority of the encounter. “My name is Guila... Gelda is my sister. Your battle was getting too dangerous. If it had continued, and you failed to destroy her, she would have likely destroyed herself, along with you and a good portion of this land.” I speak coldly, explaining my sister’s condition.
15:05 Royal_Guard_Guila: “She harbours great power within her, but she fears it, fears what it will do to her, so she avoids using it. Your abilities forced it from her, something no mortal has never done. Quite fascinating.” I tilt my head slightly as I look at you, studying you, intrigued as to the source of your resilience for the immense power dwelling within you. “I would rather like to test the limits of your strength, please allow me to battle you next.” I take a few steps forwards, looking to put some distance between myself and Gelda to avoid her getting caught in the crossfire. My own aura begins to flare, much more fluidly, a purple hue dancing around my form as my eyes brighten.
15:05 Royal_Guard_Guila: I raise my hand again, pointing my palm towards you, deciding that, if I use just enough power necessary to destroy a mortal, it will confirm what I have seen from you during your battle with my sister, having been watching, studying, observing, the way you attack, the way you use your powers, how you move, defend, analysing you... As things stand, my power should still eclipse yours, but I have noticed the steady increase within you as the battle progressed. I focus my power as I send a tremendous shockwave towards you, the force behind it matching the force Gelda’s own did during her outcry, but focused into a single point, believing this should be enough to incapacitate you as you are, or slow you down at the very least.
15:29 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: "Guila.... alright... If you want to test me, I'll show you what I'm capable of." You make your sister float towards you, your powers seem to be strange, can I even imagine the extent of your strength? Pfff... if you want to test me do it, I'll give it my all, after all I also want to see what I can do with this new strength. We are very far from the dream I had recently, but it is already much more than I could do before. You move to the side, you seem much calmer than your sister, a little terrifying pressure sets in, I even wonder if I can kill you, hurt you, I don't understand how I should act... apart from trying to survive, I don't know what to do. And then you point your hand at me, as you did previously to put Gelda out.
15:30 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I have a slight moment of fear, I clench my fists, make my emerald eyes shine with a strong purple glow, you can see my teeth through my smile. I finally release my fist to make a constant BURTS around me, synchronizing with the beating of my heart, a real armor of negative gravity, pushing back everything that comes near me. The stones around are thrown far away, the ground seems to want to break away, the beating intensifies until you send your shock wave. It is truly terrifying, I can hear the screams of the universe in which we are trying to drill a hole. Your shock wave is only attenuated but passes through my force field, shaking my body, as if it were going to tear, bursting into pieces. I grit my teeth as I clench my fist... "Fuck... you're strong......... that's... good"
15:30 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: My fist clenches on the grass, taking some earth in my hand while catching my breath. I stagger to my feet, struggling to keep my balance, and I start laughing like crazy. "HAHAHAHAA...this strength...this resistance...I don't have to be afraid....I can go wild~ it's going to be fun, completely relax~ Let's have fun together Guila!!!!!!" As I laugh out loud I rise into the sky, gravity rumbles around me, making the air tense, the ground shakes slightly and a dozen large stones weighing a hundred kilos lift from the ground and float around of me. My head is raised, my eyes observe the starry sky, a slight air of euphoria. "May the moon light my path...may the stars be witnesses...the advent of a new queen~!!"
15:30 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I don't really know what I'm talking about, my mind is just caught up in the euphoria of the moment, adrenaline and fun take over my mind. Then after a few seconds my eyes come back down to you, I'm almost floating in the air. And I wave with my left hand, pointing my fingers at you, palm facing the sky, my emerald eyes brighter than ever. Then the rocks rush towards you, like a small meteor shower, ready to crush you mercilessly.
15:30 Luna_the_fiery_boxer:
16:16 Royal_Guard_Guila: Sending forwards the powerful shockwave, I notice you summon your own power to form something of a barrier, the ground around you shaking and forming as if responding to your very thoughts. It is as I suspected, your power seems to be able to control the gravitational pull of your surroundings, lightening or heavying matter to your will, my interest and curiosity peaked by not only your abilities, but at being able to adapt and effectively use your powers in a world foreign to your own, where the laws of physics differ from one realm to the next. Regardless, your barrier does not protect you completely, having seen you still take on a considerable impact from my shockwave, yet still not doing nearly the damage it would to any normal mortal, further intriguing me. As you begin to spout nonsense about having fun, it seems you have mistaken me for my sister, not being here out of simple recreation, but because I have orders from my Queen to follow.
16:16 Royal_Guard_Guila: My eyes follow you impassively as you begin to raise yourself skywards, my arm lowering as both are brought to my sides, my stance completely open, even as you pull numerous large mounds of rock from the ground, which shudders and trembles for miles around as you forcefully take large amounts of it. My eyes remain fixed upon you, not paying any mind to the makeshift projectiles pulled from the ground beneath our feet. One thing does catch my attention... ‘The advent of a new Queen...’ It seems we were not wrong... Jelamet must have summoned you here, after all... She must mean to use you and your abilities to topple our Queen... But that won’t happen. My determination solidifies to protect my home from this invader.
16:17 Royal_Guard_Guila: I was but a youngling when Queen Melascula took the throne, since then, she worked tirelessly to undo the damage caused by the previous Queen, the memories of my early life still fresh in my mind, my sister and I, struggling to survive along with the rest of our kind... Our Queen changed all of that, gave us both a home... and even took us in to help us harness and control the frightening and overwhelming power within us. She has shown me immense kindness... You... You mean her harm... I will not let you near my Queen... As the large mounds of rock come hurtling towards me, my eyes flash brightly, for a brief moment, my full power is released, a blinding flash of light emitting from my body, focused on the giant floating stones, making sure to keep it focused in one direction, wary my unconscious sister lays not far away. The blast I release decimates the rocks, sending out shockwaves as the resulting dust spreads across the ground, obscuring the whole area.
16:19 Royal_Guard_Guila: From within the cloud, my eyes remain narrowed on you, before my wings spread, propelling me into the air as the force blows away the dust, my form emerging from within as I fly towards you with speed, my eyes locked with yours as they convey my determination, my steel, and my fortitude, my expression serious, as if to convey my intention. A few meters before reaching you, I open a portal right in front of me, flying straight into the entrance as it closes behind me, before another portal opens behind you, my form emerging from it as my hand presses against your shoulder, my lips at your ear, brushing against it as I whisper... “I am not my sister... I am not here for fun... I am here to fulfil my duties...” My other hand looks to press flatly against your back and release a purple energy blast at point blank range, hoping this would be enough to incapacitate you.
