The Queendom of Libidine

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Established: 2024-07-08

  • Fantasy
  • Descriptive writing
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  • Sex
  • Forced cum
Where the Queens of Lust rule~
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A Destined Encounter in the Forest

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Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: This land I find myself in, quite different than the mortal realm, with much more magic to be found within this environment, however still not quite so much as one would find in my own kingdom of Libidine. Upon discovering this realm for the first time, I adorned my hooded cloak and took the form of a traveller, feeling this would be a suitable disguise for exploring this new world. Knowing I could leave the defence and safety of our kingdom to my beloved wife and my loyal Royal Guards, I give my beloved a kiss goodbye for now and open a portal to travel to this new land. The swirling vortex consumes my form as I travel to the newly discovered realm, emerging in a forested area. My crimson eyes scan the area, seeing nothing more but trees and foliage around, the lush greenery certainly a sight to behold, yet what intrigues me more is the abundance of magic I sense within this place, making it easy for life forms here to mask their own presence within the energies swirling around the atmosphere. Even considering this, I am able to sense several presences nearby, one of which particularly powerful~ I step into the forest, eager to find this presence that takes my interest so...
amethyst_catwitch: I need to train, my powers are slowly coming out, the more i travel and explore the more i discover them...sometimes in a easier way sometimes in more rough and harder on... what I'm trying lately is to get a good hold of one of the most important and usefull of my late master Arlyin is the spark... a inner hidden power that helped her to travel throught move from one words from another, she started my training while she felt I had that same spark inside me..but ...sadly she's not anymore with me... so I need to fully understand and master them all alone..or with the help of the friends I'll meet during my here I am.. ready to create a portal, channeling my powers and focusing on where I want to go, remembering I need have pretty clear where I want to go, I choose to visit the plane where my big sister Mikasa live on, since it passed a good while from the last time I saw her... so I keep myself focused while I start to open the portal, unable to see the other part I take a deep breath and walk in, travel throught the portal and hopefully appear near the house of my big sis... but when I step out the portal i quickly notice that I was no near where I was and looking around not either on the plane i wanted... i sigh loudly, knowing it will take me some time to be able to open another portal and luckily go back to my plane... so for now I have two option..wait here or get throught a little exploration of this new world I just discovered...
amethyst_catwitch: i opted for the second one since my curiousity is always alot and I don't see why I should not pull myself into this new adventure! So my portal opened up near a big forest.. the more I stay here the more I feel all this world is impregnated with magic..this push me even more to explore it.. maybe I'll have a chance to meet someone friendly..maybe I'll learn something new..who know!! I decide then to start walk into the forest, feeling magic all around me...then something hit my senses... something more alive than the trees or the little animals I saw... a presence, a great one, with alot of magic around her, I can smell her scent too, I don't even think on that and quickly start to slowly and cautiously get closer to her, tracking down your location..curiosity say killed the cat..but... i dont care and the suddenly I saw her..i saw you... tall, imposing... covered with a hooded cloak, you could be dangerous, or the most friendly one, i stay for now beetween the trees,my amethyst eyes reflecting the light of the moon while they stay glued on your honestly alluring form
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I continue making my way through the forest, my heels crunching against the undergrowth beneath as my cape flutters around my form, almost as if dancing around my voluptuous body whilst my crimson eyes scan the surroundings, seeing little out of the ordinary, the usual trees, foliage and small woodland creatures one would expect. However, what I seek is not something to be found with the naked eye, more using my senses to explore the environment, the magical energies permeating throughout the atmosphere seeming to shape around my own power, as if the very air itself recognises the foreign presence and giving it a wide berth, whilst occasionally inching closer out of curiosity for their visitor. The power that I had been following suddenly begins to move, rather quickly so, the agility of this being must be something rather impressive. From what I am able to tell, the power I sense on the surface, whilst impressive, is nothing compared to the dormant power deep inside, as if this presence has a sleeping power that has not yet awakened. I dare say the full extent of this untapped power may even be a match for either of my Royal Guards at their current level. This intrigues me all the more as I feel the presence approach, the movements suggesting that, whoever this is, they have noticed my own presence and is currently moving in areas unseen to the naked eye, remaining hidden to observe and follow me. It is very likely this being is not aware that, not only can I sense their own magical power, but that I can pinpoint their exact location within the area. There is no malevolence within this individual, no desire to harm, no aggression... merely... curiosity...
