The Queendom of Libidine

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Established: 2024-07-08

  • Fantasy
  • Descriptive writing
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
  • Forced cum
Where the Queens of Lust rule~
73 members
12 stories
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The Royal Guards - Full story

The night sky dances with the radiance of the stars above, the colours illuminating the darkness as the magical energies within the land swirl and form throughout the Kingdom, my eyes drawn to the void above as I consider the current state of affairs. 300 years have passed since my battle with Jelamet and my claiming of the throne, along with relinquishing the former Queen of her power and influence, banishing her from our lands forever. Over the last few centuries, great strides have been made to repair the damage caused by the tyrant, yet there is still much to be done. I had long suspected that Jelamet’s loyalist still dwelled within the boundaries of the Kingdom, suspicions that had proven true only a few short weeks ago, an inconsequential amount of time for our kind. Through this encounter, I would come to meet two faces from my past, ones I had barely considered during my time with them... Young Guila and Gelda... 

It was quite the surprise to learn the two were from the desolate areas within the Kingdom I had been exiled to, indeed it seemed as though their births had coincided with my time there, though I myself was unaware at the time how significant the births of these two extraordinary beings would come to be centuries later. I had become acquainted with their mother during my exile, another of the suffering denizens under the rule of the former Queen, something I had hoped to put an end to once I had brought the Kingdom under my own control. The damage Jelamet caused to the land was significant, the abundance of magical energies once dancing through the Kingdom had been depleted by her greed and lust for power. Former allies were betrayed, used and disposed of, and those too powerful to destroy were merely sealed away. 

I have spent the last 300 years working to rebuild the land, as well as share my own power with the realm itself, using the extracted sexual energy from mortals to help fuel the power our land should be abundant in. It took quite some time, but the damage is slowly being fixed little by little, to the point the energy within the land has almost been fully restored. This stability was threatened with the emergence of the aforementioned loyalists, who attempted to launch their own attacks against the more vulnerable communities and take their power to use against myself... A plan that could have never worked, as I could have easily disposed of them myself before it ever came to fruition... However, I did not need to. Two brave Succubi stood against them and after a hard fought battle, defeated them all on their own. These two remarkable beings were Guila and Gelda... 

My sister and I were too young to remember when the Queen was in exile in our home, being mere infants at the time. However, I remember her face... just her face. Eyes that held a deep sadness, yet indomitable strength, kind, yet fierce... that is one of my earliest memories. Aside from this all I have are stories, stories of how our land was ruled by a tyrant, a power hungry despot who cared little for her own people, only her own rule, a rule she obtained through treachery when the first Queen was murdered by her hand, thereby plunging the realm into a period of darkness that lasted centuries... but also the story of how all of that was brought to an end... by one lone Succubus... Melascula. Using a power never before seen in all our legends, the rule of Jelamet was brought to a halt in an instant, the former Queen being no match for the immensely powerful Melascula, being exiled from the kingdom as a result. 
The battle was marked as one of the most significant days in the history of Libidine, setting the stage for the liberation of the people of the kingdom... and for ourselves... My family were still suffering from the aftereffects of Jelamet’s rule, the wounds taking centuries to heal, as did those of the land itself, thanks to the new Queen restoring order within the realm. I grew up hearing of these fantastical stories, wondering if they were really true. Every night I would sneak out to overlook the view of the palace, right where the stories said Melascula stood right before her final confrontation with the former Queen. I felt as if I connected to the Queen herself when I stood there, wondering if she ever noticed my presence there... but always brushed it off as a silly thought. After all, how would a powerful being such as herself notice a power as poultry as mine? 

