The Queendom of Libidine

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Established: 2024-07-08

  • Fantasy
  • Descriptive writing
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
  • Forced cum
Where the Queens of Lust rule~
73 members
12 stories
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The Unexpected Reunion

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11:35 ScarletRed: The club roars with enthusiasm as always, though the atmosphere is especially electric this evening, the crowd ecstatic for tonight's Audience Participation Special, whereupon a volunteer is selected from the crowd to face the owner of the club. A lovely lady named Jordyn was selected, handpicked by myself, having had my eyes on her from the moment she set foot inside my club. As always, the participant is given time to change and prepare, as well as to be checked by security to ensure no illegal or forbidden items have been hidden somewhere on the participant’s body. I wait backstage, my red hair flowing at my back, my red bikini clinging to my body, my cherry lips curled into a smile as my crimson eyes watch the entrance to the ramp, hidden from view, waiting for you to make your entrance as I hear the announcer speak your name...
11:35 ScarletRed:
11:49 Jordyn_Jones: I was surprised that after my second visit in this hidden wrestling ring I was the one being chosen. I immediatly walked into the backstage room, followed by entering the changing room where a lot of outfits await me. I could not decide which one I should take but saw in the monitor your latedt outfit of your last fight which brought up the brilliant idea to grab your outfit and tease you a bit. I take off my clothes and grab the red lingeries hanging there as I slowly make myself back to the ramp and entrance as the crowd and announcer cheer my name! I walk towards the ring with a big smirk and start to slide under the ropes to enter the ring and stand in my corner and wait for my opponent to arrive while starring at the entrance when suddenly the announcer starts to play your entrance music
11:51 Jordyn_Jones:
12:15 ScarletRed: Having witnessed your entrance, the corners of my red lips curl upwards into a wider grin as I see you emulated my own colours, understanding your intent to mock, however this does not phase me. On the contrary, it will be useful ammunition to get into your head from the very beginning. I watch your gorgeous and barely covered body move as you slip through the ropes and enter the ring. The announcer calls my name as my music plays, prompting me to stand as I walk down the ramp myself, my hips swaying sensually, inner thighs rubbing together, crimson eyes focused where it matters, the ring where my opponent awaits me. I make a show of entering the ring as I slide a foot through the ropes, letting myself grind against it between my legs, before entering and taking my corner. “So you chose the same colours as your future Mistress~? I am flattered by the imitation~” I wink.
12:19 Jordyn_Jones: I see the crowd cheering loudly for the owner of this place as I saw you in the red bikini and was happy that I was matching your outfit aswell. I smirked and giggled as you suddenly taunt me and say you will end up being my mistress as I start to tie my hair into a ponytail and just say out of reflex:" Don't worry honey, your name as a queen will be erased today, and all you will think abot and talk about to others will be my ass on your face, while my fingers make you moan and cum multiple times!" I start to stretch afterwards and wait for the bell to ring!
12:24 ScarletRed: I take interest in your mention of the word “Queen”, knowing there is no possibility you are aware of my true identity, though simply believe it to be a term given to the owner of the club. After all, even in this form, I am the Queen of The Crimson Lounge also~ “Such an imagination~” I smirk at your hollow threats. “You have not been here enough times to know what you are stepping into... have you~? Not to worry, I will educate you... thoroughly~” I reply as I give a nod to the bell ringers, the loud ear piercing chime ringing out soon afterwards. I step out of my corner, crimson eyes narrowed on my opponent as I walk sensually towards the centre, bringing my hands upwards as I scan your gorgeous form, my fingers wiggling teasingly, letting you wonder whether it is a nonverbal invitation to lock up, or more of a premonition of what they will soon do inside you~
12:27 Jordyn_Jones: I was confident for this fight, I was not getting flustered or scared by your words nor your movements you did with your fingers. However I indeed thought it was an invitation for a simple yet effective battle for strength as I start to move towards you and lift my arms up as well. As soon as we are inches away from each other I start to move my hands forward and try to lock my hands with yours and if it would be a lock up, I would start to push you backwards with all my strength to move you backwards towards the ring ropes:" Here I COME!"
