
Site news #7: Tournament, Federation 1.5 and announcing WatchFighters


Jump down to the Federation part if your only interested in what is new on ChatFighters.


Our third ChatFighter wide tournament came to a successful finish.
Join me in congratulating our winners of the The ChatFighters Cruiserweight Championship Tournament: Our community voting decided our special awards:

Your awards are visible on your character sheets and in the chat. (contact me if you wish to remove it)

A big thanks go out to all participants of the tournament! And of course to the organizer Starfox. Another special thank goes to ErikAtlas for opening up the RUMBLE and ROAR about the TOURNEY

Starfox shared his experience during the tournament based on that - and even more talks behind the scenes, a few adjustments are made to the internal site system.

With the experience of three tournaments and the aftermaths that follow, a few changes will be made.
For example, Starfox decided to skip our usual qualification rounds and allowed swooping in characters from an alternative list instead.


First, I'm very happy how Federations got accepted since we launched them on 2021-01-14 and there are used in a wide variety of range! Which is great!

Main change: Federations can use the tournament system to visually enhance and track Fed-tournaments.

Changes for Federation admins

General changes for Federations

Our Federation page got updated too.

I highly recommend to Fed-Admins (and anyone else who is interested) to subscribe to our Change Log. Bugfixes and small features or improvements will always be posted there. Some might affect how Fed's are working.
On the matter of changes:
Any website is a living and breathing system and must change over time. No Website will ever be finished. Will every change be good? No. Are continuous changes necessary? Yes. If you disagree, create and launch your own website, and then never change it!


On a side note, we are working on a new project,; it will be a new member next to and
If you are an individual content creator, looking for sponsors, or if you run your own video portal website, you can get in touch with us for future cooperation. Send a mail to: [email protected] or contact us on the Help and Support page.
Some of you joined the very early times on ChatFighters, and should remember that we embedded a lot of feedback in the site, we plan to do the same with WatchFighters. Let us know what you think!
This concludes the small site update.
Congratulations again to Starfox for running and completing a successful Tournament.TheSuperboy for almost breaking the site with a total of four awards!Diego S and TJ-Pro for their well-earned community awards!

And thanks to everyone else for participating in the Tournaments, voting, creating Federations, posting Stories. And being an active member on ChatFighters!

If you enjoy our site, please consider a small donation.

Stay safe!
Enjoy the site.

Last edited on 2021-03-21 17:42 by The Tech
