Valhalla Arena

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Established: 2024-08-26

  • Even match
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Male / Male
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The last frontier of fighting, where Gods, Humans, creatures, demons.. of any race and gender can compete. pensavo questo metti un cuore se ti piace o spollicia
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Esdeath vs Jay - Boxing match with no rounds.

It's been a while since i first started to beat up my most loyal dog- i mean, one of my best friend in this site, so we decided to have finally a proper roleplay. A boxing match without any rounds eneded up as our best bet as our first roleplay and let me tell you, Esdeath was not expecting such power from a living punching bag. I hope you enjoy this quick yet fun match :3
"is Jay out of his mind? He's gonna die!"- some jealous peasants probably.
Jay picked one of the 13  strongest members of mankind's last line of defense, it was a death sentence from the start, right? The most dominant and sadist of the 13 fighters is ready to hop in the ring
Esdeath is a ferocious fighter, but that doesn't make her less vulnerable than other boxers!

Esdeath to Brunhilde: "Oh? A boxing match is that what are you proposing me, Brunhilde-sama? Finally some fun."

 The day had finally arrived. After being given a formal against her by the Valkyrie herself, Jay had finally managed to be able to fight Esdeath in the ring, one on one. With his purple striped blue shorts and black boxing gloves he slid into the ring, walking his way to his corner and contemplating his matchup. The Empire's lead general is a formidable foe, being able to decimate whole countries and regions with incredible ease. However a lot of that was due to her imperial arms, and that particular factor won't be present in this bout. With that in mind, the match up should actually be a lot more close than his nerves are telling him it will be. But Esdeath is not one to be underestimated in the slightest. One wrong move, one mistep, one bead of sweat that glistens the right way and he's sure the General will capitalize on it. So, while shadow-boxing in his corner to stay fit, he makes sure to maintain his composure and waits for her to arrive. His future, his fate, his standing as a human being, it all rests on this match. He's not going to go down easily.


Brunhilde(Edeath): Esdeath is the strongest woman in the empire and also amongst the other generals she's the fiercest, the most evil and sadistic one. She enters the arena and her eyes are already taking a glare into Jay's eyes from 30 meters away. Her cold manner transforms men into crybabies and the muscolar staff that were keeping the fans away from the alley, they too crumbled down.. no one is able to withstand the sheer dominance of the ice demon. Esdeath marches towards the ring with a devil grin printed on her pale face, her hands are placed on her soft hips~ ... she enters the ring and goes to the center of the ring, she throws the hat off the ropes and starts unbuttoning her uniform, slowly revealing he huge and soft cleavage, but also her tummy as she takes off her uniform right in front of you while giggling  "mhh.. you look like a nice snack, perhaps I shall bite you bit by bit, mh? I want to discover the taste of your soul~" she smiles and starts laughing, stretching her back before blowing you a kiss and head back to her corner, where she'll put her mouthpiece in and wrap her icy-looking gloves around her fists~


JayDee123:  A chill runs down Jay's spine as the energy in the air seems to get sucked out and coalesce at one fixed point. She's finally arrived. The Ice Queen herself struts into the ring as the crowd loses their minds. Jay watches in awe as even the staff keeping keeping our captive audience at bay seems to bend the knee to her dominance, the sheer presence of Esdeath capable of bringing lesser men and women to their knees in a flash. For a moment when the demoness enters the ring and walks center stage, Jay feels like one of those lessers. That is how all encompassing the strongest woman of the empire is. He blushes for a minute, listening to her remark him as a snack, just a simple chew toy to sate her boredom while she has her fun. He watches every move carefully while she tosses her hat and throws out her uniform, revealing every part of her from her large and soft breasts, to arms built like pistons and rock hard abs forged by war. He feels completely out of his league. Yet, as the initial feelings subside, Jay finds himself smiling. An opponent stronger than him, but not so impossibly strong that he can't see himself sneaking a win from? He revels in this sort of fun. Seeing her icy-like gloves and mouthguard go in, he can't help but laugh and raise his arms outward, almost like heembrace to the challenge 
 *almost like he's embracing the challenge. "So Esdeath that's all you think of me? Well hopefully you'll come to find I'm a three course meal! Just don't cry when you fall at my feet, it would be unbecoming for a woman of your status after all!" He slips in his mouthguard and the bell rings. Shuffling to center stage, with all eyes in awe at their fight, Jay bounces on the balls of his feet back and forth, his fists raised up to his guard as he waits for Esdeath to meet up with him. The second she gets close he's going to waste no time gaining an offense, aiming a one-two jab with his left and right fist to stun her before swinging a left hook over to her ribs to send her stepping towards her right, making sure he twists his hips into the strike for maximum output!!