12:30 ScarletRed: I watch as you approach, letting my eyes take in your beauty as you get closer and closer, until you reach me and accept my invitation, our palms meeting, fingers slipping between the gaps of each other’s and clenching around knuckles. You begin to push hard, seeming to use your full strength right from the start... ‘Imbecile...’ I think to myself as I do not resist your push, instead simply leaning back and pulling you with me, looking to get your body to the ground as I pull myself to my back and open my legs, intending to wrap them around your body and lock you in a bodyscissors.
12:33 Jordyn_Jones: I was surprised as my push was successful but did not end up in the position I would like it to be. I fall down and end up on my knees while your legs wrap against my body and squeeze me hard. I start to let loose of your arms and hands and try to grab your thighs and pull them apart since the pressure on my sides were hurting me more and more. " dirty bitch! Let gooo!" I yell out loud and start to punch and slap your legs in desperation as I was feeling them burying more and more into me
12:37 ScarletRed: My legs quickly coil around your defenceless waist, my feet locking at the ankles as my knees straighten, my inner thighs closing around and squeezing your delicious body tightly within my grip. My fingers loosen around yours, willing to let them free to see what you try in order to free yourself, only to find a panicked response instead of a tactical and effective defence. “How disappointing~” I smirk as my hands slide around the back of your neck, looking to pull your head into my chest to smother your lips and nose with my breasts, before attempting to roll you onto your back for an early pin.
12:39 Jordyn_Jones: "Mppfhfhff!" was the only sound out of my mouth as I was starting to blush red as you smother me badly inside of your covered breasts. I could feel the warmth and the clothes of your breasts on my face and start to struggle even more not sure what to focus on just to end up on my back while you lay on top of me:" Nhggg...get....OFF!" I scream out making sure you could understand me and start to punch your sides over and over again hoping to make you at least loose the grip of my head
12:42 ScarletRed: My body rolls atop yours as my legs part to allow the straddling motion, my hands releasing your head as I press the back of it against the canvas, whilst laying your back flat against the ring floor. I keep my chest pressed tightly against your nose and lips, keeping your airways restricted with only your eyes free, my own crimson orbs gazing into them as my hands reach down for your wrists, wrapping fingers around your skin and attempting to press them against the ground in a pin above your head. “You’re mine~”
12:44 Jordyn_Jones: The crowd start to cheer loudly from the early smother and better position of the red haired owner of this place. I was stuck and feel my hands punned above my head while your breasts suffocate me and made it really hard for me to breath at all. I start to wiggle around slamming my legs left and right trying to push you off of me without any success so far. I muffle into your breasts and start to realize I had to do something and start to lick your boobs and wait for a reaction of you
12:48 ScarletRed: Your tongue at my breasts heightens my arousal as I emit a satisfied hum at the motions. I inhale through my lips, taking a deep breath as my chest pushes out, my breasts pressing more firmly over your face and squeezing against your lips and nose more tightly, my large orbs beginning to overtake even your eyes. Whilst your legs thrash, I slide my feet beneath your thighs and lock the backs of our knees, looking to hook my feet around your ankles to lock you in a grapevine.
12:51 Jordyn_Jones: I was overwhelmed of your moves and strategies as I was split up like a star and could not move a single thing on my body. Every attempt just ended up in a small yet noticable movement but it also drained even more oxygen and energy out of me. After several attempts I would just lay on the ground and try my best to get as much air into my body which was really exhausting and hard due to your nasty sweaty breast scent:"Mpfhff..mmppfh...mff..."
12:54 ScarletRed: I lock down your legs and take full control of your body, keeping your thighs spread and parted as your core is almost exposed to the bellowing audience watching the match, cheering for their mistress. I release the air from my lips as my chest returns to it’s normal position, my eyes once again gazing into yours as I cross your arms above your head, pressing my left hand against both wrists, looking to restrain both arms with only one of mine. My right hand slips downwards, bringing my fingers between your legs as the tip of my index and middle presses softly against your clit outside of your panties, stroking your jewel in a slow, circular motion.