16:20 Royal_Guard_Guila:
16:56 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: All the rocks explode in flight, a large shock wave throws dust everywhere. Your wings spread and you start to rush towards me before disappearing into a portal then... silence... I look around before feeling your hand on my shoulder, my heart skips a beat in surprise then your words causes a shiver in me. Before I feel your hand on my back then a huge wave of energy. My whole body is shaking, I feel like my soul is being ejected, that my flesh is going to tear, that my bones are going to break. My eyes roll back, my mouth is open, I seem completely out, my arms at my sides. Then I start to fall forward, I no longer fly, I fall towards the ground to crash, I do not move during my fall.
16:56 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: Until suddenly a black hole appeared below me and swallowed me up. I squeeze into a white hole the next moment behind you, a big smile on my lips, almost sadistic, my emerald eyes sparkling. I deliver a huge knee to the back of your neck, exclaiming in excitement. "Hahaha!! Nice trick!! But I also have a few tricks in store!"
17:13 Royal_Guard_Guila: A purple explosion emits through the air, taking you at point blank range as your body begins to fall to the ground... But I am not fooled, that blast did not knock you out cold. My Queen taught be centuries ago how to attune to the feelings of others, and yours are no different. That may have been painful for you, but it did not stop you, not by a long shot. As a strange looking portal, similar to ours, except in colour, opens and swallows up your body, I know you have not retreated. I close my eyes, focusing on the vibrations of the air around me, the swirling magic in the atmosphere, before feeling it... the subtle ripple in the air, the magics around swirling as they are disturbed, knowing that you intend to try the same manoeuvre. As you swing your knee, I calmly turn my body slightly, eyes still closed, head remaining still, my palm catching your knee as my purple hue glows against my hand, using a small portion of my power to absorb the impact of the strike.
17:13 Royal_Guard_Guila: With eyes still closed, I speak softly. “A trick is only effective if your opponent does not expect it...” I open my eyes and turn my head slightly, looking over my shoulder at you, my pupil narrowing. “And to assume I would not expect a move I had done seconds prior... is underestimating me... That will cost you...” My fingers clench at your knee, emitting a hot purple energy, the glow taking a fiery shape, raising the temperature of my fingertips, before my body flips in the air, much like my sister, showing you the benefits of arial combat as I look to send a strong kick to your face.
17:28 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: Just as I thought I had you you turn around and grab my knee, my eyes widen that you could predict me, I'm shocked. But you seem sure of yourself, like I'm nothing. Suddenly I feel heat on my knee, I wince, your fingers burn me, I try to step back to escape but... THUUUUDDD I receive a powerful kick in the face. I cough up blood and blood starts to slowly flow from my nose, my eyes glaze over for a moment, the pain is strong, my mind is shaken, it was a powerful kick, my fiery hair comes loose and spins around of me, like a pretty dance of fire. I start to fall then stabilize in the air. " were able to predict me...but will you be able to this time?" I smirk, look at you with confidence then I make a graceful movement of my hand, creating a multitude of black hole around us.
17:33 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I run into one of the black holes and come out of one of them, then I run into another one again. I continue to repeat this several times, accelerating more and more, my inertia increases, becoming similar to a ball of fire with my hair, my eyes sparkle, you can hear me laughing during the brief moments I pass by of you. I continue, teleporting from black hole to black hole, ever faster, ever more unpredictable, a truly terrifying trap. I keep going until I finally appear perfectly underneath you and launch a right uppercut like a fucking rocket, using my inertia to maximize the impact. My right fist brushes against your body, passes between your two creamy breasts to aim for your chin and SHAKE your world.
10:14 Luna_the_fiery_boxer:
11:54 Royal_Guard_Guila: My kick lands clean against your face, my foot connecting with force as your body is sent flying backwards, before you manage to stabilise yourself in the air, showing me your power has yet again increased, given that the force behind my strike should have had more impact than it seems to have done. I position my body in an upright stance in the air as my eye lock on you, still void of any emotion or feeling as I observe your movements, knowing your skill would make you dangerous to attack head on, especially with your power rising steadily. Even considering my power is still superior to yours, the gap between us is closing, the rate of your increase being impossible to predict as it seems to spike with no rhyme or reason, further perplexing me as to what exactly it was that you ingested to grant you these impressive abilities.
11:54 Royal_Guard_Guila: The best course of action right now would be to avoid a head on attack, whilst my power exceeds yours, that can change at any time and at a moment’s notice. Instead, I decide I would be better suited to observing your motions at a distance, knowing you have to close the gap between us in order to attack at your best, close quarters combat being more my sister’s style than my own. I can feel the vibrations in the air from your black holes, meaning catching me by surprise with them would be near impossible to do... or so I thought... The air around me reverberates strongly from multiple sources, my eyes widening as I realise you are opening multiple black holes at once, an ability that I cannot even emulate with my portals. Have you always been able to do this... or is this as a result of your power increasing...? I think to myself, before you launch yourself into one of the black holes.
11:54 Royal_Guard_Guila: “What a pain...” I state plainly, closing my eyes, focusing on the vibrations, your lifeforce, and the sound of your laughter, trying to discern a pattern of when and where you will appear next. Your voice echoes in random directions around me as I feel your presence disappear and reappear all around me, the black holes reverberating with each entry and exit from the doorways. Try as I might, I cannot predict your movements, the direction and speed rapidly changing between each emergence you make from the black holes. My eyes open, staring straight ahead, not moving even as your body flies straight past my line of sight in an orange blur. “No choice then.” I utter, knowing full well you intend to use this to strike me hard and fast without warning. I look to defend myself without having to know where you are.
11:54 Royal_Guard_Guila: My aura spikes around my body, the purple light lapping at my skin like a roaring flame, before the light condenses and forms a solid energy sphere around my body, using my own energy as a shield. You suddenly appear beneath me, as I suspected, your fist slamming into my shield... only it doesn’t stop your assault as I expected it to... Your strike cracks the energy ball, removing some of the momentum for a brief moment, before it shatters completely, your fist penetrating my defence and rising up to my chin. The speed and force of your assault is reduced, but not enough to be able to react in time, only managing to shift my head slightly to the side as your knuckle grazes my cheek, far from the crushing damage a direct hit would have inflicted, but still enough to draw blood, my face scratched by the sharp strike.