I have spent most of my life honing my magical abilities, studying the ways of our kind, and how best to effectively use my powers, becoming quite powerful for even our kind in a relatively short time. This would one day prove to be life saving, not just for myself, but for my sister also... One night, whilst standing in my regular spot, I had been practising my ability to sense the energies of others, something I still haven’t perfected yet... when I noticed an incredible power directly behind me, my eyes shooting open as I spun around to see... Gelda?? How was this possible...? My sister never took an interest in learning to wield her powers... yet here she was... a dormant power inside of her that eclipsed near anything I have ever felt before, including my own power. Of course, that was before I’d even felt a fraction of the Queen’s near immeasurable power... 
In that moment... I could sense something else... catching my attention. The life force of these energies were not as powerful as Gelda’s but considerable, and more concerningly, malevolent. I instructed my sister to follow me as I rushed to track them down, my reckless actions being very out of place, something even Gelda noticed, usually wishing to think and plan before taking action... but something told me I needed to do this, even if I could not explain it. My instincts were correct... We came across a group of loyalists still dedicated to the rule of Jelamet, planning to massacre an entire village... MY village... and extract enough power to collectively challenge and overthrow the Queen... An intense rage fuelled my actions as I launched an attack, Gelda following closely behind as we battled the remnents of Jelamet’s rule... Both my sister and I used our powers in battle for the first time in our lives, each of us learning more about ourselves and each other... Gelda especially... 

The numbers were not in our favour, 14 of the former Queen’s loyalist against the two of us... My decision to attack was not a wise one, one of the few times I acted before thinking it through, emotion driving my choice rather than logic. There wasn’t the time to coordinate an attack, though we quickly divided the group in two, my sister and I each facing seven opponents. Having trained and practiced controlling my magical power for my entire life, it quickly became clear my power surpassed that of our foes, easily negating and countering their magic attacks. However, the same could not be said of my sister... Not being as well versed in her magic, she struggled against her foes. Without thinking of the consquences, I yelled to Gelda to release her power... And release it she did... 
Her eyes began to glow, a fierce pink aura exploding around her body, her face contorted and twisted into a visage of malevolence... This was no longer my sister... This was a bloodthirsty demoness... Gelda’s power utterly decimated the opposition, and would have also taken the village with it had I not unleashed my own power and stopped her. My eyes shone a bright purple as my own purple aura flared, it’s size dwarfed by Gelda’s given her greater power, but I had to try and bring her back. I held my own against my sister’s immense power, using her lack of control to my advantage, though keeping her at bay was much more difficult than even battling the loyalists. 
The battle was long and brutal... Gelda was out for blood, and would have had it... However, aid arrived in the most unexpected source: Queen Melascula herself had arrived in person... With no effort at all, Her Majesty subdued Gelda with her power, even returning her back to her normal state. This battle changed our fates forever... 
The Queen’s wisdom and vision worked in ways far beyond anything I could have ever predicted... She was already aware of the loyalist’s plan, and had intended her guards to intercept the group before they could slaughter the innocents there... however, she paused when she sensed two unfamiliar, yet formidable powers head there first... The Queen... noticed us...? What’s more, she greeted us in person, offering her thanks to us for protecting the kingdom, before offering to allow us to join her Royal Guard. To say I was honoured would be an understatement, it was my dream come true~ We were quickly made the heads of the Queen’s Royal Guard after proving ourselves worthy, finally entering our first duties of service... 

We have served the Queen faithfully ever since. 

I remember hearing a lot about our Queen, Melascula, and even about how she’d spent some time with my mom when me and my sister were born. Guila says she remembers the Queen’s face... but we were really young at the time, I don’t remember any of that! My mom said she was a super nice woman! I wish I could remember her, but we’re still thankful to her for freeing our home from the rule of the last Queen, Jelamet. We grew up hearing the stories about how the second Queen was a real jerk and tried to keep all the power in the land for herself! It must have been so satisfying when Melascula kicked her butt and took her precious crown! HA! 
My sister talked about the Queen all the time, too much if you ask me! She practices her magic every day! At the time I thought she would have no chance to serve the Queen! Me? I always liked to go to places I wasn’t supposed to, my childhood spent practicing being mischievous~ Of course, there were times I’d get into trouble and would need to fight my way out, meaning I got plenty of practice in physical combat. During times where I fought especially strong opponents, I could swear there were times my strength suddenly doubled for the briefest of moments... My strikes hit with more force, my movements sharpened, my dodges more swift... At the time I’d put it down to experience from the numerous fights I’d been in, completely unaware of any dormant power within me. 