12:58 Jordyn_Jones: I could not believe what was happening with me as I was so overwhelmed by your movements when I suddenly feel a soft touch on my pussy and clit. My eyes open wide and the camera immediatly points at my face as the crowd starts to cheer loudly. I was shaking a bit and start to moan once just to realize I was in a really bad position:"!" I scream out and snap for air while trying to free my arms from your nasty grip. I did not know what to do and could not stop you from touching my pussy since my legs were still stretched out:" STOP IT BITCH!"
14:45 ScarletRed: “Your voice carries well for lips covered by my mounds of flesh~” I tease, noticing you must have found a spot within my cleavage where your lips could move more freely. I shift my chest side to side against your face, rubbing them against your lips and nose as I teasingly give you very short intervals of breathing space, yet taking it away just as quickly with each motion. I continue to work between your legs, forced to remain open with my own wrapped around them. My fingers curl and squeeze your clit tightly outside of the fabric of the panties you wear, before sliding one slowly down your labia, looking to create a dark spot along the lacey garment.
00:44 Jordyn_Jones: I lay on the ground moaning over and over again as your finger slowly but perfectly tease and rub my clit. I was completly overwhelmed by this feeling which could be heard as soon as I moan out loud when you gave me a small amount of seconds to breath. The crowd cheered loudly and I couldn't believe what was happening. I had no chance and start to get wet from your fingers which made me try to get my legs free to fight back again. I try to lift my body up a bit and bend myself so I could maybe get a good timing to lift my legs out of your grip
05:52 ScarletRed: I smile as I feel the motions of your lower half, noting the lifting of your hips as I squeeze your clit more tightly with my fingers, as if to discourage the motion, but this is just my ruse~ I suddenly release your legs, sliding my own legs out from under them as my hand holds your wrists down tightly, my hips sliding up your body as I quickly attempt to bring my lower half along your torso, my rear brushing over your chest as I look to bring my mound against your lips and get into a straddle over your face.
08:56 Jordyn_Jones: My eyes pop out as I feel your body slide on top of mine just to end up in a half facesit. Your pussy lips seal my mouth lips and made me squirm badly. I immediately start to muffle into your bikini bottom and start to kick my legs wildly around. I was not able to get any air but my pussy got a small time to recover from the pleasure:"Mmpppffhgghh!"
12:51 ScarletRed: I press my mound against your lips as my legs close around your arms, my knees sliding over your elbows to keep your hands restrained above your head, my rear pressing against the top of your chest. With my hands freed, I slide them behind me as my fingers trace the lingerie covering your breasts, running my fingertips against the lace doing a poor job of protecting your nipples from the sensations as I look to harden them by gliding around your areolas softly. I look down at you with a wide smile. “It won’t be long before you submit~” I tease.
01:15 Jordyn_Jones: My nipples start to rise against my bikini as the tip of them poke against my clothes. The feeling was incredible and I did not know what to do as I lay there trapped and restricted to move while you just pushed your nasty mound on my mouth and make sure I could not talk at all. The smirking smirking face make me blush badly as after a few seconds a loud moan escapes and vibrates against your pussy :"Mmmhhffhhhh!!!"
04:49 ScarletRed: My smile only widens as your muffled moans leave your lips against my mound, sending the low vibrations from your throat against my core as fingers grip the fabric of your top and peel it downwards to expose your breasts, your stiff nipples on display for all to see. My left hand moves back to your breast as I take your nipple between my fingers and squeeze the sensitive spot softly, my right slipping between your legs and allowing the tips of my fingers to tuck beneath the fabric of your panties, the index finger and thumb stroking your bare clit softly.
08:24 Jordyn_Jones: The pain on my breasts felt really good which made me really confused as I was laying there and just enjoyed the feeling of it. I was overwhelmed and couldn't believe it when suddenly I see my eyes roll out once you touch my pussy and clit again. A loud muffled moan escapes my mouth as I start to notice there was no way out for me
09:09 ScarletRed: I take satisfaction in quickly subduing and bringing your gorgeous to your body to your back beneath me as my fingers slide over the edges of your hardened nipple, grinding, twisting and squeezing the stiffened nub as my fingers between your legs slide down your labia, the shape of my knuckles pressing against the fabric of your panties from the inside, shaping over the material for all to see as I insert a single middle finger between your folds, shaping them around my digit as I sink it into your warm, wet pussy.