11:55 Royal_Guard_Guila: My face contorts, the most expressive my face has been since our encounter started. “You’ll pay for that mortal...” I speak ominously, my eyes glowing brightly as I glare daggers into you, my hand pulling back behind me, imbuing my palm and fingers in a deep, purple low, a whispy energy forming against my skin as I attempt to slam the ball of my hand against your abdomen, the force enhanced by my magic, knowing I need to end this... Now!
11:55 Royal_Guard_Guila: 
13:36 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: Despite my rapid assault you managed to minimize the damage, I find myself defenseless after a big attack, your energy surrounds your body and I see in your eyes that you will have no mercy, your violet succubus eyes shine and my gaze is carried on your fists which rush towards me, surrounding with a kind of magical energy. WACK!!!!
13:36 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: Your fist crashes into my abdomen, I almost double over screaming in pain, my eyes roll back and I spit out saliva, I feel like my body is going to break, like my soul itself is attacked, the impact propels me violently towards the ground and I crash into the grass, my arms and James spread, my gaze blank. I feel like it's the end... but I feel my heart beating, louder and louder, until it creates its own melody, making the ground around me shake, I clench my fists, I 'try to regain my senses but my breath is taken away, my mind is shocked, I can't move for the moment but I feel it, I feel it, this land is calling to me, this land is making my blood boil and my power.
10:06 Royal_Guard_Guila: My strike finds it’s target as the energy imbuing my palm propels it straight into your abdomen with devastating force, the impact sending you hurtling towards the ground as I take a moment to catch my own breath, exerting myself far more than I expected I would in this battle. What is this mortal? How is she capable of outputting this kind of power? How can she even contain it within her? And more importantly, what exactly was that stone she swallowed? I could sense the sinister energy it gave off right before you ingested it. Even now, your body seems to radiate with it’s power, in addition to the growing energies you seem to be absorbing from our realm. That should be impossible, only the Queen herself should be able to manipulate the magical energies abundant in our land. My eyes lock on your immobilised body for a moment, realising I have to make a decision, and quickly.
10:06 Royal_Guard_Guila: My eyes close as I emit a soft exhale. “Forgive me, my Queen.” I utter, knowing she would want me to capture the mortal alive for information, but it would be too dangerous to let you live.... but also in case I do not survive this battle. As my eyes open, the glow within brightens, a shimmering purple light emitted from my orbs as my aura spikes further, it’s sheer height almost reaching the heavens themselves as I raise both hands above my head, my palms open and fingers spread as I summon everything I have. A swirling purple energy begins to form above me, a spherical shape starting out small, but growing larger and larger as wispy purple strands seep into the ball, enlarging in size dramatically. “Please, let this end it...” I whisper, before my arms swing downwards, sending the massive ball of energy, the last I have, downwards towards you.
20:07 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I feel the danger, and even if I didn't feel it I see it right in front of me, you seem to want to end it, finish playing, you want to kill me. I see this ball of terrifying energy growing and growing without stopping, I can feel my soul quivering, my bones trembling, fear invades me, I must act. Groaning I get up, I'm having trouble standing on my legs I need to recover, but no time, I have to do something, my eyes widen with fear as you send this monstrosity at me, I feel like time is stopping, what should I do? Will I die? Can I get out of this? I tremble thinking about it but I grit my teeth, thinking of all those waiting for me, of Allie who I must find... I clench my fists and put both hands in front of me, making the earth tremble under my feet I concentrate a black hole, making it grow more and more, concentrating a phenomenal gravity, a sensational and unstable mass.
20:07 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: My body trembles, I have the impression that I am going to explode by concentrating so much gravity, the impression that I myself am going to be attracted. Then your ball of energy comes into contact with the black hole which seems to have difficulty swallowing it, I growl, clenching my teeth until they crack, some blood vessels in my eyes burst, I have the impression that I am going to give in but I hold on and give everything until I completely swallow your ball of energy which disappears into the black hole which also disappears in turn. I fall to my knees exhausted, drooling on the dirt, trying to catch my breath. But I can't stay here... you won't let me escape... I summon a black hole beneath me and disappear into it before appearing in front of you, looking at you with a cold gaze, I think my hand on your stomach looking into your eyes.
20:07 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: "You know... you taught me something earlier, when you knocked me to the ground... and also... energy... always has to go somewhere, it doesn't disappear not." With these words a smile appears on my lips, slightly creepy, and like what you did to me before my palm sends a huge wave of energy towards you, via a small black hole to return the energy of your monstrous ball. “Just leave me alone and disspear!!!”
09:10 Royal_Guard_Guila: I feel the realm itself crying out for mercy as I launch the tremendous ball of energy at you, my own arms trembling at wielding such power, having only attempted to use this much all at once in an actual combat situation a single time... The very first time I had met her highness... not as Melascula, the runaway who had befriended and assisted my family at a time we were most desperate under the rule of the tyrannical Queen, the one who’s face I can scarcely remember at such a young age... but as the monarch of our land, the leader of our people, the Supreme Deity of our very realm... Our beloved Queen had already done so much for us, even before she had gained her current title, and has done even more for both my sister and I since she took us into her care... I.... can’t... FAIL...!
09:10 Royal_Guard_Guila: I cannot see you from the other side of the opaque ball of energy, and with the sheer, immense, concentrated power of my attack, my abilities are not refined enough to be able to sense your motions. I trust in myself that the attack won’t miss... it CAN’T! I suddenly feel a sinking in the pit of my stomach, what is that energy I’m sensing?? It’s massive! Dammit! I should have ignored my sister and had us fight together to finish this! Surely this is a mistake! Your power has already exceeded mine?? That shouldn’t be possible! My inner monologue is quickly proven wrong as I see a dark mass opening at the other side of my attack, my eyes widening as I watch my most powerful blast get swallowed whole by your black hole... I stare in disbelief as both your hole and the ball of energy disappear, my body trembling as I float tens of feet above the ground... and before I can even process what just happened... you appear in front of me...
09:10 Royal_Guard_Guila: I already knew your words were true, just as I knew that black hole of yours would not be able to contain that energy forever, and I knew you would have to release it... and where it would be released... My lips begin to spread into a smile, my eyes closing, a single tear running down my cheek... I’m finished. I have nothing left, and I know I cannot stop you... this is the end for me... “I’m sorry... my Queen...” I utter... My resignation of my fate is cut short as a powerful shockwave rips through the land, my eyes opening wide just in time to see the ball of energy begin to compress, the power within concentrated to a singular point before releasing another shockwave, pushing my drained form back several feet and having to struggle to regain my composure. I look towards the source of the initial shockwave... “GELDA!”