Brunhilde(Edeath): Esdeath retreats to her corner with a grin on her face, a grin that shows how willing she is to crumble her opponent down by using her gloves. "Ohhh, is that so pretty boy? THEN SHOW ME." Esdeath gets her fists up and as the bell announces the very beginning of the match she approached the center of the ring with you, yet as soon as she gets close you begin your combination, rushing in without letting a quarter of a second to go to waste. Without much effort Esdeath blocks the incoming jabs towards her face, yet she was not expecting your third heavy strike to her ribcage. "NGHH!!" The hit impacts clean, Esdeath's body bends over your glove, and it gets shoved to the side a bit, but she immediately recovers as she steps forward with a left hook to your cheek and a right uppercut to your nose, keeping her evilsh grin as she steps forward to unleash her own offensive. "Nice one pretty boy" she almost giggles as she pronounced those words~

JayDee123:  A smirk curls upon Jay’s lips as his hook connects with Esdeath’s ribcage, watching the General bend over on his glove. It’s just like he thought, this would be a much more fair fight than one would expect. Yet to his shock, she seems unfazed, quickly regaining her composure and stepping in for a strike of her own. A left hook aimed right at his face!! Her speed is unreal, Esdeath may not have her arms to support her in this match but she’s still the most powerful woman in the Empire for a reason. It takes all of Jay’s focus just to watch her movement and block the hook with his right forearm, a red mark forming where Esdeath’s glove made impact. With his eyes on her left, he never saw the right hook coming, her fist sailing into his nose and stunning him!! Jay’s face flies up, and his body staggers back a bit before calming down. A small trickle of blood can be seen dripping down his cheek, but he returns Esdeath’s evil grin with a chaotic smirk of his own. “You’re not so bad yourself! Your reputation definitely precedes you Lady Esdeath!” As she steps in to continue her offensive, Jay doesn’t hesitate to meet her head on. Starting with a right uppercut to her abdomen, he hopes to keep her on the back foot in time for a left cross to Esdeath’s nose! He’s looking to return the favor for his new injury, relishing in the fight and showing he won’t bow down to the Ice Queen so easily. Though knowing her speed now, it wouldn’t be a surprise if one of these blows traded with her offensive.

Brunhilde(Edeath): Esdeath was on the right foot, looking to advance in her offensive to pummel her opponent with quick and heavy attacks, yet his uppercut chases her belly as a starting point for his counter offensive. The ice demon smirks as she slightly sidesteps out of the way, letting your glove pass right in front of her belly, at the same time she throws a heavy left straight punch before you could deliver your second punch. Esdeath applied a counter immediately, as soon as she saw an opening she stepped closer while dodging the attack to strike your nose clean, then she ducks down and slides to the other side to unleash a right uppercut that sinks into your side, looking to hurt your ribcage. "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that, boy?!?" Her eyes turned angry for a second as she unleashed so much power behind her attacks.

JayDee123:  Shit. Jay was hoping to pay back Esdeath for his bloody nose, but it backfired tremendously. It was as if the Ice Demon saw through his every move, his uppercut hitting nothing but cold wind as she sidesteps it. And with a move like that, he can’t just not commit. He put too much power into his uppercut and his body had to follow suit, giving Esdeath the perfect opportunity to wail on him. Her straight hits true, the heavy hit colliding with his cheek before he could ready the cross attack. And once it was ready, she was already ducking under it, sticking her right fist into his ribcage and causing him to cough up spit and double over. For a split second, when her angry eyes met his, Esdeath could see a slight tinge of fear, like Jay was an animal caught in a snare, and she was the hunter looking for claim him for her use. Her power was devastating, it took Jay a second to recover as he got up. His ribs were his weakness, too many hits there and he would be out for good. So keeping his guard up, and making sure he’d watch out for more rib shots, he stepped forward, shouting “I think I’m looking at someone who, without her fancy weapons, is only just slightly stronger than me! If you think this is enough to break me then think again! I’ll have you at my feet in no time flat!” Jay’s walk turns into a brisk jog, almost as if he’s sliding in for an overhead punch on Esdeath’s scalp. If he connects, he plans to hit three successive jabs, followed by a right cross to her cheek and a left uppercut to her ribs, aiming for a kidney shot to keep the General stunned and on the back foot!! There’s no playing games when Esdeath is on the hunt, that much he’s certain of!

Brunhilde(Edeath): Jay, as the good and cute boy he is showed the fear he was feeling till now, even if it lasted merely a fraction of a second or slightly more, this was enough to satisfy Esdeath's sadistic desires. The ice queen was able to pull off your inner fear, perhaps it's finally time for you to acknowledge the monster you're facing. But at the same time you talk out loud as if you weren't facing Esdeath, but a mere opponent of your league.. with a somewhat of a overhand you force Esdeath to block your punch, as well as the three jabs. She tries to step in to counter and gets nailed right on the cheek, your glove impacts clean and makes her head tilt to the side.. then she groans as your uppercut lands on her ribs, but a real moan comes off her lips as your punch strikes her liver, making her curl to the side. "NGHH!!", she moans as she backs off towards the ropes, being nailed multiple times at once.

JayDee123:  Esdeath’s smirk sends chills down Jay’s spine. That knowledge in the back of her mind seeming to be all the confirmation she needed to hone in on his weakness, should it flare up again. But now was not one of those times. While Esdeath managed to block the initial hit and the jabs that followed, the Ice Demon couldn’t block everything. His cross caused the disorientation he needed to land the real damager, the uppercut to her liver. Careful not to do too much damage to that spot, he smiled as he watched Esdeath back towards the ropes. “What’s this? The General in retreat? No no no, we can’t have that can we?” Stepping forward, Jay plans to hit alternating hooks, two left, two right, before sending an uppercut to Esdeath’s chin, hoping to stagger her into the ropes for more punishment. Of course these moves are big, there are inherent risks to swinging around, she could counter with faster hits as she pleased. But with the way she moaned the sweet music of battle damage, Jay felt confident in committing to the offensive!! He could do this! He knows he can!!