09:57 Jordyn_Jones: "OH my.... GOOOOSDDDD" I feel my eyes roll back for a second as the mixed feeling if humilation of being stuck in place and your fingers sliding into the inner walls of my pussy was so good that I start to moan loudly into your crotch. I blush red and was defensless and just hope you have some mercy on me... Else it does not look good for me fight wise:"Mppfhfgg.. Oh.. Jo.. No.. Nooo!"
10:20 ScarletRed: The Mistress of The Crimson Lounge is not known for mercy, something you will soon realise as I intensify my sexual assault on your private area, slipping a second finger between your folds as I insert both into your warm, wet pussy, the two digits sinking deeper inside you as I curl both against your insides, grinding and wiggling against your inner walls as my thumb slides against your clit, stroking your jewel softly, all the while the fingers on my other hand glide against the edges of your nipple. “You know you wish to surrender yourself to me... why fight it~? Submit~”
10:27 Jordyn_Jones: "I... I... Nghgg.. I.. Will not sub.. Mppfhh.. ITTT!!!" I squirm and blush red as the feelings overwhelm me badly and I start to struggle uncontrollably. My legs shake wildly and my arms try to push you off of me while my pussy and clit were in your control and start to make me more and more wet. So wet that the force to enter your fingers in was much easier
10:39 ScarletRed: I feel your arms struggling against me as my knees lift slightly, pressing them down firmly against the insides of your elbows to keep your limbs pinned and restrained as my hips rock back and forth, keeping your face beneath my weight and pressing the back of your head down against the canvas whilst my labia grinds firmly against your lips, my moisture seeping through and forcing you to take in the scent and taste whilst I use the moisture from your own core to easily glide my fingers deeper into your delicious pussy.
10:44 Jordyn_Jones: "Hmpfhgf.. Scar.. Mkpf.. Lleetttt!" I moan out load as I snap for air and was just able to inhale the nasty scent. I was completly overwhelmed as my body twitches for a few seconds around which shows in what a bad spot I was caught. " Hmmppfhh.. Please.. Oh.. My... Nngggfghh! "
10:51 ScarletRed: My thighs narrow around you as I straighten my legs, pulling myself into position for a headscissors as I attempt to lock in the hold and squeeze you with my powerful legs, my body leaning to the side to try and drag you with me to get us both laying on our sides whilst my fingers continue to grind deeper into your pussy, my thumb curling against and squeezing your clit tightly.
10:53 Jordyn_Jones: I feel your legs surround my neck as I was now deeply forced into your sweaty pussy while my neck got squeezed badly. I snap for air as those scissors restrain me from getting any air. I lay there turning blueish while all I pushed out of my mouth were small moans....
11:03 ScarletRed: My legs wrap tightly around your cheeks and neck as I squeeze your head between them, my feet locked at the ankles as my knees straightened, keeping my inner thighs pressing against you firmly whilst my fingers wiggle and spread inside you, stretching your inner walls wide whilst fucking you harshly. “Submit, and you will save yourself from passing out~”
11:12 Jordyn_Jones: It felt like I was stuck in that position as my pussy was making me feel so good which I could not stop at all. My moans got louder and louder and I could not fight against it. I was done as I start to yell:"Get off of me bitchhh hh!"
11:25 ScarletRed: “Wrong answer~” I speak teasingly as I flex my thighs and press them firmly against your cheeks and neck, squeezing you tightly between my muscular legs and keeping you under my power as I begin to quicken my motions between your legs, my hand moving up and down harder and faster as I harshly thrust my fingers into your pussy repeatedly. If your lips will not utter their surrender, perhaps I could force it from your lower lips...
08:30 Jordyn_Jones: The pain was getting worse and worse as I got less air over the time. I was confused and did not know what to do when suddenly my pussy speaks for me and make me moan super loud. I was able to edge myself and hold the orgasm on edge but the moan signals that every next thrust of your finger could force the orgasm to come out
09:03 ScarletRed: I feel your insides tense and tighten against my fingers with every thrust of my digits into your tight pussy, curling them to allow the tips to glide against and stimulate your inner walls whilst my thumb grinds firmly against your clit. My motions slow, ensuring you feel each subtle movement and every inch of my fingers as they slide out, only to sink back inside gradually, parting your folds and shaping them around my digits whilst muscular thighs press tightly against your cheeks, the hold loosening and tightening rhythmically as I squeeze you repeatedly.
