Magnificent Meisha

34-year-old Human female



  • Arms5
  • Chest5
  • Abs3
  • Legs4
  • Ass3


  • Height5'8"
  • Biceps10"
  • Chest31"
  • Waist30"
  • Thigh17"

Mid 30s Fit Gal looking to tussle


I’m not here to go into my personal life in great detail. I’m here to cut loose and have some fun while focusing on things that hopefully are less stressful. Call me Meisha and I’m here to test myself against like minded female opponents. At age 34 I’m sure all you young guns are gonna think I’m a pushover. That is music to my ears because I’ll have you whimpering on the mat at my feet in no time :) Don’t believe me? Come a little closer and find out! Also if you’re my age or even older I definitely want to toss you around as well. I’m an equal opportunity abuser when it comes to female competitors!

I try not to limit myself to one style and so my best to accommodate as many opponents as humanly possible. I do all forms of wrestling and boxing both erotic and non erotic versions but those Moves are mostly used to distract and not for pleasure necessarily. I love a good back and forth match and then one woman earns the spoils of victory which can be established in numerous ways. The only styles I’m gonna rule out at the moment are sexfights, assfights, titfights and catfights.

I don’t intend on wrestling strictly dominant or strictly jobber type wrestlers as I do prefer an even match until one gains control. The exception is if we agree on a story of some kind then we can discuss “squash” matches or pre determined outcomes, I’m not ruling those out but let’s discuss those first.

I do have some long legs which are fully capable of being out to good use especially in corners and ropes lol. I am open to pin and submission or knockout endings as once again that depends on the scene and our rivalry. For now I think that’s enough to have hopefully garnered your interest. Lay down a challenge and I’ll see ya soon:)

Kickboxing Combo Finish- Spinning Back Fist followed by a roundhouse kick!

Boxing Combo Finish- Straught to the belly, uppercut to the chin and overhand to the nose

Wrestling Finishes:

Standing Headscissors-Cross my ankles and squeeze your head as I pull on your wrists and punish you

Nightmare Daze- Starts with you in the corner as I rush in for a running knee lift to the chin. As you’re staggered I then tuck your head under my arm and lift so your feet are hooked over the top rope. I then drop back and plant you with a ddt into the canvas. Sure to knock ya out cold

Knotted Up- I stand behind you as you’re standing and pull on your head as I fall backwards with my knees in your back for a backstabber before I bring my legs around your midsection and my arms around your head and neck for a sleeper and scissors choke combo to make ya tap!

Last login: yesterday
Start of membership: 3 days ago

This character's local time is 21:36
Time zone: [UTC-4]
