Miss Fortune

25-year-old Human female

Fighter Heel


  • Arms5
  • Chest5
  • Abs3
  • Legs4
  • Ass3


  • Height5'6"
  • Biceps10"
  • Chest31"
  • Waist30"
  • Thigh17"

One Stands Tall, The Other lays humbled


You can call me Brittany or Miss Brittany if ya get naughty:) You will have the misfortune of standing across the ring or the apartment from me. That is if you’re foolish enough to accept the challenge. I’m brash, I’m bold and I got a big fucking mouth that is not work friendly and not suitable for family functions.

Fans and opponents hate my attitude while promoters absolutely love it because whether I’m on top or bottom Miss Fortune equals money baby! More money for them means more money for me so I’m all about giving you that work! Pay attention to my interests on the side as that gives you a very good idea of what I’m into.

If you are looking for friendly competition then you need to move your ass right on to another profile. I don’t shake hands, I don’t kiss babies and I don’t play nice with opponents! What does that mean when reaching out to me? Well I’m glad you asked.

One of two ways will garner my attention.
1….A bitchy comment or challenge that is creative and gets my juices flowing.
2. Friendly and welcoming and we get to know each other a bit.

Be warned if you start off bitchy you’re getting me at my worst or my best depending on your perspective so be prepared. If you start off nice I will reciprocate for a little bit before going “in character” so we can get down to business so to speak. I don’t need lots of buildup to matches but can do some if you would like. I do not like submission endings! I strongly prefer pins or knockouts for wrestling matches. I also only do boxing matches to a knockout and no rounds either.

If I had to pick a favorite style it’s gonna probably have to be pro wrestling with boxing and apartment wrestling close behind it. I don’t like long drawn out matches as I prefer to get things done with a couple hours or so. I love to keep matches moving so if you don’t have time that’s ok we can do a post as you can match.

Everything else can be discussed when we chat so don’t be afraid to hit me up and throw down a challenge. I look forward to hearing from my future victims!

Slam Ya Soon!

Brittany 💋

Last login: 2024-08-22
Start of membership: 2024-07-10

This character's local time is 23:01
Time zone: [UTC-4]
