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OPCW: Freya Meets Drake

Adam_Drake: I'd been preparing for this night ever since I was signed to OPCW, you only get to debut once and I was going to make for certain that I arrived here with an unforgettable splash. Tonight was going to be show that this crowd would remember as beginning of something great, the birth of a superstar... There was a sense of nervous excitement as I waited in the Gorilla Position to make what I hoped would be a remarkable impacted on the wrestling world. I was facing down a star in her own right, the bombshell from Blackpool. To top it all off we were at the hallowed halls of the famous venue Korakuen Hall, a location that was well known in the world of wrestling and boxing alike. I'm suddenly snapped out of my internal monologue as I'm given the go to make my once in a lifetime debut for OPCW, I clear my mind and a sense of calm washes over me... This is where I was meant to be.
Adam_Drake: The venue's lights dim until a complete darkness washes over the ring and the crowd. I make my way into position as the heavy guitar of "Till You Come Down" by Sundrifter pierces the silence, the anticipation building as I wait in the darkness to be revealed. The drumline kicks in and a plume of smoke illuminates my silhouette, the crowd buzzing excitedly as I raise a single arm and strike a signature pose. I bounce on my toes a bit as I eye up the ring, making certain that I wasn't going to botch this entrance. "THIS MATCH IS SCHEDULE FOR A ONE FALL! WEIGHING IN AT ONE-HUNDRED-SEVENTY-TWO POUNDS, STANDING AT FIVE FEET TEN INCHES TALL, FROM THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA... ADAM... DRAKEEEEE!!" The announcer's voice booms as I wait patiently, taking off in a full sprint as it wraps up. I'm closing distance fast as I leap off of my feet, clearing the top rope and landing with a roll in the middle of the ring and I quickly use the momentum to return to my feet. I make it into a corner and play to the crowd a bit, climbing up onto the middle rope of the turnbuckle and pounding my chest with one arm a few times. I hop back down and turn my attention to the entrance ramp, my music fading as the anticipation from the audience grows and grows...
Blaze_Freya: -When Blaze isn't wrestling, she's training, and if she isn't training or wrestling, she's either sleeping or at an after party from a wrestling show. She lives for this. It's all she knows, and what wrestler hasn't heard of the Korakuen Hall??? So when she heard about this match being in the legendary sports arena, excited was an understatement for how she felt. For weeks ahead of the travel, she worked in the ring with anyone she could find, making sure to be 100% ready to welcome this rookie in the hard way. At 1-1, she was looking to tip the scales and make her wins outweigh her losses on her official OPCW Record. She stands at gorilla position in her tight silver ring gear along with a custom leather jacket and bedazzled hat and shades to match. She stands tall, ready to make her grand entrance, hearing the announcer speak from the other side of the black curtain-
Blaze_Freya: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND HIS OPPONENT!!!! HAILING FROM BLACKPOOL, ENGLAND! WEIGHING IN AT ONE-HUNDRED-FORTY POUNDS! STANDING FIVE FEET, SIX INCHES TALL! BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZEE!!!! FRRREEEEEEYYYAAAAAAAAA!!!!" -"Collapsing" by Demon Hunter plays to a loud pop as Blaze Freya walks out backwards onto the stage, a silver rose in her left hand as she sways her arms around rhythmically. She poses with the rose, bringing it up to her face and giving it a whiff before spinning around and facing the ring. She soaks in the cheers for a moment, this was exactly how she always pictured it. And FINALLY, she was here. They seemed to welcome her with open arms and this warmed her heart, making her even more confident to strut down that ramp, cheeks bouncing with each step until she reaches ringside and strips off her jacket, shades and hat. She rolls inside and humps the mat a few times, looking up at Adam and biting her bottom lip before she stands up and backs into her corner to stretch her legs on the ropes-
Adam_Drake: There was no denying the showmanship on display in the ring tonight, the two entrances driving the already excited crowd wild as several camera flashes go off to illustrate the point. I continue warming up in the corner as Blaze rolls into the ring, putting on an oddly seductive display as she bites her lip looking up at me... I can't hide the confused look that spreads across my face as I try my best to keep myself limber and ready for this match. After I feel I'm well prepared, I recline against the turnbuckle and watch Blaze's little routine. I was certain I could win this if I played my cards right. I wait for the bell to signal the start of the bout, not taking my eyes off my opponent for even a second. She definitely fit the bill of her nickname, I'd seen some of her work before and it was absolutely worthy of admiration. Seconds out, I get into a ready position as I push off the ropes and mentally prepare myself for the night ahead.