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The corners of my lips curl into a sly smile, hidden behind my hood, as I pretend to not notice your presence and simply continue walking through the forest, looking to entice you to follow, finding myself curious also in order to gauge what your intentions are and what you seek, my energy raising slightly as a faint aura surrounds my body, the force raising my cloak and giving you a look at my backside. My hips sway sensually as I move, my tail swirling behind me, my inner thighs brushing together with each step as my cheeks almost dance with the motions, hoping to sense you follow me further...
amethyst_catwitch: The moonlight shine reflecting in my eyes, big amethyst eyes glued on you, i can sense something strange, something never really felt in my travels and adventures, something that attract me and make my curiousity twitch like mad, i keep moving slowly,being cautiously beetween trees and bushes without making any rumors, still not sure about your nature nor if you are dangerous or friendly, so i just decided to follow you and study you for a while... but then my eyes something strange... like your body is surrounded everywhere by a aura .. like when you watch something really hot and all around is distorted...and then your cloak rise up pushed by a invisible me one of the best show I would ever attend.. your back...your...big thick alluring ass, moving soo sensualy and alluring while you walk,my heartbeat rise up, my eyes shines more under the moonlight while my lips formed a perfect small o while my eyes slowly goes down to your beautyfull thighs, I feel attracted, like you are pulling me to you,still able to keep enough focus to not just show myself out of nothing, I don't know how you can react...if I would scare you or maybe you would attack me...but I know i have to keep follow you and wait the right moment to show up because I really want to know you more...deep down hoping I won't go toward some huge peril
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: As I had hoped, you soon follow me further into the forest, though still keeping your distance, eliciting a yet wider smile from my lips as I continue to move my body in an alluring fashion, my rear jiggling along with my motions as the undergrowth crunches beneath my heels with each step, the heat from my body sending a pleasant warmth throughout the atmosphere. I can sense your rough location as you maintain a short distance between us, seeming to wish to keep me within your sight, but still far enough away to remain hidden. Your mind shows a level of curiosity, however your latent abilities seem to have a certain effect of keeping your mind shielded from being read in it’s entirety, sensing only a portion of your inner thoughts and feelings, though still enough to know you do not have any malintent, as well as the gradually rising arousal and curiosity within you. I decide to test your ability to remain hidden, suddenly stopping in place and turning around to look in your direction, showing you my ample breasts in the process, expecting to feel your arousal swell further.
amethyst_catwitch: I keep follow you close,moving like the feline I am crouched down in the forest and using whatever help me to stay hidden from you, my ears twitch everytime you heels hit the ground,my tail move slowly..something excite her ...something about you attract all my body, my amethyst eyes stay focused on you..on your sexy tall body and your movement, something is strange... i feel and seem like you know about me, like I feel you closer than you are, how it's possible? I wonder to myself..lost in my thoughts for a moment I nearly miss the second you turn right towards me, being able to crouch down and hide the last second, I'm not sure you saw me or if and how you were able to get my right position..but my eyes get wider as they admire what I'm seeing now,your full body, your cloak barely covering your cleverage and..i can see everything else..your tall sexy alluring figure right in front of me, I feel more attracted by this sight,I get more and more aroused, a strange feeling that rarely I felt... still... even with you looking straight to me I feel like you are no harm to me at least not now and for what I'm feeling.. your smell your posture.. everything about you say me that I can... trust you and let you my presence felt, still I know I have to be cautious, my previous encounter and travels taught me to not always trust who I've in front of me.. but I've made up my mind, so I slowly get off the bushes, hands visibles to show I don't have any weapons, my amethyst eyes shines under the lights of the moon "h..hi" my lips move slightly letting out a soft wheeze of air, strange..not what I wanted to sound.. so I try again,just want not to give a bad first impression "hi..sorry if I was following you..but it's rare for me to see you" I can't help myself but blush slightly,my cheeck growing a bit red as I get embrassed "I'm Amethyst and..I'm a wanderer .."