09:09 Jordyn_Jones: "Mhmm.. Mpfghf.. F.. Fuckkk!" i start to lose vision and control of myself as each thrust starts to feel better and better. My legs shake while my head turns blueish when suddenly my eyes open wide and I feel the orgasm traveling through my body. I open my mouth wide as it was seconds away to let out a loud moan out which would signal the cum leaving my pussy :" I.. I.. I.. Can't.. H.. Handle..."
09:12 ScarletRed: “Release it all... for your new Mistress~” I speak softly, yet with a sinister undertone as I order you to cum for me in my own way~ My fingers’ motions methodically and gradually increase in pace and force, each thrust slightly harder and quicker than the last, the ends of my digits curling and spreading against your inner walls to grind against and stretch your insides whilst I clench my thumb, squeezing your clit before rubbing in a swift circular motion. My knees bend and straighten to continue tightening and loosening the hold against your cheeks and neck.
09:15 Jordyn_Jones: I wasn't able to defend myself against the speed as my pussy starts to leak some juice and I immediately was forced to moan and yell into your panties. My face was stuck and burried inside your thighs and pussy as I was overwhelmed by the words and feeling. After several seconds I could not hold it and start to squirt my cum against your hand and let it spread out against my panties :"Nnghgg. Fuck... FUUUCCKKKK!"
09:59 ScarletRed: I feel your juices spread and smear over my fingers, my cherry lips spreading into a yet wider smile as your body surrenders to the pleasure, releasing all you have onto my invasive digits as the fluids leave a glistening smear against my skin. I slide my fingers out from your needy pussy, licking the fluids from them with a satisfied hum as my legs release your head. I bring myself to my feet and walk over to between your legs, my feet lightly kicking yours to keep them spread before lifting the end of my foot and lightly pressing it against your mound through your soaked panties, feeling the moisture seeping through the fabric as my hands press against my hips, my crimson eyes looking down at you with a smirk as I pose over you in a dominant fashion.
08:48 Jordyn_Jones: I lay there almost knocked out from your headscissor, my face a blueish mess while my pussy and panties were a wet one. I was completly relaxed and exhausted and could not move at all. My eyes closed and my feeling was great. As soon as you lightly stomp on my pussy I let out a small moan and tried lightly to push your foot off of me:"Pleaseee.. Please.. Enough..."
09:09 ScarletRed: My toes press against your sensitive clit before gliding down between your folds, lightly stroking the fabric against your mound and grinding against your labia through your panties. I notice your hands weakly attempting to resist as I look to keep my foot between your legs whilst my hands reach down for your ankles, wrapping my fingers around them to lift and spread your legs while curling my toes against your clit, squeezing it tightly between them. “Do you submit~?” I taunt.
09:11 Jordyn_Jones: "Nnghgg.. Hmpfhfggg.. Scarrrlleettttt!" I immediatly start to scream as you rub your toes and sole against my orgasm es pussy. The feelings overwhelmed me as I lay there and did not know what to do:"Yes.. Yes bitch.. Arghh.. Please I submiiittt.. I.. I.. Give upppp!" It was too much to handle as I just hoped for mercy at this point
09:15 ScarletRed: My cherry lips spread wide into a grin as you admit your surrender, the sweetest words spoken from even sweeter lips as you submit to your new Mistress. “Good girl~” I tease as the crimson of my eyes emits a low glow, my hands releasing your legs as I shift my foot from your pussy. “Now the real show begins~” I reach for your shoulders, pulling you into a sitting position before sliding my arms under yours, wrapping them around you as I bring us both to our feet, my red eyes locking with yours as I lean forwards and press my lips against yours in a dominant kiss, my hand sliding down your back and pressing against your rear, fingers clenching and squeezing your cheek before parting and swinging my palm against your perfect buttock, delivering a sharp spank.