09:10 Royal_Guard_Gelda: “Ohhhh.... the power... it’s beautiful~” I emit a maniacal giggle as I absorb the energy within the sphere, having awoken to find that the sheer power released during the fighting whilst I was unconscious had found it’s way over to me... The energies of the land are always shifting and changing, I finally understand all the lessons the Queen was trying to teach us... The energies emitted from the battle had been dispersed into the air, the shockwaves from each attack pushing it away from your proximity, leading them to seep into the only other living being they could find... me... “Ahhh... this is so exhilarating!!” I squeal as I release my aura, the bright, blinding light almost illuminating the sky itself as I narrow my gaze at the two of you, forming a pair of short spears in my hands, my pink eyes glowing brightly as my sadistic and crazed smile spreads across my lips... My body overflowing with raw power...
19:03 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: Guila seems...finished...I'm exhausted, but this energy is now overflowing within me, I've sucked up everything I can, I've acclimatized. And when I turn around I see Gelda standing, she is overflowing with powerful energy, I feel like my soul is going to be ripped out, I can't help but smile like a crowd. "HAHA PERFECT!! WE CAN STILL HAVE FUN!!" I was insatiable, just like her it seems. She summons...weapons? It's unfortunate, unlike her, if I get crashed, I die, game over, no respawn, no going back, no reincarnation in a new world. I can't approach him recklessly. Oh and then... with this new strength that I have in me, which is only possible because I am in this place, why don't I lash out? After all... Delias showed me unfathomable heights, an infinite horizon... I was never able to stop or crush anyone with my gravity, I was more of the precise and fast type than raw power and wild. So Gelda, sorry I can't get close to you but...
19:04 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I can use ranged attacks now, it's not my usual style but... well come to think of it, it's still just as wild! I observed this place... I feel it, now, I have access to so many sources of power, as if I came from this place. I look up and smirk. "After all...this place has several moons~" It's as if it was written, it's ironic... I observe the beautiful moons of these lands, different sizes, different colors, but also debris floating around... I raise my arm to catch the stars, an air of euphoria. Then a huge purple aura is unleashed around me, the earth begins to shake. “Damn this place is AWESOME!!” I growl and my aura gets bigger and bigger and unstable and...suddenly if you look can see a piece of debris...slowly getting bigger...getting closer...until it starts to rush towards us. "If a punch isn't enough to get you... a knife is useless... what about a FUCKING METEOR??!!!"
19:04 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I smirk wide, my emerald eyes shine with intensity then I DROP my arm as if I were throwing something heavy and the moon debris rushes towards you Gelda, it is the size of a small football field, rushing towards you inevitably, I no longer have any limits, I wanted peace, you tried to kill me and even almost succeeded so let's end it!


11:43 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I look up at the display with an excited look in my eyes... Yes... YES!! GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU HAVE! My mind is consumed by the overwhelming power coursing through my body, more than I’ve ever tapped into before, more than I’ve ever handled... and yet it still doesn’t even come close to the Queen’s... not even close to close, the dimensions are simply wide to even begin to measure! But none of that matters right now, because now I’m the second most powerful Succubi in Libidine! Even my sister’s power is dwarfed by my own! I could kill both of them right here and now! As the mountain of a rock approaches rapidly, I feel the magical energies swirling through the air, the atmosphere radiating with powerful essence, the majority seeming to be lingering mostly around 2 beings... You... and me...
11:43 Royal_Guard_Gelda: As the giant rock gets closer and closer, I crouch down, my toes bending against the ground, the right bent beneath me as the left straightens and slides behind me. My ring and pinkie fingers remain clenched around my spears as my middle and index fingers, along with my thumb, press down against the grass. My hips raise, my eyes narrowed in on the mound of earth... well... Libidine... approaching rapidly, waiting until the outer edges almost touch the ground, before my energy bursts forth beneath me, the shockwave creating a large, pink spread of power as it ripples throughout the ground, the entire realm shuddering and trembling from the explosion of power as my body launches upwards, my fingers simultaneously wrapping around the handles of my spears. I rush straight for the projectile, my right hand gripping my weapon firmly as I extend my arm straight upwards.
11:43 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I focus my energy, pouring it into a single point at the tip of the blade, the end sparking with a deep pink light, concentrating the lion’s share of my power into this one tiny spot, a devastating amount of energy focused on a single point. My mind is too unfocused, too unreasonable to realise that this is exactly the lesson my Queen had tried to teach me, the one my sister had learned long ago... My own power was always too overwhelming, too powerful for me to control, keeping me from being able to use it without risk of destroying myself or everything around me... and that risk has never been greater than it is now... My sense of reason, of inhibition... gone... I will kill you... and even my sister if needs be... I just want to kill... My blade makes contact with the projectile, immediately sending the immense power within it’s tip surging through the rock, the power within creating a large explosion as the rock shatters.
11:44 Royal_Guard_Gelda: A bright glash of pink energy erupts from within the mountain, tearing it apart as pieces fly for miles apart, spreading across the realm, the shards still glowing pink from my power, like shooting stars in the night sky, soaring over the land. My form emerges from the centre of the explosion, my weapons poised as I look to strike...
11:44 Royal_Guard_Guila: This is bad... this is very bad... too much more of this and my sister will lose herself entirely to this power. Even the Queen herself may not be able to bring her back. I decide right here and now, my sister is a bigger threat than even the intruder to our realm. I unleash what remains of my own power, a bright purple aura surrounding me as I spread my wings, using the last of my reserves to focus my own energy into my hands, a purple glow emitting from both hands and fingers as I fly right past you, my eyes locked with my sister’s as I swipe both hands in a cross motion, my fingertips snapping the handles of both weapons... My breathing becomes heavier, my vision becoming blurry as my aura fades... My form descending to the ground as I fall unconscious.
12:04 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I near you, ready to swing my spears to strike... but my sister... my sister.. She got in my way... SHE GOT IN MY WAY! My spears shatter against her hands, seeming to have had a little more power in her after all, and not an insignificant amount if she was able to completely snap my spears in half, not an easy thing to do, even if my energy hadn’t reinforced the handles themselves. I am about ready to retaliate and send her to the ground, but her reduced energy seems to have already done that for her as the energy around her body dissipates, her form falling to the ground. I look at the two broken weapons, before my lips spread into a sinister grin, throwing them to the ground. “Well... I guess I could punch you to death instead... That might be more fun~” I giggle maniacally. Once you’re dead, my sister will be next for getting in my way!