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My crimson eyes scan the nearby greenery, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, even when looking in the exact direction I can sense your presence. Quite talented at reconnaissance... I ponder to myself, still content to simply allow you to believe you remain hidden as I am about to turn back around and continue on my way... When something rather unexpected happens, even for one with the foresight I possess... The first sight my eyes catch is a pair of bright, shining, purple orbs, your hands soon coming into view as I realise those Amethyst orbs are the bright glow of your eyes. For a moment, I am taken aback by the brightness of your iris’, the sheer beauty bring one my own crimson orbs have not seen prior to this point. As you speak in a rather timid tone, my smile widens, conveying an expression of warmth as I turn my body towards you fully. “Amethyst, hm~? Quite the fitting name~ Do not concern yourself, my dear~ I was aware of your presence the entire time, allow me to greet you from a... closer position~” My hand raises as a purple hue surrounds my fingers, the air itself splitting open as a circular portal opens, the magical energies and air around shifting before the sheer power of the swirling vortex. I step through the gateway, the purple swirls within consuming my form before it begins to condense and shrink down, eventually disappearing entirely. For a moment, the environment sits in a still silence, before another portal opens right in front of you, the glow of the swirling vortex casing a violet illumination against your form and your surroundings, right as my form emerges from within, stepping out of the gateway as I give you a wide smile.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The portal closes behind me, my glowing crimson eyes locking with your gorgeous Amethyst orbs, taken by how much more beautiful your bright, shining eyes are from a closer distance, whilst also taking note of your pointed ears and tail protruding just above your rear. “My my~ A cute feline with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen~ It seems my trip here was well worth it indeed~”
amethyst_catwitch: We are close enough to see eachother and talk but still I've kept some safe distance beetween us both to dont want to risk to fall in some trap and also not wanting to show up as a menace being already too close to you and for me too..distant enough to be able to react to whatever could happen.. my eyes still roam all over your tall sexy body,my tail moving fast and excited then your warm silken voice hit my hears as you give me a full complete view of your body, making my tail wags and move way more excited than say you were aware of me all the mind start to revive my steps throught the forest thinking if I have made a sound or in any way gave up my presence to I was perfect..I moved soo silently... there's something else...maybe that feeling of having someone close, you are a strange tall sexy woman...and this make my curiousity rise up even more.. but then you disappear for a brief moment...catching me off guard ..wondering what your words mean... but my thoughts are rapidly interrupted as you step out from another portal..soo close to me.. my first reaction is to step back but something tell me to stay..there's no danger or peril, something say to just enjoy and bathe into your alluring presence,I have no cranck up my neck, my ears instinctively pull down in front of you, eyes level with your ample cleverage, my mind blank for some seconds as you speak to me, lost into that melody, warm and reassuring..making me feel good close to you ,my amethyst eyes meet your crimson one,my cheecks grows red as your words fluster me ... i feel... warm soo close to you "well..yes I'm a strange feline, it's a long story.."
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “Is that so~?” I smile, my eyes not able to get enough of the beauty within your shining Amethyst orbs, yet able to tear them away for long enough to observe your delicious form, a strong and able creature, yet seemingly also made for sensuality and lustful desires. I lean forwards, my body bending at the waist to bring us almost eye level as my hand raises, my finger sliding over your neck, the tip gliding against your skin and pressing beneath your chin to gently guide your head and lift it upwards to keep our gazes locked, the motion brushing my breasts against yours as I bring our faces inches apart, lips almost touching as my hot breath brushes against your skin. “Then perhaps you can tell me about it as we get to know each other better~” I speak in a soft sultry whisper as I slide my tail around your side, the end coiling around the base of your own tail as I glide my smooth skinned appendage around your own furry tail, coiling around in a spiral motion slowly as I softly squeeze your tail with my own, the bulbous tip meeting yours as I grind them together in a sensual motion.
amethyst_catwitch: I cant move...I feel no restrain around me but your presence is enough to keep me there soo close to you... my body... want to stay close, I want this! I feel no danger no power or magic holding me just the lust that slowly pervade my body... a strange feeling, a good one that push me to ..want more! Nodding cutely at your answer, still not saying another word, my big cute amethyst eyes shine with a crismon glow as they reflects yours as you bend to be eyes level with mine, feeling the soft touch, still strong and firm, pulling up my face to make me look at you, eyes into eyes, pulling me a bit toward you, making me lean on you a bit, rubbing and pressing my smaller breast into your voluptuous one, a soft cute moan is draw out from my lips,they are soo close to yours, inches apart, your warm breath caress my soft pale skin, making me shiver softly and melting me slowly.. never felt soo good with a strange...not soo quickly at least.."k..know us..better?..." my lips move slowly, like my words weight alot, my mind races throught lot of thoughts, what could you mean with those... but then suddenly everything disappear.. my brain stop think,my heartbeat speed up and my breath become more errand,I feel soo warm, my legs suddenly weaker as my tail is..surrounded by yours... that's not a weal point of mine and rarely,with only few people that know how to hold my tail i can enjoy being held by it... but you, with your tail coiled around mine with those soft squeeze make me feel soo good, a pleasurable sensation that run throught all my body, as you already knew that I'd love it..and feeling your tip grinding against mine just enanche that sensation,making me lean more against you,my arms sliding around your waist, caressing your sides, my body moving nearly on its own "know us better you said..I'm pretty interested in that~"
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “As am I~” I reply with a smile as my tail sensually grinds against yours, the lower part softly rubbing and squeezing the base of yours as our tips glide together, circling each other as I use my extra limb to stroke the fur of yours gently. My hand slides around your waist, my palm laying flat against your lower back as outstretched fingers press against your skin, gently guiding you closer until our abs press together, the tops of your breasts pushing against the underside of mine with the height difference between us, my orbs pushing against the top of your chest and softly shaping around your neck, the tops reaching just beneath your jawline as my finger remains at your chin, keeping your beautiful amethyst eyes locked with my glowing crimson orbs as I search your thoughts and feelings, able to see into your mind with much more clarity from this close proximity. As suspected, you are indeed a powerful being, much more so than you are capable of outputting at this moment in time, however with some training and guidance, you have the potential of becoming more powerful than even my Royal Guards, a feat that is indeed rare, given my girls are the most powerful among our kind aside from myself. I can also sense a darkness in your mind, one created through trauma, through loss, through tragedy... Your powerful magic is strong enough to prevent me from being able to see all, however it is clear you do not have an entirely happy past. For the moment, I decide to bring neither of these up, it will happen in time. Right now, I am more interested in the moment and getting to know your senses, to build up a level of... trust, one might say~ For as much of your past I cannot see, I am able to see there is no need to use my powers to alter your mind or heighten your arousal, as it is building up quite nicely of it’s own accord. Instead, I lean down, my lips softly pressing against yours in a sensual embrace as our tails intertwine and coil together.