Blaze_Freya: -Blaze has her right foot placed on the top rope, touching the tip of her black wrestling shoe, prepping herself for what she feels will be a quick beatdown to showcase her talents. She takes her foot off the rope and hops in place a few times, her boobs bouncing slightly as she locks her icy blue eyes on his- 🔔 🔔 🔔 -The bell rings and she pulls on the ropes, coming out of the corner to meet him in the middle of the ring with her arms extended in front of her... she's looking for a collar and elbow lock up but she's ready for anything as she has never faced nor heard of this man before, so she has no clue what to expect here-
Adam_Drake: I made my way to the center of the ring and she's already waiting there for me, putting her arms at the ready and looking for a lock up that I am more than happy to oblige in. I was bigger than her and certainly going to prove that I was badder. This lock up left me with several avenues of how to continue the match, though I opted for a bit more of a brute strength approach this time. Rather than going for a strike or a takedown, I stomp my foot against the canvas planting it for a moment before attempting to shift my weight forward. I use my size advantage to bully Blaze back towards a corner, hoping to test if she really lived up to the hype. This was a standard match, I didn't anticipate anything crazy to happen but you never know when you get into the ring with a stranger...
Blaze_Freya: -Freya flares her nostrils and grunts while he starts to push her back step by step... she tries to plant her feet to stop the momentum but he bulldozes through her defense and she is taken back into the corner, back against the turnbuckles, looking a bit shocked. She isn't used to being in this position especially not so early on, but she can't beat herself up or lose focus now... she holds her arms up waiting for the referee to get in between them to separate them, aiming a hard right handed slap at his cheek to show him who's boss as soon as they're split apart! This was her way of building her confidence back up after being made to feel weaker than Adam Drake-
Adam_Drake: I feel fairly accomplished with my show of power early on... I can see the look of shock on her face as the referee pulls us apart for a split second and it's a welcome image to start the match. Before I can soak in the visual too long, Freya's open palm glides across my face with a loud smack that echoes around ringside. In pure shock, I stagger back a couple of steps and hold my cheek as I stand closer to the center of the ring than before. The slap wasn't especially damaging (outside of to my ego) but the sting from it was certainly enough to get me fuming. This was my only chance to start off on a good foot in the promotion, you only get to debut once and first impressions can be damning. I decide to play possum and let her come to me as I ready a chest chop of my own to return the favor to you...
Blaze_Freya: -Blaze decides to take it a step further and come forward, talking her shit and telling him exactly how she feels- "New arrival, yeah!? Fuck off with that, I'm not losing to a newbie-- AWH!!!" -She ends up distracting herself with all the trash talk, getting absolutely leveled by that chop to her chest as the crowd goes: "WOOOOHHH!!!!" She yelps and falls to her back, then she rolls over and springs back up to her feet to raise both hands and go for a butterfly chop to HIS chest, trying to leave a red welp in the shape of a butterfly with her hands-
Adam_Drake: The bell had hardly rung and it was no surprise that Blaze was running that big mouth of hers already. It wasn't surprising that she'd feel the need to overcompensate against what was clearly a far superior opponent in the ring... I hoped. Before she can finish that annoying blabbing, I catch her with a painful chop that causes a satisfying cut off to her sentence. "Sorry. I didn't catch that..." I said with a shit eating grin as she springs back up to her feet admirably quick. Before I can slip another verbal jab in, she catches me with a painful chop of her own! Once again leaving me to stagger and stew in my anger a bit... I can't be outdone here so fast as I go for a backhand chop once again, trying to prove that I wasn't going to be outmuscled so easily.