12:38 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: My eyes are amazed at the sight of the meteor which explodes under your attack, my laughter is heard under the rain of debris which crashes to the ground, creating a multitude of craters. "Fuck you're awesome~" You seem to want to attack me with your spear and I'm ready, but the other succubus arrives to destroy your spear before falling unconscious, well that's one less enemy even if I don't I didn't understand your gesture. "You want to do that with your fists? Fine, that's my specialty~!!" I raise my fists and jump in place, observing my opponent with my emerald eyes sparkling with a confident smirk. Your energy is terrifying and makes all my bones tremble but... I remain confident, I feel that the longer I stay in this world the more my strength increases, every second I become stronger, damn I want to test my limits!! ! I shadowbox a little quickly before shouting at you. “I’m waiting for you~!!!”
11:06 Royal_Guard_Gelda: My wide and sadistically maniacal grin spreads further against my face, sharpened teeth protruding from within as I emit a deranged giggle. “Isn’t it so much better to get HANDS ON!” I laugh out loud, the power coursing through me having consumed me entirely and completely suppressed my rational thinking and reasoning, the overwhelming energy flaring up a bright aura that reaches the sky as my arms lower to my sides, my hands open with palms facing you. “Then I won’t keep you waiting for long~” I speak in a creepily seductive voice, wanting to inflict and receive pain more than anything else right now. My wings spread as my elbows bend, bringing my fists to around midsection level as I flap my wings, a shockwave of pink energy released from behind, both motions propelling me forwards at great speed, only increased by the released power as my right hand balls into a fist to launch an underarm strike towards your abs.
14:07 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: You seem full of energy again. "You're a convinced preacher! Come to me~!!" I invite you to come and meet me, no more knives, no more weapons, no more waltz of energy, just you and me, little succubus in the fist!! I feel the energy of these lands boosting my confidence and strength, my royal emerald eyes becoming more and more intense and sparkling, almost taking on a lime hue. A slight Acidity that I will put in each of my punches. You rush towards me in an instant with a flap of your wings and a burst of energy, your arms are down, it's going to be one hell of a punch!! To dodge ? To do what ? To block ? Am I really capable of this? I don't give a damn, let's give my opponent the honor of showing me what she has... I'm quite curious about what I can take with this energy!! And... I will seize the opportunity offered by its proximity~ As your fist rushes towards me, making the air shudder.
14:07 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: THHHHHUUUUUDDDD your fist crashes violently against my body, forcing me to bend over, feeling all my bones crunch, my cells scream in pain, my eyes widen and I spit out a long stream of saliva, clenching my teeth and growling loudly. pain. "Uuugggnnn...fu...fuck...but now... I have you~ I'll show you what a real boxer can do!!!" I take advantage of the fact that you are close to me to send a quick left uppercut towards your chin to shut you up. Then I'll continue with all my strength, filling each of my punches with a gravity boost to create a real merciless beatdown with deadly punches. I follow up with a right hook to your cheek, then a left hook to your eye, trying to shake your world and play ping pong with your face, finally finishing with another right uppercut to your guts to hear you moan, little succubus ~!!
10:18 Royal_Guard_Gelda: My fist drives hard into your gut, feeling my knuckles impact and sink into your muscle as my grin widens, loving the look of pain in your face, especially when I’m the one inflicting it. Your recovery and words surprising me, but in no way a bad one or something to fear, if anything, I LOVE that you’re still so fired up! Your fist collides with my chin to send my head back, blood spurting from my lips, before receiving blow after blow, left cheek, right eye, a merciless barrage of punches as my shocked expression slowly transitions into a sinister smile, culminating in the heavy uppercut to the gut, causing my body to double over and teeth to part with my tongue protruding from within. My smile remains, however... feeling my power continuing to swell, noticing the pain seems to be increasing my energy further, and with my emotions completely locked away... there’s nothing to stop it from exploding... and no telling how high it will rise...
10:18 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I cough out blood as your fist remains at my gut, though my deranged smile remains spread across my lips. “Ack! Ngh... You know... you’re a good boxer... you use your fists well... but...” I stammer, my hands sliding around your wrist, fingers wrapping around and gripping tightly, intending to keep you there as my body begins to lean forwards, using your arm as leverage to transition into a flip. “HOW GOOD ARE YOU WITH YOUR FEET?!” I bellow, my voice suddenly taking a much more demonic tone as the power within me pushes me further into a pure demon. My body flips elegantly, using your arm to pull myself up as I bring myself upside down and continue the rotation of my body to swing my heel towards the back of your head, my foot imbued with a pink energy to increase the speed and force.
10:18 Royal_Guard_Gelda: 

17:22 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I groan as you grab my wrists. “Hey get off me!!!” As I try to free myself from your grip and move away from you I hear you laughing and provoking me, talking about your feet before you flip elegantly in front of me, this sexy demoness is truly full of surprises. .. but no time to admire my opponent!! I try to step back but my eyes widen as your heel crashes into the back of my head... "HUMPPPF-!!!" The world seems to spin for a moment and the ground gets closer... closer and closer... before my face crashes against the earth, my head sinking a little into the ground, my entire body being thrown following my head against the ground. I'm grunting at the floor kinda dizzy but I'm still giggling. I can feel this earth nourishing me, as my body seems to absorb every magical particle of this place, god I take a beating but I can't help but get up for MORE.
17:22 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: Will my body break down? Is this going to be the limit or am I going to become even more powerful and never stop? "Ohhh my little demon... be my experimental subject, my punching bag... my fucking TOY!! Lettttttt me PLAY with you!" I stand up on my knees, observing you with love and excitement, I probably look crazy like that but so as you~ I push on my knees jumping with my gravity, attracting me to your body like a damn magnet, as if your belly was the center of a super planetary mass and I send my right fist in a killer uppercut, like I want to go through your body and create a fucking hole through you!!! “HUMMPFFFFFFFFF EAT THATTTTTT~!!!”
20:44 Royal_Guard_Gelda: My heel SLAMS against the back of your head, the sharp strike sending you hurtling towards the ground at speed, the shockwave from the impact kicking up a thick cloud of dust and dirt that spreads all around us, specks even reaching high above the ground where I float as I bring myself back upright, my glowing pink eyes fixed on the centre of the resulting crater where you landed, not even blinking as the rushing air and dust blows all around me. My wide grin remains spread across my face as sharp teeth clench, a soft and sinister giggle leaving my lips, LOVING the absolute carnage, my concern not being for the safety of the kingdom, nor even my unconscious sister, my compassion having long since given way for pure, unadulterated, and complete bloodlust....