amethyst_catwitch: *I feel your hand guide me closer to your bigger sexy curvy body,feeling all your muscles and curves with my small hands that roam and explores over your sides and up and down your back, usually i'm not like this but with you I feel strange,I feel good and deep down I feel you are liking this as much as I am since you hold me thight on you,my ripped abs pressed against yours, making me feel the warmth of your body,my smaller breast squished agaisnt them too as you tower over me,my face enveloped in your amazing cleverage,making them a soft still firm pillows where I can nuzzle cutely my growing red cheecks, they are soo comfortable that I could stay hours with my chin layed on them while my big cute amethyst eyes study and admire your alluring beautiful smile,your crimson stare, your sexy long hair that flows down your shoulders, my lips curled in a soft smiles as I enjoy this warm cute closeness beetween us while your tail keep work around mine sending pleasurable shiver throught my body and like a engine, start my soft loud purrs, they echos in my chest and make vibrate softly all my body..all this closeness make me feel... safe,wanted.. only thing that seem strange i can't really detect and feel your true srrenght and powers, but honestly is not something that bother me too much now, I'm more interested in what I can see and feel up, who won't with such a beautiful woman holding me soo thight still soo lovely against her, playing soo good with my tail like nearly nobody else ever done.. it doesn't even bother feeling you in my head,like I don't have anything to keep hidden from you and I like it... make me feel you are interested in me even more than you want to show...and this make me even more happy right now "mmmmh so...what are you doing all alone in this dark forest..madame..?" just now I notice I still doesn't know your name... my eyes look even more deep into yours "how can I call you?.."
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Within your mind, I see the figurative doors to the deepest recesses of your mind open, as if you are allowing me entrance of your own free will, my appreciation of this will be conveyed in due time, although for the moment I simply look to implant feelings of euphoria and arousal into your mind, though keeping both subtle and minimal for the moment, able to sense growing levels of both within your being. Peering into your memories, I see everything... Your upbringing, your tutelage... And the tragedy that followed... I cannot help but see a small amount of myself within the pages that is your story, taken back to my time as a youngling... forced into exile... all I had ever known and cared for ripped away in an instant... remaining in hiding from a seemingly unstoppable force with the mission of mastering my powers and magic, becoming strong enough to wreak vengeance on the one who took everything away... However there is one glaring difference... That chapter of my own story was completed long ago... Whereas yours is still being written. I keep my words and thoughts on this matter to myself for the moment, something about this moment telling me that this meeting is special... and will lead to something far more special in time... However, I make a mental note to return to this topic at some point in the future, for the time being, what you need is affection, not the tearing open of emotional wounds. My tail slithers around yours, the coiling applying a gentle squeeze against your own, from the base, all the way through to the tip of your tail. My arms pull you closer, your breasts sending a low reverberation along the bottom of mine from the low purs from your throat. My smile spreads further as I gaze into your beautiful Amethyst eyes, before your question leaves your lips. I take a moment to think of how best to answer, before speaking in a sultry tone.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “I am not of this realm, I came here from another world entirely, having discovered this place whilst observing alternate planes of existence. This world took my interest as it is rare to find one with such an abundance of magical power outside of my own realm, so I decided to explore this land for myself~” My voice alters slightly as my lips spread further. “As for my name... I am known as many things... some call me a Sex Demoness... others call me by the moniker Mistress... whereas yet others know me as my given name, Melascula... but those who know what I truly am, call me... The Queen of Lust~” My voice resonates with a low reverberation along side my sultry tone as I speak my title. “Though you may refer to me as you wish~”