Blaze_Freya: -Blaze watches in satisfaction as she leaves her mark, the welps already forming but he comes back rather fast with a backhanded chop! She gets her hands up to block, catching his arm and tossing it away just to laugh in his face while she raises her right hand up high and sticks it down the front of her tights, rubbing around before she pulls it out and aims to slap the taste out of(or into) his mouth!-
Adam_Drake: It was turning into a real chopfest in the ring as we go back and forth trading blows. I let out a frustrated grunt as she manages to stop the momentum of my chop and toss it off to the side, completely killing my offense for the time being. Before I know it, the familiar sting of her palm crashes against my cheek... It was an interesting tactic, didn't add any offensive value but succeeded in absolutely pissing me off! I turn my head back towards Blaze, my once icy gaze turned fiery as I come back with a roaring European Uppercut to hopefully turn the tides of the back and forth...
Blaze_Freya: -The crowd is going back and forth with each shot that lands, cheering and booing and getting really invested already after Blaze's disrespectful slap. They obviously want to see Blaze pick up another win tonight as the majority of the audience is cheering her on when suddenly, she's rocked by that European Uppercut! Her head snaps back, her legs wobbling before she drops down to a knee with her fans chanting: "FINISH HIM!" After that, she rises with an uppercut of her own, aiming her right fist at his chin-
Adam_Drake: I feel the massive European Uppercut connect with Blaze and seeing her drop to a knee almost sets me up for a perfect DDT opportunity... I can't help but be confused by the chanting of your fans as I was clearly in the dominant position after that blow. I get ready to pounce on the momentum and take it as my own, until my vision suddenly blurs as she rocks my chin with a massive uppercut of her own! My head going straight up to look at the lights for a moment as I try to regain my footing, but it was clear the blow had floored me. I stumble back a few steps before coming to a resting place on the canvas from the unexpected head trauma... I was sprawled out on my back finding myself dazed and looking up at the lights.
Blaze_Freya: -Blaze rolls her shoulders as the crowd ROARS in approval. She uses him as a stepping stone to walk over on her way to the corner and once she's there, she starts the climb up to the top turnbuckle, trying to take it high risk in the opening stages of this match. She gets up top and turns to face him, taunting him to get up- "Come on! Stand up so I can put you right back down!" -She shouts furiously-
Adam_Drake: I can barely hear the shouts from Blaze as she climbs the top turnbuckle and gets to her perch there... The punch packing a bit more power than I cared to admit to anyone as I try to get my bearings and some ring presence. I flip onto my stomach and get to all fours, starting to get back to my feet as the crowd is in a frenzy for some high flying action... That's my thing! I get back up to my feet and turn to face Blaze, if she didn't make the first move I would. I was a bit far out, but if I could close the gap, I could knock that smug look off her face and set up for some big destruction. I try to move as quickly as I can in an attempt to knock her off balance up on the ropes with another quick open hand strike... It was a risky gamble, one that certainly might not pay off.
Blaze_Freya: -Blaze can see him rising to his feet and before she can jump, he sprints at her and knocks her feet off the ropes which makes her land crotch first on the top turnbuckle!- "AWHHH!!! Ohh..." -She holds her hands between her legs and slumps forward, stunned and in a whole new world of pain downstairs-
Adam_Drake: I could hardly believe my own eyes as Blaze lands with a painful crash dead center of the top turnbuckle. I stand for a moment admiring my handiwork as I hold my hands up like a camera lens to commit to memory the moment that I crushed that fragile ego of hers. I was getting carried away with taunting but I wasn't going to squander what had been presented to me... I was going to go for something that was guaranteed to get the crowd riled up and draw some fans to my work. I scale up the turnbuckle as quickly as I can, trying to wrap her up for some sort of DDT... Scaling to meet your opponent was always risky, but I was all about high risk and reward. I get prepared to send us both down to the mat with a high impact DDT from the top.