Brunhilde(Edeath): Esdeath was retreating to the ropes, after the punches received she must switch to a defensive position and this was enough to eager the ice demon. Esdeath is always on the offensive, rarely she is forced to block or to dodge as she's too fast for even the most skilled ans successful swordsman. Yet, here she is defending herself.. she guards up her face, your hooks start to impact on her gloves, testing out her defence with multiple attacks before the real deal. "MGHH!" Esdeath's head rocks up, being struck by your uppercut right on her chin she is forced to go back, stunned by the uppercut that ran under her guard, now she's trying to defend herself against the ropes, with the audience in complete shock as the most dominant woman in the empire is staggering.

JayDee123:  The audience is in awe, and so is Jay. After that first offensive he thought that Esdeath would be able to counter easily. But he smiles, enjoying getting such a powerful opponent in such a defensive position. He cackles, excitement slowly being replaced by arrogance as he shouts “Esdeath the crowd is watching! It doesn’t seem becoming of the Empire’s greatest to be put on the back ropes like this, does it?” He slides in, hoping he could enrage her into making a mistake as the left side of his body twists into a hook to her ribs, looking to emulate her earlier attack on him by following it with yet another uppercut to her jaw! Jay was on full offensive, not caring about any prep for defense as he only wanted to capitalize on the pressure he was putting on Esdeath to slip up!! Wild light shone in his eyes, the scared prey from before being replaced by the fierce eyes of a rival hunter, looking to find himself on top of the heap against his opponent. Misplaced as it could be, his confidence was skyrocketing!

Brunhilde(Edeath): The empire strongest was standing right in front of the ropes, each brattish word from the cutiepie she was going to knock down is growing her anger, her deepest hate hidden inside her heart Is boiling up. You can see her eyes burning, her teeth clenching through her blue mouthpiece.. she manages to block the first punch to the ribs, but her jaw gets rocked by the second punch. "GAH!" You could see Esdeath losing balance on her legs after the second clean strike on her head, though managed to fix her feet to the canvas and try to reply with a strong right straight at your mouth, as she shouts in anger "SHUT THE HELL UP BRAT!!"

JayDee123:  Jay smiles, watching Esdeath struggle to maintain balance. This was… surprising smooth for the young fighter. He could hear the crowd’s gasp as Esdeath lost balance, a wide smile revealing his purple mouth guard as the blue haired-boxer struggled to maintain her footing. But his confidence turned to fear shortly after, seeing the fire in Esdeath’s eyes before his strikes connected. He pushed too far, a lesson he promptly learned as the General’s Azure glove kissed his lips in a full force straight. Her ire for his bratty taunts showing in full force as she shouts for his silence, and all he could do is walk back. Esdeath, still as strong as ever. Maybe dazed slightly from his blows but nowhere near down for the count yet. And now as Jay struggles to get his bearings and guard up he’s left vulnerable, for the briefest moment, to take all that anger on should she capitalize on it.

Brunhilde(Edeath):  Whenever someone loses balance during a boxing match it means that they experienced a concussion, something that usually connects well with a knockdown. Right in this moment of vulnerability a boxer is usually open, vulnerable to what his or her opponent has to offer and well, the most obvious thing to do is to seek to survive. This is not what Esdeath has in mind, nor in her heart. She's a fierce warrior and there is no place for weakness in her heart, she does what she does best: kicking ass. With a swift and powerful punch she sends you back, knocking some senses back into your brain and well, of course she goes in for the offensive even if she was struck twice both to the chin and to the jaw. Esdeath grins her teeth, with her leathers up to her face she starts a barrage of quick attacks: a right and a left jab both at your face, then a shovel hook to the pit of your stomach.. finishing the combination as she ducks down and slips to the lrft-forward, in an oblique manner to catch your stomach with a powerful right uppercut that will sink deep into your organs.

JayDee123: With Esdeath on the offensive it doesn’t take long for Jay’s facade to fall apart. Soon that glint of fear from before is all too present in his eyes as once again he just manages to block her jabs, but with his arms up to his face he has no defense against the Ice Demon’s shovel hook to his stomach. Jay cries out, “Ooagh!!” , his guard fully broken as his body lurches forward and he tries to protect his stomach. But he’s too late, before he knows it he’s watching Esdeath duck under him in the Ifrit-forward and sinking her fist into his gut! Jay coughs, eyes wide in pain and fear, defiance only being a glimmer in his blue eyes as he does everything he can to not spit out his mouth guard and cough up blood. He feels sick to his stomach, thinking to himself . He dares not utter a word, he can’t while hanging off her fist like he is. It’s all he can do to maintain proper breath as he tries to pull himself up from the painful uppercut.

Brunhilde(Edeath): The raw power of the empire's strongest lived up to the expectation, the crowd is now finally showing sign of obedience and respect towards Esdeath, as she sank an uppercut deep into her opponent's stomach. Esdeath grins her teeth and pushes her fist deeper into your abdomen as you you to pull yourself up "Oh nonono, Jay~.. Jay~.. Jay~.. I'm just getting started with you, don't be a bad boy and try to survive the hell I'm going to unleash against you." Her blue eyes almost turned red due to the hate and evil running inside her veins, she moves her glove back in place before striking your chin with an uppercut, using the same arm as the previous one. Esdeath then goes for a feint left jab at your cheek, but instead she ducks down, lowering her knees and at the same time twisting her hips to unleash more power, and also transforming the jab feint into a powerful close hook into your ribs, hitting as hard as she could.