amethyst_catwitch: I feel you inside my head, your crimson stare seem like read the book of my life,scanning throught my deepest memories, I don't mind it.. your presence inside my head is something that twitch my curiousity, I'm able to feel you..still not getting how you really do this..I guess it's one of your powers..and do that soo easily, without even seem to reply try... make me wonder what you could do more, I want to know... and the only way is to just stay like this like a little lovely kitty, not that is a hard thing to do, it come our pretty natural and it's easy with you, I feel good and safe in this lovely embrace, your tail coiled thight around mine... literally loving this,all squeezed up and snuggled into your strong lovely embrace, my amethyst eyes glows of a crimson colors reflecting your owns "mmmh done reading my mind for now...Queen of Lust?..mmmh even if I prefer..Melascula for now, as I don't see a throne or nothing else around " I tease you a bit, smirk softly and wink, and honestly hearing you are from even another plane make me want to visit that too, my curiousity and my will to explore scream inside me, new adventure, possibly new friends, new things to learn... you to know more..i want all of this... but for now I have to calm myself down from all the excitment I'm feeling right now, becuase I want to bring my main focus on the beautiful woman that's keeping my wrapped up in her arms "mmh so this world is magic...well I'm here on a mere pure coincidence...since I can't always use my spark the right way and travel throught planes to the one I want" I chuckles and lean even more on you,wagging my tail with yours coiled around,sinking a bit more my head on your cleverage and slide down my hands from your back toward your butt,wanting to be a bit bold and see your reaction "mmh well lucky me I'm pretty fond on how to go back where I live...once I'd be able to ignite my spark again..from now I'm stuck here with you..and I dont mind it at all" I say wi
amethyst_catwitch: I say with a soft happy sigh as I lean my head fully on your cleverage
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I listen carefully to your words, seeing the link between them and your past, as well as with the current moment and our close contact. I smirk at your comment of my lack of a throne, finding it humorous that one would believe I would bring it everywhere I go. “So, it is proof you wish for~? Very well... I will show you just what the Succubus Queen can do~” I speak in a teasing tone as my arms slowly raise, your breasts rolling over mine as I lift your feet from the ground, bringing us face to face as I press my lips against yours in a soft kiss, my tongue slithering into your mouth and coiling around your own, my throat secreting a powerful aphrodisiac into your mouth in the form of a purple mist, feeding it to you as I keep your lips sealed with mine, the substance designed to enhance the sensitivity of your erogenous zones. My voice echoes in your head as I speak into your mind with our lips currently occupied. ‘I can travel to dimensions as I please~ You are not stuck, I can take you anywhere you wish to go~ Perhaps I could even teach you to do the same... In time... For now, I wish to enjoy you... And I would like to bring you to my realm since this happy accident of an encounter is taking place in a world neither of us are native to~’ My voice reverberates through your mind in a sultry tone as I guide your tail with my own, slipping both between your legs as I softly glide the tips along your mound through your bottoms, a smooth motion of tracing your labia with the very ends of our tail in a slow, teasing movement.
amethyst_catwitch: Mmh not really i was just te..." my lips stop moving, my words stopped by a long soft pleasure filled moan as i feel your arms holding me thighter around me and slowly lifting me off the ground, my feet try to stay connected on the floor, until even my tiptoes leaving the ground, my small firm body squished against yours, curves on curves, muscles on muscles, until my amethyst big cute eyes meet your crimson one, my cheecks paint of a soft red color,feeling warmth spreading throught all my body as our lips met, my thighs reacting nearly on their own and raise up,brushing on your outer thighs and then over your sides,wrapping around your waist,my shins crossing behind your back while my inner thighs are pressed against your abs... getting lost into this wonderful feeling while your tongue coil around mine as your tail previously ... leading a love dance in my mouth as we keep kissing..loving everything you are doing... then a strange sensation... something never felt... your kiss feed me something, my eyes goes wide, I'm not scared but I wasn't expecting something like this, not at all, not this aphrodisiac... my feeling get overloaded, pleasure enanched all over my body... your hug.. your tail squeezing mine..your soft plump lips sealed on mine..your tongue around mine... everything bring to me more pleasure... my brain start to overthinking, wondering myself why this.. why you should use means to just make me feel more pleasure than what I was already feeling... but my thought are interrupted by your voice resounding in my mind, a warm sultry voice, I just let you talk, honestly lost in the feeling of your strong arms keeping me squeezed lovely thight up against your amazing body...