I found out I wasn’t the only one sneaking around after a while, having one night found my sister heading out after hours. This wasn’t like Guila, she was the sensible one. I decided to follow her, having to suppress my giggling and the urge to jump out and surprise her, wanting to know where she was sneaking off to. I trailed her all the way to an open field overlooking the palace, a place I was sure she’d talked about before, something about the Queen standing in this exact same spot before. I rolled my eyes. ‘Give me a break...’ I thought to myself, thinking my sister was obsessed with the Queen to the point she wanted to BE the Queen! I grinned as I started to sneak out of my hiding spot, Guila standing perfectly still, surely unaware of her surroundings and the perfect time to jump out and SPOOK HER! Before I even got close, she spun around suddenly, looking me dead in the eyes... How did she know I was there...? I know I didn’t make a sound, I had plenty of practice sneaking around and was damn good at it. 

Before I had the chance to even ask, Guila’s head suddenly turned to the side, as if something else caught her attention. She hurried off in the direction she was looking in, causing me to chase after her, yelling at her to wait up. She shushed me as we seemed to get closer to wherever we were heading, something that irked me, but realised we had circled back around to the village. I had no idea who they were or what they were doing... but I had a bad feeling... Guila though, she knew... Apparently, she had developed her powers enough to sense the intent of others. I wasn’t too sure, but I couldn’t help thinking she was right that they weren’t up to anything good at the very least. Right as I was about to suggest we go back and tell someone, since there were a lot of them and only 2 of us, she just rushed in to attack! 

I couldn’t believe it! Guila was never one to charge into a rash decision headfirst. I grinned wide as I leaped into action behind her, eager for a good fight! It turned out this fight was a lot harder than I’d expected, this being the first time I’d ever taken on trained magic users before and having only fought hand to hand before this. Their magic outplayed me at every turn, while Guila seemed to handle her share of opponents well. This was starting to piss me off! Struggling in a fight being something I always hated as that same inexplicable increase in strength and speed occurred again, but still not enough to turn the tide. Guila yelled over to me to release my power... My power...? But I haven’t used it before... Still, I guessed it couldn’t hurt to try... 

I dodged another attack from our opponents, leaping backwards to gain some distance as I focused my energy... I felt it... The power within my body... raising higher... higher... and... higher...? How much power did I have?? The raw energy became too much for my body to contain! My aura exploded around me, the dirt and grass beneath eviscerated as I felt my lips spread into a wide grin against my will, my vision clouded with a pink haze, a demented giggle leaving my mouth that I had no control over... My mind was overwhelmed with one thought: pain... Whether I felt or received it... That didn’t matter, I just wanted it... I NEEDED it! 
With a maniacal laughter, my hand raised, swiping it across my chest as an immense pink wave of energy exploded over our opponents, completely destroying them... Weak... Too weak... I needed something stronger, someONE stronger... someone capable of taking and dishing out pain... My pink eyes landed on my sister as a sinister grin crossed my lips... My sense of reason had gone... My inhibitions completely erased... I was about to kill my own sister. I launched in to attack her, her training having paid off well as she managed to survive my attacks, using her skill and control of her powers to fend me off... Though my bloodthirsty state was not backing down.  
I took the edge in our duel, about to finish her off... A second later and I would have done... but the Queen herself arrived. My wrath turned towards her, had Her Majesty been one who didn’t show mercy, this would have been a suicidal move. Luckily for me, she used her immense power to restrain me and disable my powers for a time, my body falling unconscious. After I awoke, my memory of the event hazy at best, Guila filled me in on what happened. 

It was crazy! Insane! We actually got to meet the Queen of Lust herself! And all this time I thought Guila was living in a fantasy! On top of that, she asked us to join her Royal Guard! I was hesitant, even though I love a good fight, and being a guard would surely mean a lot of that, I was terrified of the power within me... What if I snapped again? What if Guila was there when it happened?? What would have even happened if the Queen didn’t show up when she did? Would I have killed my own sister? The thought haunted me. Her Majesty reassured me, she would teach me herself to control my power, and even if I did lose control again, she already proved she was more than capable of containing me. This solidified my decision, joining the ranks of the Royal Guard alongside my sister, and before too long, becoming the joint heads of the guards with Guila. 

Now my sister and I are two of the most important Succubi in Libidine outside the Queen herself! Though guard duty isn’t quite as exciting as I thought it would be... Even still, the Queen saved my sister’s life, from me at that, I have a debt to repay, and I’ll spend the rest of my life repaying it if I have to... WITH my life, if necessary... 

Published: 2024-04-24, viewed 20 times.