09:18 Jordyn_Jones: I was extremly weak and overwhelmed by your sudden words as I was pulled up on my weak jiggling legs when suddenly my breaths stopped and I was forced to kiss you. Your red lips were soft, wet and felt like heaven while at the same time my mouth let out a small grunt as you slap my butt:"Hmpffhh.. Fuck." I couldn't believe you had not stopped yet and even said, ithe shows starts now which makes a shiver run down my back
10:08 ScarletRed: The corners of my crimson lips curl into a smile against yours as I emit a soft hum of satisfaction into our embrace, taking your lips in mine in a dominant kiss as the world around us seems to morph... the cheering of the crowd distorting and slowing down... their motions gradually lessening in speed, as our surroundings slow to a stop, time itself seeming to have come to a standstill. A red mist begins to permeate from my body, slowly transitioning into a purple aura as my hair shifts from it’s crimson hue to a deep purple, the colours of my eyes making the same change. My bikini morphs into a skimpy black one piece as my breasts largen and press against yours, squeezing them together. A pair of wings sprout from my back and spread whilst a smaller pair emerge from my scalp, a long thin tail with a thick bulbous end protrudes from my lower back as the appendage coils around your thigh, the swelled end stroking the skin at the inside of your leg softly.
10:09 ScarletRed: I have invited @Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen to join #Jordyn_vs_Scarlet.
10:09 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen:
09:33 Jordyn_Jones: I was completly confused what on earth was happening as all I could see was a purple mist covering the arena. I could not see anything at all and aswell has problems to hear anyone. I was still kissing my opponent by force as suddenly I feel a slow but teasingly stroking against my inner thigh as I was moaning my life out. The feeling was incredible as I suddenly notice Mela standing infront of me:"M.. M.. Mela?! What on earth.. How.. You.. G.. G. Et.. Here.. Me.. You.. What?!" i saw the smirking laugh of you and the big breasts almost push me away f om you but your tail hold me in place for this moment
09:52 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My arms remain wrapped around your gorgeous body, my tail tightly coiled around your thigh as the end slides against the inside of your leg, the corners of my lips curl into a sly smile as you speak my name. “I’m touched that you remember me~ However, one must question how you could not have guessed only one who knows how to break you so thoroughly could do so this easily~” I tease you for not realising my disguise. “Now, history will often repeat itself when it has failed to be learned from... Let us repeat that history now~” I speak in a sultry, yet almost sinister tone as my tail slides up your leg, the bulbous tip gliding against your folds through your panties, before slipping beneath the lacy garment, a portion of the appendage curling against your clit as I squeeze your sensitive spot whilst the tip presses against your folds, forcing them to part and shape around the thick end as it begins to sink into your soaked, warm, pink innards, squeezing through your inner walls as it
09:54 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: twists, rotates, and swirls around your inner walls, stretching them wide with my thickness and motions.
09:57 Jordyn_Jones: I feel the tip of your tail starts to squeeze inside of me and just a second afterwards my body starts shaking in pleasure and I moan directly into your mouth. The kiss was controlling my loud voice as it was muffled by it which made this whole scenario even more humilating for me. I barely could stand up by myself as all of my bidy felt like liquid but your strenght hold me up and let me be in the position you loved me to be right now:"M.. M.. Mel... I.. I.. Nghg.. Oh... FUCKK.. Nghgg!" random words and nme drop out of me but I could feel my pussy was getting ready for another orgasm
10:07 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My lips emit deep hums of satisfaction and pleasure against yours as my tongue slips into your mouth and coils around your own, knowing you are well aware of what is coming as my aphrodisiac secretes from my throat in the form of a purple mist, the intent not being to arouse you further, as this is already near it’s peak, but to induce your submissive side and have you surrender to me fully. Although, the effect of arousal will still occur as my lips seal yours and force you to breathe in the substance whilst my tail expands and swells inside of you, the end pressing against and stretching your inner walls tightly as I squeeze it deeper into your needy pussy.