Blaze_Freya: -Blaze struggles around on the top rope with him as they carefully balance themselves on the way up, but soon... it's lights out for The Bratty Brit as she goes crashing to the canvas, head-first with a DDT that flips her over onto her back, all sorts of sprawled out and spread eagle. The crowd goes wild for Adam's big payoff-
Adam_Drake: A loud crash echoes throughout Korakuen Hall as Blaze's head spikes off the canvas, flipping her over as she lands in a somewhat compromising position. I wasn't through with my rally as I looked to keep momentum swinging bit time in my favor. My back wasn't feeling especially good from the impact, but no doubt she'd taken the brunt of it. I lay on the canvas for a moment, before getting onto my knees and letting out a sort of war cry! I was all fired up and ready to show this crowd a real show... I was still really close to the turnbuckle, confident you'd be dazed for a minute as I scale up to the top as she just had. I spread my arms out wide and the crowd loves every second of the display as I seemed to have silenced the haters, at least for the time being... Getting ready to take flight, I watch the dormant Blaze carefully for any stirring not eager to receive the same treatment I'd given her.
Blaze_Freya: -Freya is out cold and her fans go quiet in concern, but the rest of the crowd is going crazy for the possibility of seeing the high risk move they had been denied of before. Blaze kicks her right foot up in the air only for it to flop back down onto the mat showing that she is nearly lifeless after the DDT off the top... who wouldn't be?-
Adam_Drake: I steel my resolve and prepare for some high flying, showstopping action to make a name for myself here in the promotion. It's clear that all the fight had been momentarily drained from Blaze as she lies nearly completely dormant on the mat... I look up the lights one last time as I take a deep breath and launch myself from the top rope and down towards the canvas. I'd seen it done hundreds of times and had probably practiced an equal amount... The legendary Swanton Bomb was calling my name as I try to execute the move flawlessly onto my downed opponent.
Blaze_Freya: -The picture perfect Swanton Bomb lands and Blaze's body just curls around his for a moment before she's laid out flat once again... she truly had no room to recover as it was big shot after big shot, making her look like light work for Adam tonight as she show no signs of life. There's a mixed reaction as her fans BOO but the rest applaud for the impressive flip-
Adam_Drake: I land and roll off with the momentum allowing me to get back to my feet rather quickly... I stand and immediately do another "lining up" gesture with my hands as I get prepared to end this match as quickly as it had begun. I was going to wait for Blaze to rise to her feet but a sense of impatience from myself and several cries from the crowd urge me to reach down and pull her back up to her feet myself! I knew exactly how to wrap this one up, making a memorable debut along with a statement to the Blackpool Bombshell for our matches going forward...
Blaze_Freya: -Blaze is pulled up to her feet easily and she stands on wobbly legs, her head swaying from side to side as she looks to be out on her feet... what did she do wrong? How could she have slowed him down? Both questions she would probably ask herself once she fully came to- "COME ON FREYA!!! BUST HIS ASS!" -One of her loyal fans screams out from the front row-
Adam_Drake: I have Blaze up on her feet and the crowd is keen for her to be able to turn things around. I hear her fans desperation starting to mount as the scene starts to look more and more hopeless for the young star... I was setting up for the finale know as I go for an especially mean knee strike right to her midsection, looking to double her over and into position for my finisher.
Blaze_Freya: "UGHHH!!!" -The knee drives into her belly and she bends over, her butt sticking out while she coughs and carries on... the wind was knocked out of her and all she could do is hold her abdomen and groan and wince in pain, feeling the pressure to fight back from all her fans screaming in horror-
Adam_Drake: I had you in the perfect position, I couldn't have asked for a better debut. Blaze came in with every intention of dominating tonight and would be leaving her with her head hung low in shame for the performance she'd given... I start setting up for the beginning of the end. I hook one arm... then the next, giving a nod in each direction of the crowd before I go hoist her up for my Wyvern Crash (Double underhook piledriver)! I can hear the panic in the voice of her fans growing as several cry out for a reversal, I was certain that you were too far gone to do so, but stranger things have happened...