amethyst_catwitch: i just nod ..nothing more, even if I'm soo taken in our takeout everything you said is clear to me and ..honestly I'd be mad to not accept and take such a occasion...know you more and maybe also learn something that usefull? Damn right I'm on... then my heart skip a bit, my lungs too forgot what to do for a swift second as I feel your tail guide mine beetween us and pressing both them against my mound, your aphrodisiac enanching the feeling and make start my loud purrs turning me into a small vibrating kitty pressed thight against you
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My lips curl into a smile against yours as my mouth keeps yours sealed, my tongue coiling around and massaging yours as my arms gradually tighten around your body, pressing our forms together, breasts meeting and shaping around each other as your legs slide around my thighs and waist. I feel the vibrations of your purring from your throat as I voluntarily harden my own nipples, pressing them against yours through our individual garments, our sensitive areas meeting tip to tip and sinking into our areolas. The tip of my tail emits a low purple glow, the light trailing and spreading along the fabric between your legs, scattering the material like ash as I expose your mound to the touch of both of our tails. I run each of the ends along your labia, slowly gliding the ends along the length of your labia, before reaching your clit and stroking your jewel softly with the bulbous tip. My hand slides down your lower back, fingers gliding along your rear, the tips tracing your skin as I slide them down to the bottom of your cheek, the ends pressing against the space your buttock meets the back of your thigh, caressing and fondling your cheek before clenching and squeezing tightly beneath the grip of my fingers and thumb. I emit a satisfied hum into our embrace as my lips continue to massage yours, feeling your arousal swelling further as my aura shines warmly, the light heating up our skins as my tail directs yours back down your labia, the thickened end reaching your entrance and pressing the bulbous tip against your folds, slowly parting them and shaping them around the width of our combined tails as I sink the ends into your pussy, slowly inserting them inside and feeling the warmth of your inner walls surround and squeeze our tails, using them to part your pink innards and open your pussy to the Queen of Sex Demonesses~
amethyst_catwitch: No way I'm going to pull out from this, your tongue wrapped up around me, our lips soo close that not even a small thin bit of air can pass throught them... and your arms...mmh your arms that are squeezing my smaller body soo thight against you, loving the feeling of us squished and pressed togheter, this amazing feeling.. amplified by my smaller breast squished and pressed against your ample bigger one..then.. something I didn't known even possible.. but probably because I've never found myself with someone like you..your nipples hardness and press against mine, squishing my erect nipples and dominating them, my eyes goes wide as I long loud moan is now muffled into our kiss, going wild and screaming inside me for the pleasure and lust I'm feeling right now... and that's just the tip of the iceberg.. yoi make clear you just started with me as soon as I feel our tail sliding and pressing agaisnt my mound.. suddenly feeling the my pants disappear into nothing.. feeling our tips caressing my labia send more shivers throught my body,arousing me even more, slowly turning me into a weak purring kitty.. but that's not enough for you.. stimulating my clit while your hands hold my firm butt with a strong grip while teasing me more with a soft pressure on my buttocks..i feeling completely owned and lost in pleasure, my small body completly surrounded by yours, pleasure run freely all over me, my mind can't really thing straight at this point... i just want more of this... and.. fuck me..I forgot you could read my mind.. even if I don't think you would have really needed that.. suddenly I feel my tail squeezed and coiled more by yours just before you start to fuck my excited quivering pussy with both tails... if only my mouth would have been free echoes of my moans would have run all over this dark forest.. my body trash into your thight embrace as I'm slowly loosing control of everything
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Being able to read your mind indeed allows me to know all of your thoughts and feelings, however even were it not for this, my ability to sense your arousal alone allows me to understand your emotions and heightening excitement in this situation. I part my lips from yours, allowing your moans to ring out through the forest as my tail performs a thrusting motion, squeezing both deeper between your folds and grinding further between your inner walls, stretching them wider as I use both of our extra appendages to fuck you. My nipples slowly increase in temperature as the glowing purple energy emits from the tips, the light spreading to your garment and encompassing your material, the fabric once again scattering as my own top dissipates, allowing our bare breasts to press together as nipples sink each other into our areolas as I lean into you and squeeze our chests together tightly. My palms press against your rear firmly, my fingers clenching and fondling your cheeks between them as I knead and caress your buttocks. My crimson eyes emit a glow as the corners of my lips curl into a smile, very much enjoying my time spent with this wonderful new companion, seeing much potential on every level, your magical abilities, the purity of your heart and mind, and of course your delicious sexual energy... The tip of my tail swells and expands, the surface pressing firmly against your insides as I stretch your inner walls with each thrust, filling up your pussy as I whisper softly to you. “I do not wish to leave you in a place like this~ Perhaps I will take you home with me~”
amethyst_catwitch: As soon as my lips are..sadly.. free from yours my moans, long and loud, heightened by the pleasure you are make me feel resound in all the forest, echoing into the fronds of the trees, mixing and blending with the sound of the wind that flow into them in this warm night under the dark blue sky, everything seem stop for us, the start and the moon shining over our body melting togheter, enlightening our curves and muscles, animals all over around us just witness our tender moment togheter, your taller curvy strong body holding my firm fit small one in your arms, breast against breast ,squished togheter.. my body owned completely by this.. amazing twist of sensations you are make me feel, I'm barely able to keep my mind straight at this point, just being at the presence of such sexy strong beautiful demoness was something new and strangely alluring.. but never I could have been able to imagine something like this.. never thought I could feel soo good while being owned this way, feeling like a little toy at your disposal and same time soo good, loved and safe in your warm embrace.. I don't even have to tell you how fucking good is to have your tail coiled soo firmly around mine while you trust them in and out my wet quivering pussy.. that welcome both them soo eagerly..still be able to clench her wall around them to .. enjoy this fully, like wanting this feeling to not end at all.. your tail expanding both sending me pleasure for the thighter hold around mine and also for the contrast and rubbing agaisnt my inner muscles, turning up the level of my moans...more longer and louder ... waking up all the forest around us.. not caring at all.. fuck...