20:44 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I watch the clouds of dust as I faintly feel your energies, knowing you’re getting yourself back to your feet. This brings my grin to widen even further, the corners of my lips almost raising to my ears as I bring my arms to my sides, elbows bent as my fingers clench, balling my hands into fists, my aura bursting forth with a bright pink glow, my hair and loose fabrics waving against the energy as my power soars, unable to control the amount of magic my body is absorbing from the atmosphere. If this keeps up, the very realm itself could suffer from the effects of it’s magic being taken from the land, draining the kingdom of it’s very lifeforce... However, in this moment, I don’t care... nor is it really in the forefront of my mind... That part of my brain is reserved for you... and you alone...
20:44 Royal_Guard_Gelda: Even though I cannot see you through the cloud of dust, I hear your bellowing from within, your words resonating with the carnage I crave, the force behind your voice swelling my excitement more as my aura only grows, as if the fire within you in itself serves as a fuel source of my own strength. “Oh darling mortal~ You have truly captured the heart of this sadistic Succubus BITCH! Dance with me! Dance until neither of us draws breath!!” I brace myself to launch just as I see you shooting out from within the cloud, my own body accelerating as we approach at great speed, our bodies connecting in a mere instant. In that short space of time, I had already seen the motion of your fist, knowing you intended to land another uppercut to my stomach. I don’t even try to block, wanting the pain... However, I want to dish it out too~
20:44 Royal_Guard_Gelda: My body rockets towards you with my form completely straight, diving towards you headfirst like a torpedo. As I reach you, I don’t stop or even slow down my motion, looking to smash our foreheads together. In the moment before my head would impact yours, your fist collides with my stomach once more, a shockwave emitting from my back with the sheer force as my abs sink in from the force of your blow, a large amount of blood spilling from my parted lips. However... this does not stop or slow down my own momentum...
12:36 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: While my uppercut sinks hard into your abs creating a damn shockwave around us, this same shockwave is reinforced by your own attack, a powerful headbutt that makes our foreheads collide in a powerful impact. My brain is shaking and the elasticity of my neck is strained, I feel like my eyes are going to roll back and I'm going to collapse. My knees shake but I keep my feet on the ground, sinking slightly into the dirt from the impact. "Uggnn...uhhhh..." Damn I'm having trouble standing and staying conscious. I growl and grab you in a clinch, hugging you HARD, my arms wrapping around your waist and squeezing as much as I can. I JUMP as high as I can, making us fly with my gravity before turning completely around, we are now upside down. I'm holding you close so you don't escape, trying to potentially break one side if I can, I have to knock you out, weaken you until you're no longer a damn threat.
12:36 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: Then... ZOOOOOMMMM I pull us towards the earth, using the gravity of this place coupled with my own gravitational power and makes us both rush head first towards the ground like a damn missile. I SMIRK while looking into your succubus eyes, and while the ground gets dangerously close, at the last moment I open a mini black hole that is barely my size to absorb me only and let you fall like a drill into the ground, I wink one last time before disappearing into the black hole and landing on the spot a few meters nearby, observing my work~.
14:55 Royal_Guard_Gelda: THE PAIN!!! YES!! IT’S EXHILARATING!! My mind is lost in the ecstasy of the moment I hardly notice your arms’ motions until they’re wrapped tightly around my waist, giving me a tight squeeze as I moan into your ear. “Oh?? You want a cuddle, huh?!” I giggle as my legs raise, sliding them around your waist as I close them around you and SQUEEZE with the thick muscles! My head leans forwards to grind my sharp teeth against your neck. After all, I am still a Succubus~ I squeal and giggle as you fly along with me, making no effort at all to resist your pull as I treat this more like a roller-coaster than a battle to the death. “WHEEEEE! FASTER!!” I screech as I feel the momentum shifting to hurtle us downwards, the wind blowing through my hair. My giggling stops as we get closer to the ground, my gaze meeting yours as my sinister, sharp toothed grin greets your smirk, pure malice in my eyes as they lock with your own.
14:55 Royal_Guard_Gelda: “Stupid girl~” I whisper with a demonic reverb behind my normal voice, apparently my opponent having already forgotten how my sister and I arrived here to begin with... our portals... My legs release your waist as I spread my limbs, opening a portal beneath us next to your own black hole, the swirling pink vortex crackling with pink electricity from the overflow of powerful energies within. My form is submerged within the doorway as you release me, the portal closing behind my entry. The other side of the portal opens high above the ground, my form shooting out in the air as my pink aura flares around me, like a shooting star in the night sky as I hurtle towards you, using my wings and my own power to propel me faster with the additional momentum, the release of energy on impact will be dangerously immense... but I long since stopped caring about lives lost... even my own...
15:35 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: What a fool I am, I totally forgot her own portals, maybe I thought she would be surprised? PFFF... WHATEVER~ I don't feel her terrifying pink aura that makes my skin crawl, that terrifies even my soul. "God you really want to do this? Anyway... let's fucking go you DAMN demon~!!" So I concentrate, everything I have, everything I have left, everything this earth can give me, I store it, concentrate it, until my power is explosive! ! I make the earth vibrate, my entire soul as my emerald eyes glare at your sexy body. I begin to float above the ground, a dark purple aura surrounds me, the air itself seems to be disturbed, the atoms themselves are shaken. Then... I RUN towards her flying, like superman, rushing towards my opponent, both fists in front, drawn towards her like a powerful gravitational core.
18:44 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Having sensed the battle up to this point, I observed the events thus far, able to feel the exponentially rising power of Gelda, the loss of control, the subduing by her elder sister, Guila’s impressive display, as well as Gelda’s reawakening and further swelling of her raw strength and overwhelming potential... and of course... the ever growing power and adaptability of their unknown opponent... I had trusted the heads of my Royal Guards, my most trusted subjects, to handle this potential threat... However, it seems that their opponent is more than they initially believed, the battle also highlighting that both still have much to learn about working together, in addition to Gelda’s need to learn to control her power.