Blaze_Freya: -Blaze is spiked down head-first between his legs with the Wyvern Crash and replays are immediately shown of the devastating impact! She falls off to the side, twitching like crazy and blinking rapidly. The move had left her a drooling mess and even though her fans were displeased, the crowd was going wild once again for such a high impact move! They couldn't get enough of this, although sadly, it seemed like Freya had enough of it a few moves ago-
Adam_Drake: I waste no time in showboating this time, though I think it would be safe to say Freya wouldn't beat a three count let alone a thousand count right now. I allow myself a moment to breath, sucking in oxygen and taking look over at her twitching and very clearly out cold body. It wasn't long before the saliva began pouring from her lips to signal that this fight was over. I go for a quick roll up style pin to really accentuate the crazy finish we'd just had, the match hardly had begun and the bell was already poised to be rung! Several cries for Blaze to rally were echoing throughout the crowded venue, it would be a miracle if she could though. Her legs dangle limply as I fold her up, I can feel the uncontrollable spasms as she fails to cling onto consciousness...
Blaze_Freya: -Blaze is rolled up and her legs wiggle around as she continues twitching, this count was just a formality at this point... the referee slides into position and slaps the mat right next Freya's head for the count- "ONE!!!..." And Blaze's feet wiggle a bit faster, but she's still clearly out of it, the camera zooming in on her face while she drools and her eyes roll into the back of her head-
Adam_Drake: There's more than a hint of movement from Blaze, but it's clear they're nothing voluntary... "TWO!!!..." The referee counts as another palm slaps down against the mat right next to the once cocky Freya's face. I feign a yawn to the crowd and they absolutely despise the display, the hisses reaching an all time high as I started to feel as though they'd start throwing things if I kept it up any longer... How could they hate me? I was THE high flying showstopper himself, the winged savior of wrestling, many more self proclaimed titles that I had come up with in the mirror!
Blaze_Freya: -With her legs slightly spread apart and folded up over her head, Freya is still spasming under him, a little bit of drool leaking from her mouth. Sure, she had picked up a win in OPCW before but this just makes her look so weak that it leaves people to wonder what her place will be in this company-
Adam_Drake: "THREE!!!..." The referee's hand crashes against the canvas one last time as he turns and signals for the bell to be rung. I keep the pin for a second longer to really emphasize the dominant pin that had done Blaze in for the night. After a moment, releasing the pin and sinking back onto my knees as I spread my arms and play to the fans a bit... My debut match had been a rousing success as I performed efficiently in getting one over on a more seasoned members of the roster. The medical team now approaching the ring in an attempt to revive Freya and get her out of the ring.
Blaze_Freya: -Blaze is sprawled out after the pin is released, and as the medical team tends to her, she wakes up and pushes away from them, rolling out of the ring on her own two feet and shaking her head as she holds the back of her neck, knowing she was thoroughly defeated tonight... she backs up the ramp and exits through the curtains to let him do his celebration for his debut victory-
Adam_Drake: It was satisfying to score such a quick victory over someone with some experience under her belt. I watch as Blaze slinks out of the ring and up the ramp before disappearing behind the curtain... I make my way into a corner and climb up onto the middle rope. I spread my arms out wide and tilt my head back to look up at the lights. I get a mixed reception to the win, Freya fans are loyal beyond belief and they're PISSED that I go one over on their hero. After a moment of basking in the limelight, I hop down onto the canvas and slip between the middle rope. I jog back up the way I came in and disappear behind the curtain, I was certain my opponent tonight would be looking for revenge after being humiliated tonight... Unfortunately for her, I had no plans of slowing down anytime soon.

Published: 2024-06-29, viewed 68 times.



Sinful Senorita Carmen

2024-06-29 05:19

Very nice match and selling - great show