JayDee123:  The crowd falls silent in obedience as Esdeath continues to mash Jay’s organs. He could hear the venom in her words as the Ice Demon drove her fist further into his gut each time he tried to pull away. When she finally removed it, he gagged a bit, staggering forward and clutching his stomach, perfectly primed for Esdeath’s uppercut to his chin!! The crowd gave a shocked gasp as for a moment it looked like the young male boxer was lifted off the ground, but before he could fully make liftoff Esdeath came at him. At first it looked like she went for a jab to his face and in a moment of reactionary terror, Jay’s guard once again reached up. But that was a mistake soon to be proven deadly, as all the General was dong was putting up a ruse. The jab was merely a feint, her real target being his ribs, ribs that her azure gloves easily connected with in a close hook! Her full strength against his body, he spun around three-hundred and sixty degrees, staggering back towards the bottom right turnbuckle, hands hanging in the ropes as the crowd shuddered with bated breath. “Nngh…. Gah….” Jay’s head hung low, and black bruises started to form where her fists connected with his ribs. Survive, she taunted? He was winning this thing before, but now he’s expected to just survive? That’s ridiculous!! Yet, when faces with her overwhelming strength, Jay is forced to ask himself if even that bare minimum is achievable…

Brunhilde(Edeath):The vast arena, overcrowded with supporters from the empire itself is now cheering for the ice queen as hard as they can. The empire strongest is once again shining through the aura of darkness encircling her, an aura filled with sorrow of her enemies and her sadistic nature, as she was born in a hell of environment. Esdeath starts laughing like the maniac of sadism she is, looking down at your beaten body who is merely supported by the ropes, which confine the space of the ring itself, without them you would've fell off the ring like the weakling you truly are. "Ara~ ara~ tell me Jay-kun, how does it feel to fall to the vulnerability of your own body? Hmm..  I sense the desire to lay down your gloves to me, surrendering to me.. I know it, this outcome is the most logical, you have no other way to proceed in this battle~" Esdeath starts approaching your battered figure, her gloves are halfway raised up while her pale face seems to be blushing at the sight of your pathetic body being destroyed by her hands. With a sudden dash Esdeath charges up a powerful right uppercut, sinking it deep into your stomach followerd by a left close hook to your side and a right straight for your nose. A powerful and swift combination of attacks, with the intention to pummel you into a devastated boxing bag. "This is getting interesting~" she chuckles as she digs another punch into your stomach, this time a shovel left hook and after that she puts her own glove under your chin, lifting your head up so that you could be stared down~

JayDee123:  The crowd, once sullen and quiet in the face of Jay’s devastating offensive against Esdeath, turns to an chaotic uproar of support for the azure-haired General as Jay winces and holds his stomach, trying to regain his footing. He never accounted for the fact that while he was able to dish out pain in almost equal measure to his opponent, he could barely take the pressure of her offense. There she stood, the pillar of the Empire looking down on a wounded and pathetic animal of an opponent. Almost like a feral mutt caught in an alley. The look on Jay’s eyes as he darted from her gaze, trying to avoid the way her words cut into him. Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to give in, and surrender to Esdeath. But even as he watched her blushing face, Jay couldn’t give in just yet. “Just you watch, witch. My comeback’s just starting-!” Shock immediately broke the bravado as Esdeath seamlessly closed the distance between them, launching another right uppercut into his gut as he was mid straight. With the pain in his gut his fist merely grazed the Ice Demon’s cheek, the last hit he would probably throw this whole match. Soon she returned fire with a left close hook to his side, causing him to stagger right, out of the corner but close to the ropes. A right straight leaves him dazed and the other side of his nose starts to drip blood. His head throbbing and his vision blurring, Jay weakly goes for a right cross to her cheek, but it’s stopped short when Esdeath sinks her shovel hook into his stomach. Coughing blood and spit, his knees buckle, and he falls forward, the only thing stopping him from kneeling in front of Esdeath is her free glove holding his chin. Fear and pain in his tear swelled eyes, Jay can only cough and sputter in response to her domineering gaze. “Koff!! Gack!! Nnngh mmmmgh”

Brunhilde(Edeath): Esdeath holds the battered Jay with just one glove, she haven't realised yet that the boy in front of her eyes was long gone. Perhaps due to her immense power, but she didn't feel your body falling down, she thinks you can still put up a fight or at least you're still able to stand. She was wrong, and looks like fate won't be as graceful as you'd wish to, since Esdeath believes you're still somewhat of a threat you will be treated as such."The little rapscallion still possess some spirit huh? Let me wind you a bit, to take your fighting spirit off your body!"Esdeath grins her teeth and pushes your chin backwards, then she swings a left straight at your nose and a right hook at your cheek to keep you standing in front of the ropes. "HAHAHA!!" She starts laughing like a maniac as she bends her knees and starts unleashing a lighting fast combination of left and right hooks all over your body, at least 15 on your stomach, ribs and sides before throwing a strong left hook to your cheek, trying to crush your defenses completely. "YOU'RE GOING  DOWN!!" Esdeath yells out as she bends her knees again, this time lower than before.. it looks like she is going for a takedown, yet this is just to gain as much momentum as she could. Esdeath twists her feet and hips while pushing up hard with her legs, like if she were jumping. The bra is close to fail to contain her large breast, as she twists her body violently to unleash the most  vicious right uppercut aiming under your chin, looking to lift your entire body off the canvas at least.