18:44 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I raise from my throne, my heels clicking against the ground as my thigh high boots cling to my blue legs, the red armour around my shoulders reflecting the low light around as my crimson and gold plated one piece lines my torso and breasts, the garment barely holding in my ample orbs. The corners of my blue lips curl into a smile as I raise my hand, my purple energy emitting from my fingertips as a portal spreads open in front of me, the swirling vortex welcoming my form as I spread my wings, my body moving through instantaneously at inhuman speeds, emerging from the doorway at the other side in the midst of the battle field. My crimson eyes spy the inevitable clash of two powerful beings, the power behind each one a devastating force in it’s own right, and together would prove to be cataclysmic.
18:44 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I continue forwards, my body moving in a purple flash as I face the unknown visitor, my hand raised with my palm open, fingers spread, a purple forcefield emerging to cease your charge. My glowing red eyes meet yours, my smile still wide on my lips. “Hello there~” I speak softly as my other hand raises behind me, not even looking at Gelda as her knuckles impact my palm, imbued with my own energy to negate the power behind my Royal Guard’s strike.
18:44 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: 
18:45 Royal_Guard_Gelda: My power overflows as I boost forwards, the realm itself trembling from the sheer power flowing through me. My eyes flash a bright pink as I hurtle towards my target, a single fist outstretched as I aim to put all of my energy into a single strike. Mere moments before impact, however... I feel it... the air around us shifting and changing, the magical energies reacting... a presence of immense power making itself known, one overwhelmingly stronger than even my own in this state... I can tell exactly who it is... she is coming... As I approach you, my sight of you is obscured by a bright purple light, my fist harmlessly caught in the centre of a blue palm, fingers clenching firmly over my knuckles as my eyes widen...1
8:45 Royal_Guard_Guila: My body aches, my strength having long since left me... Having used the last of my power to concentrate my energy into a single strike, determined to break Gelda’s weapons. My reasoning for this was simple: Gelda would have killed both the invader and myself had I not intervened and stopped her, before being destroyed by her own power. I knew my Queen would intervene if needed, however I cannot rely on her forever to solve our problems, I needed to take initiative, and I had hoped the battle would last long enough for me to recover my own power and get back into the fight and try to subdue you both... However, my eyes shoot open as I feel the power of my Queen, her very presence awakening and rousing me from my unconscious state. I bring myself slowly to my feet, wincing as my body aches, my purple eyes fixed on the spectacle before me, rarely seeing my Queen engage in battle herself...
18:45 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My fingers clench as I forcefully siphon the power coursing through Gelda’s veins, the process unfortunately not a pleasant one for her, however preferable to her being destroyed by her own uncontrollable power... Having complete control of the magic native to my realm, I drain the power from my Royal Guard and dissipate the energies back into the air, where they belong. As I release her hand and let her drained body fall, I open a portal beneath her, the other side opening directly at the ground to give her a gentle landing.
18:45 Royal_Guard_Gelda: Even in this state, I know to fear what I feel... Before I can even register a thought, I screech out as my body is drained of it’s strength, the power built up within my form completely leaves me as my eyes roll to the back of my head, the aura once shining brightly... snuffed out in an instant... My body falls limp, my limbs and wings stilling as I begin to fall, only to find myself falling through a portal, feeling my back hit the ground instantly and gently compared to the fall I should have taken... My eyes linger over to my sister, surprised to see her on her feet, if only just... “I’m sorry...” I whisper weakly, unable to move a muscle from the intense exhaustion and beating from the battle, as well as my energy being depleted from my very core.
18:45 Royal_Guard_Guila: My body screams in protest and pain as I struggle to make my way over to my sister, though my eyes remain fixed upon my Queen and our visitor, not wishing to take my gaze from her elegant form for even a second, nor miss any of what may well happen next. Even as my sister speaks, I do not look in her direction. “We shall discuss it later... For now, we must be ready” I say plainly, still staring upwards towards the tense scene before me.
18:46 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: During the process of draining Gelda of her power, opening the portal for her, and ensuring both girls are not seriously injured... My gaze never leaves yours... crimson eyes not even blinking... my smile still wide on my blue lips... my body barely moving... My aura flares around me, a fantastic display of purple flames surrounding my form, the light emitting a pleasant warmth as my eyes begin to glow... I finally speak once more... “You have something that belongs to my people... I will need to take it back~” I say softly.
18:56 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: As we prepare to collide with this little pink succubus... a silhouette appears in front of us, a sort of blue elf who seems terribly powerful, his presence makes my entire existence tremble while time seems to stop. stop, the air stops trembling, as if you command every particle, every living being that surrounds us. My inertia disappears at the same time as the energy of the other succubus who seems to be absorbing. She got rid of her when I was having so much trouble? What kind of monster is this?? And...damn she's hot...wait what? Oy Luna get over yourself!! It is not the moment ! I remain floating in front of her while my emerald eyes are lost in her dominant crimson gaze, it is clear that she is superior to the two succubi I faced. "I have... something that belongs to you?" I tilt my head questioningly, nevertheless remaining on my guard, it could be a new enemy.
19:30 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My crimson orbs study you closely, your emerald eyes shining beautifully in the light of my glowing aura, your expression fiery yet uncertain, your body well hidden within your baggy clothes, yet no garment hides a female form from the gaze of a Succubus~ Outwardly, my eyes barely seem to move, my gaze still affixed to yours as I search your feelings and emotions, a fiery passion burns deep within you, much more so than most other mortals I have encountered before you, and this power you wield... It is not of your world, though it must be clear even to yourself and those around you that this is not the case. In addition, I sense the abundance of energy your body has taken from my own world, though even you do not seem to be able to control the absorption.
19:30 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The magical energies of my land resonate to you... they are attracted to you... It would be easy to assume this is to do with the crystal you consumed, an artifact I am familiar with, however with it not being of Succubus creation, this familiarity is limited... I theorise that the reason lies in some form of combination of the consumed artifact, and something within you... These thoughts move to the back of my mind as I lower the purple glowing barrier between our hands, my own moving to meet yours as I gently place my fingers against your knuckles, the tips gliding softly against your skin as I pull you closer to me slowly, guiding you forwards as our eyes remain locked in our mutual gazes. I finally address your question...
19:30 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “Yes. The magical energy that surrounds this land... It is the very nourishment for my people. A large amount of it has found it’s way into your body, as you may well have noticed. Here, it will harm none unless you choose to wield it. However, in the mortal realm, your body will not be able to contain it, the damage would not be unsubstantial... In addition, my people will not survive without it. I must extract it from you~” With each word spoken, my head leans forward more... getting closer and closer... until our faces are mere inches apart, my lips brushing against yours, and almost as soon as my words have concluded, I press our lips together, massaging yours softly with mine as I use the mouth to mouth contact to siphon the excess power from your body, ensuring only to extract the magic native to my own realm, leaving the power that is rightfully yours intact.