amethyst_catwitch: everything around us need to know the new level of pleasure and love you are make me hit.. but.. you are not done at all and even if my brain is lost in the feeling of your tail owning me I can still register that.. we are slowly get both naked, the skin to skin feeling boost even more the amazing feeling of our warm embrace togheter.. you are getting more hot.. in every way and term possible, I lean more on you,wrapping my arms around you at my best, gathering all my strenght left.. if I still have some to just not be a little toy in your arms, knowing I can do not soo much but bring my hands on your back and lovely start scratching you, leaving soft red marks while I feel your arms thightening even more around me, feeling your fingers digging in my firm toned butt, pressing more into my flesh ..cant hold anymore... my lips sink into your neck, sucking and kissing your soft velveteen skin as soon I saw your eyes glowing, my body completly melted in your embrace, never felt soo much love like this moment.. in years,I hold thight.. as much as I can against you I don't want to leave you at all..then you finish me off.. the cherry on top of all this.. the tip of your tail engulfing my pussy completly and break the dam.. the massive orgasm you built inside me hit me like a wrecking ball..i can't hold back anymore.. too much teased.. my body trash into your thight hug as I cum soo hard I'm barely able to stay awake.. our tail soaked wet, my fluid run on them and teardrops fall a small puddle at your feet, my head plop on your shoulder,my breath is..rugged.. short and fast
amethyst_catwitch: .. my lungs barely able to keep up with the needs of my body, my heart never have it soo much heartbeat like right now, even if my body is soo weak and relaxed now in your arms you can feel it clearly racing in my chest.. i feel yours.. owned.. loved.. and...I LOVE IT.. then your words hit my ears..making them twitch.. I couldn't ask for something better than this.. I gather all my strenght left... luckily enough to move my lips to let out a soft whispered "yes please" before slump against you and close my eyes,held up in your strong arms.. not passed out.. but I just want to.. embrace and remember this feeling forever
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I feel your climax rapidly approaching as my tail constricts and squeezes yours with both deep inside you, the tip of mine swirling against your inner walls as the swelled end squeezes through your tight pussy. My hand shifts from your rear as I clasp it against the back of your head, holding you closely and tenderly against me as I enjoy the embrace. I feel your arousal and emotions in this moment, my own reciprocating this as I reflect on the similarities of our pasts. A youngling Succubus forced into hiding from the bloodlust of a tyrannical ruler, all close to her wiped out in an instant, being told all her life up to that point that she has an incredible dormant power within her that needed to be nurtured and brought forth, to be unleashed against the one who did wrong to her entire lineage. The youngling spent many years honing her craft to perfect and magical ability so that, someday, the mad Queen could be dethroned and made to pay for the crimes she had committed, not only against the family of the exiled Succubus, but to the entire kingdom of Libidine itself, her atrocities not confined to a singular family. This youngling, a reflection of myself before I took the throne of Libidine, was almost the spitting image of the journey of the beautiful amethyst eyed catwitch that I find myself enjoying at this very moment. The pain you feel... the need to avenge those close to you... the desire to bring justice to those who need it... I empathise with all you have encountered on your journey. That arch of my story has long since been concluded, having successfully dethroned and neutralised the tyrant and nemesis to my individual tale, able to move on and continue with the next chapter of my existence... You seem to still be where I was back then. In this moment I make a silent vow, I will nurture and guide this wonderful being, helping you to hone your own skills just as I needed to, and as I do for my Royal Guards.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: As your arousal reaches it’s peak and your orgasm begins to emerge, my fingers tighten against your cheek to squeeze your buttocks and keep your hips in place, the motions of my tail thrusting both of the ends into you pick up in both speed and force, fucking you harder and faster through your climax, the tip of my tail opening a small slit at the end as I use it to take in your fluids, feeding on your sexual energy as my aura flares around us, the warm light licking our skins whilst my crimson eyes shine brightly from the power within my body emerging, resulting in a hot, thick, sticky substance oozing from within the small hole in my tail, releasing my own climax as the fluids spread and smear against your insides, the substance designed to heighten a climax and flood the senses with a feeling of euphoria when combined with her own orgasm, our combined fluids seeping out from between your folds and running down both of our tails. Your arousal seems to explode in a display of passion and lust as your body convulses in my grip, my arms keeping you held up to prevent a collapse, as I would expect would happen were you still on your feet in this moment. As the orgasm washes over you, I feel your head resting against my shoulder, my hand sliding through the strands of your beautiful hair as I hold you gently, my smile wide on my lips. “If you are ready, let us bring you somewhere you may call home if you wish~” I speak softly as I turn my head to the side, my eyes shining brighter still as a tear opens within the air, a purple ring spreading open as the swirling vortex shines from within, before taking shape and depicting my palace within Libidine. “Should you choose... This will be your new home~” I say with a smile.