JayDee123:  Jay is practically praying for the suffering to end. His body has faltered to the superior goddess in front of him, his mind quickly following suit. he thinks to himself, as she taunts him with her power. The left straight meets no contest, breaking his nose fully and causing it to bend at an awkward angle. As Esdeath’s right hook slams his left cheek he can feel his lips break and his face swell, the mouth guard threatening to slip out of his mouth as he spins around, hanging on the the top ropes with his forearms. Nothing more than a limp punching bag as his ribs shatter from the first 5 hooks, his sides bend and bruise from the second five, and his stomach lurches to the point he almost vomits from the third!! Esdeath’s reign of terror is in full swing as Jay is stuck dangling for dear life from the ropes. The cheers from the crowds muffling in his ears as he can barely comprehend his surroundings. Black and blue, red imprints all over his body from the Ice Queen’s blue gloves, it’s all he can do to stay conscious as her brutal combination finishes with a left hook to his face!! The strike was so brutal that it even knocked his mouthguard out!!! Now, tied to the ropes, tenderized by the Huntress’s fists, and without even the most minor means of protection, he found himself staring down at his fearsome foe. However the dynamic is flipped, the dominating fighter is at a lower position, ready to prove her superiority to the weaker punching bag she has claimed for this bout. He watches as her voluptuous chest nearly bursts from her bra during her crouch, wishing he could be swaddled in it, even slipping off the ropes for a chance to give in. For all her brutality, Esdeath is truly a beautiful woman, far more beautiful than most women Jay’s met. And after seeing her strength, he finds himself not caring if he’s under her boot. Maybe even preferring it to this decimation. But sadly for him, he does not meet her embrace, just the cold hard strike of her fist as her right uppercut strikes his jaw, shattering several teeth and sending him flying off the canvas!! The crowd roars for their hero, the General claiming another soul for the Empire, as Jay lands on the ropes on his back. Blood rushing through his head, he uses the last bit of strength he has to keep balance, spitting out teeth and crying out in desperation and shame “ETHDEATH!! I THUBMIT!!!”

Brunhilde(Edeath): After a vicious uppercut your body flies off the canvas, like a space shuttle that is leaving the soil of the earth. Your body however doesn't end up in space, but is doomed to fall down, crashing right on top of the top rope. Your body finds the perfect balance over the harsh rope of the ring, it manages to rest, completely destroyed by the immense force of the empire's strongest. Your body is a testament of the sadism of Esdeath, but also a testament of a complete defeat. Esdeath smirks as she heard your pathethic words, so she slightly moves her head side to side while closing her eyes  "tsk tsk tsk.. my my how pathetic you are, instead of falling with honor you opt to surrender?". Esdeath takes off her gloves, the match looks like it's over and yet the referee does not dare to put a step further and indulge to intervene, almost as if like he knows he doesn't really have the power to halt the will of a being this powerful. Esdeath walks next to your body and puts her right hand on your battered stomach, while her left hand grabs the rope "Look at you Jay, where is your confidence gone? I thought you had what it takes to make me enjoy my time." Esdeath giggles as she rubs all over your midsection and chest with her cold yet smooth hand, almost like a massage. After some seconds of rubbing her hand all over your body she goes down with her hand, reaching for your shorts as she teasingly rubs down your crotch area, before suddenly interrupting the teasing as she moves the rope back and fourth harshly, throwing you off the ropes and make you fall face first into the canvas. Her right hand reaches her back, pulling out a collar connected by a steel chain.. Esdeath kneels next to you and locks the collar around your fragile neck. With a bombastic side eye she commands the referee to get on all his fours in an instant, and so he does, he gets on his fours behind the dominant figure of the ice queen, serving as a human throne.. 
However as Esdeath stands up she looks down at the referee, almost like if she were underwhelmed by something. In fact with a swift and harsh right front kick she knocks him out of the ring, Blood spills everywhere and yet the most terrifying look is the one she's giving you, as the turns back and smirks "Human thrones are fun.. yet I find them repulsive if they're tamed just by looking at them. I believe you'd serve a better purpose, mh? Stand on your fours weakling." Esdeath is not done at all she she commands you to do as she said, you might end up just like the referee or worse.. but you have no choice, you must nod and surrender yourself completely to the superior Esdeath... afterall, your freedom is already constricted by a collar, connected to a steel chain which stops you from rebelling~