20:13 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: You tell me about the power of this earth that I absorb. Is this linked to Delias and her insatiable appetite to devour everything? Did he try to conquer these lands too? As I reflect, you approach me, I do not realize it immediately as I feel my heart palpitating by your presence and by this power which continually enters into me. Can I... fight you? Can I defeat you? I think over and over, feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins, I clench my fist and... what? Since when is your face so close? "Hey what? Want a kis- Humpppffff-~" You shut me up with a kiss, you really did it, pressing our lips together, I want to resist for a moment because my heart is already taken but... what?
20:13 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: I feel my power being sucked away, all the excess escapes from my body and disappears into you, until I finally return to my normal state. I struggle slightly as my eyes roll back for a moment, I feel everything disappear until...nothing. I break our kiss and float to the ground with difficulty, before falling to my knees totally exhausted and panting. My emerald gaze looks at the ground with a dejected look, before finally looking at this little succubus in front of me, I have my fiery hair slightly in front of my piercing gaze. "I have... to go home..."
20:32 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I may well have had other means of being able to extract this power from you... However, none that would be nearly as fun as this~ My lips softly press against and massage yours as I absorb the magical energy your body has absorbed, taking it into my own being as my aura flares and rises, keeping perfect control of the power within you as I combine it with my own power. Through this physical contact, I see into your mind with perfect clarity, images of how you discovered the artifacts that granted you abilities far beyond most mortals, the unfortunate circumstances that lead you there, a beloved you wish to see again... As I had suspected from the moment we met, you are not involved with Jelamet, the events of your journey to my realm the result of a simple accident borne of grief and intense emotion.
20:32 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Given the functionality of your powers, the reason for your presence here gains much more clarity, though the implications of those in the mortal realm being able to enter my world without assistance could potentially warrant investigating. However, in this moment, I have a duty to perform. I gently lower us to the ground as I finish extracting the power from your body, releasing your lips and allowing your legs to find solid ground once more. My head leans back, my eyes closing as a wispy purple haze emits from my body, my eyes opening with a bright red flash as my mouth opens, emitting a large purple haze as the magical energies of my kingdom return to the atmosphere, right where they belong. My smile widens as I see the restoration of the kingdom’s very power dispersing throughout the land, before my eyes land back on the remarkable mortal before me.
20:32 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I give you a reassuring smile as my hand raises, a purple glow emitting from my fingertips as I look to tend to your wounded body. The light seeps from my hands and encompasses your form, cuts closing, bruises shrinking and disappearing, blood fading from your face and body, even any broken bones mended in the warmth of my light. “A simple matter~” I respond as my hand shifts, fingers curling as a portal opens behind me, a swirling vortex in constant motion within, showing an almost transparent image of the very place you stood before you entered my realm...
20:44 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: You let out the power that inhabited me a few seconds before, it seems to spread throughout this entire land, I have the impression that I am trying to steal something after all. Then... a pleasant feeling, the cuts on my body close up, my blood seems to evaporate and all the pain masked by adrenaline slowly disappears, until I feel completely reinvigorated. "Oh...thanks~" I chuckle and get back on my feet, staggering a little not because my body is weakened but because of all the emotions I felt, fighting, it was... one hell of a battle . This adventure will teach me to pay attention to my limits and my powers. I have someone to find and I won't give up. I put my hands in my pockets then glance at the two succubi I fought.
20:44 Luna_the_fiery_boxer: "You were fucking strong, if we meet again, let's fight again but without putting our lives on the line unnecessarily~" One last wink before observing this queen. "And thank you so much for sending me home... and stopping us. I have a feeling we'll see each other again then... see you next time~" I jump back into the portal, disappearing completely towards my own world, back to normal. This adventure was an enriching experience, which taught me a lot of things, especially that the universe is big, and that I will have to be careful sometimes~.
21:01 Royal_Guard_Guila: The power spread by my Queen enters my body, reinvigorating myself and my sister as the pain subsides. As always, I am in awe of Her Majesty, learning something new from her every single day. My sister and I approached with suspicion, with the intent to attack, but my Queen... her wisdom prevailed. Had she decided to fight, she likely would have crushed our visitor with minimal effort, a chance to resist would have only been granted had you been able to absorb thousands of times more power than you actually had, and even then, it still may not have been enough... Yet in spite of the ease of which she could have rid herself of this problem... she shows mercy instead. I stand beside my Queen dutifully as you approach the portal and address my sister and myself. For the first time since we met... a small smile crosses my lips. “You were strong also, I would be honoured to face you again. Next time...” My eyes narrow, a faint purple glow emitting within. “I shall defeat you~”
21:02 Royal_Guard_Guila: A small hint of playfulness crosses my demeanour for a brief moment, before my expression returns to it’s neutral state.
21:02 Royal_Guard_Gelda: I pick myself up from the ground, the energy released by the Queen entering my own body, healing my wounds and bringing me back to my base strength, the terrifying power within restored, yet beneath the surface, my actions and control my own once again. “That... was... AWESOME!!” I bounce as I squeal. “I was always scared of my power, but that... THAT WAS INSANE!” I skip to my Queen’s side as I flash you a wide grin. “THANK YOU! That was great training! I’ll work hard to control my power better! And next time I’ll beat you! Just... with less bloodlust and a little more... lust lust~” I give you a wink.
21:02 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “That is quite enough girls~” I speak softly as my hand raises. “Our next lessons will focus more on teamwork and diplomacy, and Gelda... We shall revisit your control over your power soon.” I turn my attention back to you, my smile having not altered from our first interaction. “Consider it an apology for the less than gentle welcome~ You belong in your own world, though my realm will always be open to you, should you wish to return~” I speak in a sultry voice. “I am sure any future encounters will be more amicable, and hopefully involve less in the way of bruises~” I watch the portal consume your form as you are returned to your own world, closing the doorway behind you once ensuring you had safely arrived. This... Luna... She is worth watching indeed~ I look forward to seeing more of her in the future~


Published: 2024-04-23, viewed 67 times.




2024-04-24 03:23

What a wonderful, brutal, creative story and fight! Brilliant work from you both, though that isn't surprising with two such talented writers!

(In reply to this)

Thank you darling~