amethyst_catwitch: It all stop, no more loud moans echoes through the forest, only soft cute weak purrs coming from deep inside me, we don't need nobody else than eachother in this precise moment, no one to let know this, no one to see our bodies shining under the moon, only the stars up in the night sky witness the love we feel for eachother in this intimate moment, my smaller firm body wrapped up soo thight on yours, my amethyst aura enlighten my body, glowing around me, surrounded by yours,as a lovely embrace resembling our bodies, their colours nearly melt into one.. mine just turn into a cute playfull reflexes into your own one.. after the orgams.. after feeling our tails fucking me soo good ..after feeling your own pleasuring juice it me up like the best drug possible .. now my body is.. weak, spent, relaxed as I hold soo fucking thight against you, like a little girl with her mommy, like the pup with her alpha, deep down feeling loved and safe with you, not wanting to be elsewhere than here in this moment.. loving every breath,every touch of your hand, my brain not really able to register everything is going on right now..too much feelings..emotions and sensation to understand and register... too much things going throught my mind ..
amethyst_catwitch: a mind you literally fucked away in the best way ever tried.. now I just want to stay in your arms, enjoy your warm thight lovely embrace, taking in your sweet arousing scent..loving our skins togheter.. nothing less nothing more than us.. here and now.. sharing this intimate moment ... then your voice ..soft and sensual make my ears twitch, something.. i would never hope nor expected.. or maybe just because my brain is as much as a mess as I'm now didn't even thought about something like that, I raise my head up, my big cute amethyst eyes stares into your crimson ones, glowing and reflecting them "Home?.. right now.. I'd go even throught hell and back with you" my arms and legs thighten even more a reflex not really wanted but my body right now just want to stay close in your warmth.. your words.. now they bounce in my mind, a home, years are passed since I had a place to really call home... since... that happen.. since I lost the most important person in my life, my master .. I miss her every day.. but now.. you are here... offering me a new one.. offering me something I miss soo much.. and fuck all the thoughts I could make about this.. I just listen my heart .. and right now is screaming YES!! , so why deny it.. my lips move, my voice still a bit shaken, broken from our love encounter "Yes I'm ready to have a new home and stay with you... know you better.. and alot of other things that right now are just a waste of time to even say them.." slowly I move my face soo close to yours that my warm breath caress your skin, my lips brush with yours right before I press them togheter for a lovely kiss "I want to stay with you as long as you want me~"
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: A sense of stillness and tranquillity fills the forest as the only sounds heard are the rustling of the trees, the low humming of the swirling portal before us, and of course, the purring coming from my new beloved Catwitch. The moment seems perfect, a union between two similar souls at different stages of their own journeys, both able to help the other in their individual goals. When I first discovered this realm, it was the abundance of magical energy that caught my attention, believing that I would find beings of similar constitution, being the sole reason I ventured to this new world to begin with. Never did I expect to come across one that I would make an immediate connection with from the moment my crimson eyes locked with your beautiful amethyst orbs, that a physical contact between us would immediately link our hearts and minds, that your journey would reflect my own in ages past so well. It seems what, or who, I have found here today is not just one to enjoy and leave to continue on their path, but one who’s path I wish to help forge and become a part of. The sexual aspect of our encounter was accompanied by a deep inner connection between body and mind, souls and spirits intertwining and forging an unbreakable bond between them, the merge combined with an insatiable lust and passion between two beings yearning for the other in every way imaginable, from the physical connection, all the way to the spiritual plane. I keep my arms around you, my tail slipping out from between your folds as it remains latched and coiled around yours, as if holding it to comfort you. My smile spreads further into a warm expression at your words as you confirm your desire to make yourself a home with myself and my fold, to become a part of our family.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “Then consider my home as your own... My fold as your fold... My story as one that is now your story also~ There is little that needs to be said indeed, we will show each other more about ourselves in time, and I look forward to knowing much more about you darling~ You will be taken care of, protected, and above all else... loved~” I smile, pressing my lips against yours in return as you bring yourself in for a soft kiss. “I hope that includes forever~” I smile as I begin to walk towards the portal with you, my tail still caressing and stroking yours as the gateway consumes our forms, the world around us changing as we emerge through the purple ring, arriving at the very same spot I once stood on the night I overthrew the previous Queen, a place that will forever be sealed in my heart and mind, and one very important in my own journey. It feels only fitting that this would be the place our stories would intertwine, and the place my assistance in helping you achieve your goal would begin. From this point onwards, you will be part of our kingdom, a beloved Palace Catwitch... I turn my gaze back to you once more with a smile. “You will love my wife and guards also~” As I begin to walk towards the palace, though it would be just as easy to open a portal directly to our home, I instead savour this feeling, taking you back to the palace to begin a new chapter for the both of us, and a new chapter for Libidine itself....

Published: 2024-06-11, viewed 43 times.

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