JayDee123:  Barely conscious, hardly able to contain his thoughts as they spill out of his bloody nose, he can only stare at the crowd as he blushes in embarrassment. Esdeath was right. Jay probably would have been better off just passing out on the ropes. But he was so scared, and it’s like she doesn’t even realize her power. He feels a gnawing pit in his stomach when she remarks that she thought he had what it takes to enjoy her time. All he is now is her victim to do as she pleases. The crowd cheers on Esdeath as she walks up to him, rubbing his abdomen up and down, sending shivers down his spine as the Ice Goddess admires her handiwork. When she isn’t pounding him to oblivion, Esdeath’s touch is truly gentle. He shakes even more as she rubs his crotch area, wanting to reach his hands to protect it. Though if he did he’s probably fall, so he lets the General do as she wishes. He is her prize now. When she starts shaking him off the ropes, he howls in pain, “AUGH! AHHH. NNNGH!!” before slumping to the floor. Head hanging low, arms dangled in front of her waist, and panting heavily, Jay can only watch as the collar snicks around his neck. A visual reminder that he now belongs to Esdeath. The feral dog has been tamed into nothing more that a mere caged pup, unable to reconcile the loss of his freedom. At least he can take satisfaction in seeing he’s not the only one caught in her web. All it takes is one glance an a stern word and the referee is down on all fours. At first Jay envies the man, forced to be the throne of such a glorious pinnacle of power and beauty, but then Esdeath kicks him out of the ring. As the referee’s blood spatters all over he can only think she did so with lethal intent, and he can vaguely hear the surprised gasps of the audience as they watch the lifeless man fly out onto the floor below the canvas. With a gulp of air sailing down his throat and clear fear in his eye, Jay now stares at his mistress, staring him down like the mutt he is. She commands him on all fours, presumably to inflict the same fate if being her human throne, and through all the swelling and blood Esdeath can see the conflict in his eyes. . The tug of his collar stops all those pesky thoughts however, causing Jay to lurch forward on his hands and knees, crawling towards Esdeath as he watches her dainty and beautiful hands wrap around the chain binding him to her. He’s scared, terrified even. But he can only put his trust in Esdeath as she toys with his body and mind. “Yes Esdeath. Sorry Esdeath.”

Brunhilde(Edeath): Esdeath sits on your body, positioned on all fours like a little dog, and the very thought of turning you into a pathetic slave excites her. You are not just any weak creature; you managed to entertain the strongest woman in the empire. In the early moments of the fight, you were able to push Esdeath to her limits, landing precise and powerful blows. In one sense, it was foolish to challenge her, and you were severely punished for it. But on the other hand, even though you were brutally beaten, Esdeath rewarded you far too generously. The most sadistic woman in the world decided that you are worth keeping alive to serve her deepest, most sadistic desires—unlike many of her other opponents. Even the so-called Hero of the North, Numa Seika, considered the strongest of all, wasn’t worthy of the favor of the empire’s mightiest.So, Esdeath now has you beneath her, while you’re on all fours like a dog. She chuckles and pulls on the chain, raising your head as if you were a horse, but instead of pulling on your mouth, the collar tightens around your neck, choking you in the process. “You really are obedient, are you sure you’re human?” Esdeath laughs again, and after about ten seconds of humiliation, she decides to stand up and take your head hostage with her left leg. By lifting your head even higher, already trapped by the collar, Esdeath wraps her left leg around your neck, perfectly locking it in a standing headscissors using just one leg. Esdeath applies a standing figure-four chokehold, but using only a single leg while the other supports her body; she even uses her right hand to pull her own foot upwards, intensifying the choking effects of her move. “Gosh, you’re so pathetic... maybe I should mark you as my personal bitch, don’t you think?”

(I couldn't find a proper standing figure four headscissor.. but this is the closest to represent what Esdeath is doing to the poor Jay :3)

JayDee123:  Jay’s arms and legs buckle as Esdeath sits down on him. At first he feels as if he is going to fall down, flat on his stomach under the General, but through fear of disobedience and being a bad seat he perseveres, though every limb feels like it’s been lit ablaze as he holds her up. Still, this isn’t so bad. It’s almost comforting, the longer she sits on his back, the only spot on his body unmarred by her fists, the more comfortable he gets in the position. Feeling the cool air be replaces by the fabric of her shorts, and the soft skin to skin contact of where those shorts end and her glorious ass and legs begin, he starts to blush. Mostly in embarrassment, as the crowd whoops and whistles at Esdeath’s cross legged posture on this beaten man. She taunts him for his swift obedience, and he curses himself out, but Jay dares not to object. Instead he endures the humiliation, cursing himself out for losing such a strong lead against the azure-haired warrior. He was strong enough to get Esdeath on the ropes, and now he’s forced to be her human chair for all eternity, with a captive audience that no doubt wish they had his position. Her remarks about not being human as her collar constricts his throat, though likely a rhetorical question to cut into what little ego he had left, elicit and exhausted squeak from Jay. “I… I’m whatever Lady Esdeath wants me to bE!!” Soon the eternity of holding Esdeath up ended, and Jay soon finds himself being lifted higher, his neckline exposed as he watches her silky smooth leg wrap around it. Soon Esdeath’s Figure-Four Leg Choke of Doom is locked in, and as he feels pressure on his cartoid artery Jay’s hands shoot up through sheer survival instinct. Whether she knew it or not, the Ice Demon was snuffing out his last bit of resistance. His hands tried to pull her leg down, but with his gloves still on it felt more like a puppy pawing for a treat. Her taught and strong leg, a fighter far beyond any level Jay could fight at, were humiliating him further than anything she’d done. All Jay wanted was to be free from Esdeath’s grip, afraid she’d snap his neck and be done with him. That is, until she mentioned branding. Then it clicked, and Jay’s resistance snapped. The superior beast had taken her hunt, but rather than devouring her prey, she’s choosing to domesticate. Maybe, maybe she enjoyed her time with him. But he’s unable to speak theses thoughts, as he now flutters in and out of consciousness, begging blue eyes and poor puppy like whimpers coming out of his mouth as he turns purple, with the crowd chanting “Brand Him” almost as if watching a gladiator decide whether or not to finish their opponent. Jay has fully given into Esdeath either way, taking solace that she will decide what fate is best for him, for now and forever. As is her right.

