Public Open

Established: 2022-01-02

  • Superhero
  • Supervillain
  • Extreme violence
  • Blood
  • Death
Group of Villain who want to cleanse the world of stupid and useless superheroes.
231 members
18 stories
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Information for non-members

Place where good evil plans against superheroes. All united we can eliminate them one by one. See them suffer and set traps for them. The ridiculous heroes will have to perish in excruciating suffering


Place where good evil plans against superheroes. All united we can eliminate them one by one. See them suffer and set traps for them. The ridiculous heroes will have to perish in excruciating suffering

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22:23 Kerstincat23: Hello how are you?
22:27 Shulkie_Jennifer_cho_hulk_form: So slient in here hello
16:56 Aby_R: Hi
12:32 Amazing_Spidey: I just noticed that this is villains league, so what exactly am I doing in here lol
12:32 Wren_Peterson: *chokes you from behind*
12:33 Amazing_Spidey: *Drops down on one knee grabbing your arms trying to get you off me*
12:35 Wren_Peterson: *I use a spell, whispering it in your ear to try put you out*
12:36 Amazing_Spidey: I don't know what you're whispering but I suddenly feel numb and pass out
12:37 Wren_Peterson: *I tie you up and take your mask off. kissing you*
12:38 Amazing_Spidey: *my identity is revealed for everyone now and I wake up on you kissing me*
06:47 Jaylin: Hello.
06:51 Jaylin: *he slides in to the corner sitting as he gauges the place* Seems like a interesting place.
07:48 Herman_Hulkton_Thunderstout: Hmm interesting place.
09:45 Amazing_Spidey: Not a place you would like Hulk
23:23 Amazing_Spidey: Hey there wren
10:31 Batman_The_Caped_Crusader: Hmm brooding in the dark.
10:31 Georgia_Ellenwood: Come on out to get some light hehe
10:32 Batman_The_Caped_Crusader: I'm fine in the shadows .
10:34 Georgia_Ellenwood: Aww ok, I'll join you in the shadows then *goes into the shadows and broods like you*
23:20 Batman_The_Caped_Crusader: hello.


Captain Femboy (deleted member)

2022-03-17 03:40

I'm laying out my challenge here. Come and take me on!

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