10:10 Jordyn_Jones: The tail pushes further and further into me as I moan loudly while out of the sudden I feel the purple mist inside of me. I recognized the taste and was forced to swallow it as in seconds my body stopped struggling and just lay there enjoying every second of your movements:"F.. F. Fuck.. Me.. Please.. Make.. Me.. Cum.. Like you want.. I.. I.. Love it..." was my response in my hypnotized state as I could feel my pussy getting super wet again
10:14 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: ‘I know you do~” My voice echoes in your mind as I speak to you telepathically, my lips a little busy at the moment as I feed you more of my aphrodisiac~ My tail slowly pulls out of your pussy, your folds shaping around the thickened end, only to thrust back inside once more, the end of my tail sinking and squeezing into your pussy with force, the motions repeating themselves rhythmically with each thrust delivered with slightly more speed and strength behind every movement, gradually fucking you harder and faster with every repeated motion... ‘You will cum for your Mistress... Your Conqueress... Your Queen~’ I order in your mind.
10:18 Jordyn_Jones: Each movement of your tail made me jump up a bit and made it slide in even better every time you push it in. I was not able to handle it anymore as my body drops down on my knees unless you would hold me in that position. If I would drop on my knees my weak body would immediatly fall down on my back in a laying position making sure the access to my bidy was even more easier
10:24 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I feel your body losing it’s strength as you slump down, my arms letting you down to your knees, and eventually your back, all whilst my tail remains deep inside you, squeezing through your tight innards as I continue to increase the speed and force of the thrusts into your needy pussy, feeling the thickened ends press firmly against your insides as it burrows deeper into your most private area, the part of your body invaded and claimed by me. I press my foot against your legs, one at a time, sliding them to open wider as I look down at you with my hands on my hips, a wide smile against my lips as I continue to fuck you harder and faster against the ground.
23:51 Jordyn_Jones: "OH.. My.. Nghgg... MELA... STOPP.. PLEASEEE!" i scream out loud as I was so weaken that I barely could move myself. I lay there while my body humps up and down by the strokes of your tail going in and out. I felt the orgasm.. Or more like the second orgasm of me in a short time build up as I start to sweat all over the bidy:"Please.. Please Mela... Pleassee!"
06:34 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My tail thrusts sharply into your pussy, pushing deeper and deeper into your private areas as the end swirls and rotates against your inner walls, stretching your insides as I fuck you harder and faster still. My body lowers, my hands pressing against your wrists as my breasts squeeze against yours. My knees position against your inner thighs to keep your legs spread as my glowing eyes stare into yours. “This will always be how it ends... Challenge me, and you will be shown your place... Beneath me... Becoming my toy... Over and over again~” I whisper as a portal begins to form beneath you, my tail’s motions beginning to reach a rapid pace.
06:37 Jordyn_Jones: "OH my... Melllaaa... Please.. N.. Not faster. I.. I.. I... Can't handle it!" I was now pinned down as any movement of mine was blocked. I lay there feeling so good as parts of my body were discovered by your tail which I did not even discovered myself. The walls leak juice as I was super wet and every thrust of your tail made this super wet sound
06:41 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Wet slapping noises ring out with each motion of my tail as I thrust the end deep inside you and pull out repeatedly, making you my sex toy as a low pulse emits from the tip to stimulate your insides, the vibrations repeating in increments as the portal widens, our bodies beginning to slowly lower into the swirling vortex as the light from the doorway illuminates my face and the wide grin against my lips.
06:48 Jordyn_Jones: My body loses more and more control as at one point the thrust were so fast that I lost myself into it and just uncontrollably start to cum inside of your tail. My juice spreads and covers not only your sides but also made sure to spread the juice on the inside of your tail. I was super loud and moan my life out as I never felt an orgasm that hard before:"NNGGGHHHHGGAARRGGHHGGHH! I AM CUUUMMINNGGGG!"
07:02 Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I feel your insides tense and tighten as your orgasm approaches rapidly, the thickened end of my tail continuing to push through the narrowing pink insides and squeezing through your inner walls pulsating more intensely as I fuck you through your orgasm, looking to heighten the climax and sensations as our forms are consumed by the portal, my echoing voice ringing out from within. “You are mine... You have been since the day I laid eyes on you... And you always will be~” The portal closes as my ominous laughter emits from within....''

Published: 2024-05-18, viewed 70 times.

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