Brunhilde(Edeath): Esdeath rubs her leg all over your neck and around it, as if she wanted to give you a gentle massage to tell you that everything is fine, to reassure you. You could say that what she’s doing is to show a kind of affection that she’s never been able to give to anyone, and that no one has ever shown her. Esdeath is not entirely evil; she grew up in a cruel environment where only the strongest survived, and being defeated meant being weak, but that’s not all. Esdeath is marked on her chest by the ice demon. The mark Esdeath has on her chest is connected to her Teigu, one of the imperial weapons in the *Akame ga Kill!* universe. Her Teigu is called Demon's Extract (Mahapadma), and it is a relic that gives her the ability to manipulate ice. This mark represents the essence of the demonic extract that Esdeath assimilated to obtain this power. The mark appears on her chest after she drank the blood of the demon that formed the core of the Teigu. By assimilating the extract, Esdeath gains devastating ice-related power, including the ability to freeze entire armies, create weapons, and even manipulate time by freezing her opponents' movements for a few moments. But it condemns the bearer to excessive cruelty, almost as if the bearer themselves becomes one with the ice demon. Therefore, Esdeath continues to cuddle you in her own way to convince you to stop trying, to stop looking for a way to escape her grip around your neck. "Calm down, little puppy. Soon it will all be over, and you can be treated like a real little dog." Esdeath smiles and speaks in a soft voice, trying to get under your skin. Her leg grip around your neck keeps getting tighter, and your oxygen is less and less present in your lungs. Esdeath will apply force until you’ve lost all your strength and collapse to the ground like a body defeated and destroyed by the strongest in the empire. With grace and gentleness, she’ll let you drop from her leg’s grip, only to grab your right ankle and drag you towards the
12:43 Brunhilde: ring ropes. There, she’ll stand you up by your hair, then lift you as if you weighed nothing and carefully position you on the apron of the ring to trap your arms above the top rope, exposing you to the audience for humiliation. Esdeath pulls out a permanent marker from her uniform pants, grabs your jaw from behind, and lifts your head until it’s almost bent back into the ring, your face now facing the ceiling of the ring. Esdeath smiles and chuckles, "Sorry, Jay-kun, this is a direct order from Hilde-sama~." Then she opens the marker and writes on your forehead "Brunhilde's bitch," on your chest "Property of the Valkyrie," and also "pathetic little bitch." These marks will take a lot of effort just to remove them.

JayDee123: The way Esdeath’s leg rubs all over Jay’s neck reassures him that he will be okay in her grip. Though he knows not the full reasons behind the General’s cruelty laced compassion, he is sure he will learn in time and does not care. All that matters is the beautiful blue haired Goddess squeezing him unconscious right now. Her soft voice as she calms him down does almost as much damage as her finishing uppercut from before, dealing the fatal blow to his will as her taught and powerful leg muscles tighten without end, like a python squeezing its prey to nothingness. If Esdeath could see his eyes she’d see that the fire of rebellion in his eyes, in all forms it could manifest in, has been replaced by the glossy eyed glaze of submission. Though she may see it sooner rather then later, as the crowd starts photographing the final snuffing of the ember by the Ice Queen, capturing her ballet like pose as she takes yet another victim for the Empire, and documenting Jay’s bruised and destroyed body. Jay can no longer resist, he doesn’t even want to. He can only murmur a faint, and almost incomprehensible “Mommy… Esdeath” before drool starts to gather in the crook of her knee. He’s unaware when she drags him like a corpse by his right knee, only fluttering awake briefly as Esdeath grabs his hair and lifts him up, securing his arms over the top rope and exposing his battered frame to the crowd. He winces in pain, his heart skipping a beat as he has fallen in total devotion to Esdeath. And as she cups his jaw and pulls him back, revealing a black marker that will mark him for the dog he is, he can only smile, stick his tongue out, and pant. A shiver runs down his spine each time Esdeath marks him, and while he can’t read what they say he doesn’t think he’ll want then removed any time soon. If he can get away with it, he’d probably wear them forever. As he’s held like a trophy, tongue out and ready to lick, the crowd takes more snapshots and cheers Esdeath on. Even if he could ever
13:19 JayDee123: -escape her, he could never escape his fate. A pathetic bitch for Brunhilde and Edeath, maybe the whole roster even. But right now, after dealing with such overwhelming power and the compassion that lies under it, he wouldn’t have it any other way. And to show it, he abandons words entirely, opting for barks unless otherwise asked to in order to show Esdeath his satisfaction with his position under her.

Brunhilde(Edeath): "But you know what? Since you committed several crimes aka cheating on Hilde-sama on multiple occasions in front of the whole people of Venus.. I shall crumble you to dust as you deserve." Esdeath takes you back inside of the ring and well, reverses your position. Basically you're standing against the ropes but inside of the ring, still with your arms over the ropes. "YOU'RE DONE FOR!!" Esdeath yells while putting her boxing gloves back on, then she starts a heavy combination: a right hook at your cheek, a left one at your nose and a right uppercut under your chin!

JayDee123:  My ears perk up as I hear this. Those cheating accusations that amount to nothing more than me getting bullied by others when Brunhilde’s back is turned, or sitting in a chair. However Esdeath seems intent on being his executioner, and before he could object he’s already tied up on the ropes inside the ring, getting pounded by her hooks. With his mouthguard lost to the aether, he takes the hits full force, the right the cheek knocking more teeth loose, the left to the nose bending it at an awkward 80 degree angle. It all culminates in a right uppercut to his chin, sending more teeth flying as he’s powerless to stop her. He blacks out again for a couple second, coughing out blood and teeth and dripping in tears as he yells out in human cries “ThI’m sorry Ethdeath!! ThI’m sorry Brun!! ThI’m not worthy!!!”

Brunhilde(Edeath): Esdeath grunts in anger as you suppose that you're not good enough, so she takes off her boxing gloves again and wraps her arms around your frame to hug you tightly, looking at your eyes in anger "Cheating is a horrid crime Jay, I shall punish you with deadly force at once under the command of Gigachad-Hilde." Esdeath lifts your feet off the canvas as she raises up your body in her hug, so that your head will stick over her head.. you're able to see everything from this height, yet it's just going to last mere seconds as she jumps up and backwards over the top rope, looking to slam you over the ropes with her, crashing your head into the hard and cold material of the pavement outside of the ring, looking to end you right there!

JayDee123:  There's no escape for Jay anymore. He knows this. His healing items were left in the locker room, and once Esdeath decides it's over, there's no stopping her. Punch drunk, battered to oblivion, and begging for a release to all of this, he hangs limp in the Ice Demon's embrace as she hoists him up, getting one last blurry eyed view over the crowd as he weeps tears. A cheater's fate after all. And as Esdeath leaps and sends them both over the top ropes, Jay prays. Prays for the mercy of both Esdeath and Mistress Brunhilde, one that certainly isn't coming in this match. Prays for a chance that he comes back out of this. And if he does he swears he'll never cheat again. No chairs to sit on, only comfy laps of his owner and her roster. No speaking without permission. None of it. Accepting his fate in the sudden seconds it takes to crash, everything goes black. All the crowd can see is a twitching, spasming, bruised up and marked down body in its final throws of life, before it's snuffed out under the dominance of Esdeath once and for all, giving one last gasp and blood mixed drool as its final swansong to her power.

Brunhilde(Edeath): Esdeath lands outside the ring with a graceful, yet powerful impact. The stark difference between her and your crumpled form is undeniable. Despite the ferocity of the fall, she managed to suppress the crashing momentum, using your body as a living shock absorber. The force that could have shattered her was instead channeled through your spine and neck, leaving you broken beneath her. She stands tall, effortlessly regaining her balance, her icy gaze sweeping across the crowd. Without a moment's hesitation, she drives her right foot into your already crushed abdomen, twisting it slightly as if to emphasize her dominance. The sharp pain radiates through your body, but you can barely react as she looms over you, her expression a mix of triumph and disdain. Esdeath strikes a victorious pose, her foot still pressed into your gut, her presence commanding the attention of everyone watching. The crowd roars, a mixture of awe and fear evident in their cheers. Her voice cuts through the noise like a blade as she addresses you, her tone dripping with cold satisfaction. "This is what happens when you dare to betray my master, Jay," she declares, her words laced with both scorn and a twisted sense of justice. The weight of her words, combined with the crushing pain in your body, leaves you utterly defeated, the realization sinking in that you were nothing more than a pawn in her game.



Published: 2024-08-27, viewed 116 times.



Haruka Nanase

20 days ago

Just had the chance to read it! Amazing match as always and a great effort by Jay here :3
Congratulations to both for the beatiful read~


19 days ago

(In reply to this)

Heehee thanks Haruka!! I tried my bestest but couldn’t shape up this time. I’ll get revenge soon!!

amethyst catwitch

23 days ago

Waaaaaah BRU CHAN STORYYYY :O JAY TOO 👏👏 Love from kitty💜


19 days ago

(In reply to this)

Been spending way too long thinking of a response between work n stuffs but love back to the kitty!! 💖💖💖

Toji Fushiguro

23 days ago

That was a fun back and forth match. That was a good start JD 👌but esdeath is ESDEATH....had fun reading the match(torture)


23 days ago

(In reply to this)

PFTTT, I made most of my moves around 2 to 4 am, so that's why I was so bad at dodging-

Thaisa the brawler

23 days ago

(In reply to this)

Congratulation for your win

Toji Fushiguro

23 days ago

(In reply to this)

Haha Ik that ...I could see some typo ....but (did you become drowsy drunken Lee and started countering late night?)


23 days ago

10/10 wouldn’t cheat again. Also next time I’ll make sure the concussion keeps Esdeath down ;)

Leo Leòn Rebirth

23 days ago

Its......its...... i have no words...... Love you both


23 days ago

(In reply to this)

Love you too Leon! <3


23 days ago

(In reply to this)

I have a word for you: PERVERT!!!

Leo Leòn Rebirth

23 days ago

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23 days ago

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Leo Leòn Rebirth

23 days ago

(In reply to this)

YOU W....WWILL PAY, F..FOR THAT *grumbles*

Thaisa the brawler

23 days ago

No Jay , have lose this unpleasent woman, grrrrr4h


23 days ago

(In reply to this)

Nothing I could do after she had me in her clutches sadly. ;—; I’ll get her next time


23 days ago

(In reply to this)

Whoopsie, he had no chances since the very beginning :3