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OPCW: Cherryy vs Adam

Adam_Drake: The stage was set, I was set to face a fiery little upstart in OPCW in a brutal I Quit match. While this was a bit more low stakes than your average OPCW even, the adrenaline and anxiety surrounding it was palpable. Tonight was a house show, but neither of us intended on half-assing tonight as we sought to make the other admit those coveted two words. I wait just out of view as the lights begin to dim, finally coming to complete darkness as the opening riff of "Till You Come Down" by Sundrifter shakes the building. There was no room for pyrotechnics here, rather than my usual column of flame to illuminate the darkness, a single spotlight shines down on me and I strike a quick pose as I throw both my arms up into the air. I bounce from toe to toe for a second, warming up and gauging the distance to the ring. I take off like a shot, the spotlight tracking my every movement as I take flight for what would be the first of many times in this event. I leap over the top rope, landing with a roll as I use the momentum to bring me back to my feet. My music begins to fade and the crowd goes silent with anticipation, I fix my gaze on the entrance ramp... I was ready for you tonight!
Cherryy: The music starting to shift, Ariana Grande's 'No Tears Left To Cry' starts to play through the speakers, my typical entrance music as the audience waits in anticipation for my appearance. But nothing... Little did anyone know, I was planning for something much more sinister in this match. From underneath the ring apron, I slowly start to slip out. Sporting a pair of lululemon leggings and appearing with a metal chair inside my hands. Adam's eyes locked towards that entrance door, waiting for me to show and un-prepared for what was coming. I sneak in from the opposite side of the ring, climbing up from behind and slowly tip toe-ing through the ropes. The audience gasping, nearly giving away my position before I whip my hands back and slam a metal chair into your back with as much force as I could muster..
Adam_Drake: I wait... and wait.... this was a strange entrance to be sure. For moment, I feel as though you'd conceded before the match even began, a confident smirk starting to creep across my face as you don't show. I tap my foot impatiently, pretending to look down at a watch that wasn't there as I finally look to the crowd confused at to what's going on. Before I can get any answers, I hear a loud collective gasp from the audience... It's not enough time to alert me to your underhanded tactics though as the sound of steel colliding with flesh resounds to signal the beginning of this match! The crowd immediately starts to boo your dirty move, but it was perfectly legal to use anything at your disposal in this match. I fall face first onto the canvas with a heavy thud, rolling back and forth a bit from the unprotected chair shot! I wasn't off to a good start as this match gets underway...
Cherryy: The loud sound from the metal striking your spine made everyone in the crowd wince. Even I felt the shockwave.. I open the chair up, setting it sit in the middle of the ring as I walk over towards you and bend down to grab at your head. My dirty little trick forced the ref to ring the bell, so we were going. I wasnt' going to waste any time, or try and give you time to recover. I try and pull you up to your feet using your hair, grabbing at the waistband of your bottoms with the other hand and looking to toss you head-first into the chair.
Adam_Drake: I was too busy grimacing and holding my aching spine to hear you start setting up the chair in the center of the ring. I can hear the bell ring and I knew this was going to be a test of endurance already. I feel the burning in my scalp as you reach down and grip me by the roots of my hair, dragging me up to my feet as I try to protest. Before I can utter a word, you grab my by the waistband and hurl me towards the chair! I stagger forward towards the chair, managing to turn my body just enough to avoid my neck getting trapped between the chair... It didn't hurt any less to come crashing into it though. I lay on the canvas already hurting a good deal from your admittedly smart use of weapons so far, I was going to have to get creative it I wanted to beat you. I try to start crawling my way over to the ropes, hoping to help myself back to my feet before you can do some more damage.
Cherryy: I still hadn't had the chance to acknowledge the audience, and as you crash into the chair I savor a few moments and raise my arms for the crowd. Flexing and showboating while I blow a few kisses each and every way. As you writhe, I notice you starting to crawl towards the ropes. I run towards you, trying to catch up from behind and reach down to grab your ankles and drag you back to the center of the ring. "Where do ya think you're going?!"
Adam_Drake: You start showboating to the crowd to a surprisingly positive reception, despite your cheating ways it seemed as you though you had more than one supporter in your corner here tonight. I manage to get one hand on the bottom rope, but before I can close my hand to begin climbing you grip me by the ankles and begin to drag me back towards the center of the ring. I struggle as I try to break free, clawing at the canvas in an attempt to stop your momentum from snowballing too far. I knew if I could manage to get back to my feet, I could have some chance of fighting back but for now I just had to survive.
Cherryy: "Come back here... You're not going anywhere!" I manage to drag you back some, nearly getting you back to the center but your claws proved too strong for my grip. I walk over towards the chair, bending to pick it up by the legs and raising it up high again. "THIS IS GONNA HURT!!" Turning to face you while you're still flat on the ground, I swing the chair up as high as I can, then look to slam that metal down into your back and shoulder blades to try and keep you flattened into that canvas.
Adam_Drake: You stroll over to the chair confidently like you own the ring. You grab the chair and bring it up ready to demolish my spine yet again with the foreign object... I couldn't take chair shots all night and keep this match going. The crowd was eating up your antics now though as you cry out a warning as you hover over me with the chair for what I hoped would prove to be a moment too long! I twist my body to the side, hoping to roll out of the way at just the last moment... There wasn't much else I could do than run right now as I tried to get a foot in the door of this match.
Cherryy: I grunt as I slam it down, trying to throw as much power as I had into the slam. Looking for that back of yours but instead, end up hitting the hard mat instead, making the chair almost shockwave back into me as I slightly lose my grip and stumble back. "AH.. f-fuck.." I whisper to myself, a little distracted as you nimbly make an escape for yourself just in time.
Adam_Drake: I'd attempt a nimble kip-up to get back to my feet if I wasn't certain without a shadow of a doubt I'd fail it after taking back to back chair shots. I can feel the ring shake from the absolute force behind your attempt to bludgeon me. I breath a heavy sigh of relief as I continue to roll over towards the apron, I position myself under the ropes and scramble back to my feet knowing that this opportunity wasn't going to last long as you curse under your breath... I hold onto the ropes of the apron looking to take flight and gain some ground as I leap up onto them. I was settling up for a slingshot springboard missile dropkick, hoping you'd stay stunned just long enough for me to drive that chair you were holding right into you! It was a risky move to pull out but I had to put everything on the line if I wanted to catch up...
Cherryy: The chair vibrating in my hand after that crucial miss, holding it up near my face and struggling to decide whether I wanted to keep such a powerful weapon in my hand, or toss it awa~ "YAAGGHH!" I scream out, shocking me as the chair suddenly gets kicked out of my grip and flies to slam right into my face. I windmill back a few steps before crashing down onto my back. Staring up, totally light-headed as the pretty ceiling lights start to spin and turn inside my vision.. "ooww....."
Adam_Drake: The crowd clearly just wanted to see us tear each other apart tonight as we both come crashing down to the canvas together. I'm a little quicker on the rebound as you took the brunt of the force from that dropkick, the chair dinging nicely off your face as you collapse onto your back. You were dazed and my big move had paid off, but there was no time to rest. I'd seen you before in action, I knew you were more resilient than that... I get back to my feet, admittedly a bit rattled from the high impact move myself. I walk over to where the chair was now lying and pick it up as a devious idea starts to formulate in my head. All I could think about was decimating you with increasingly more intense feats that ended with you calling out for mercy. I wander over to you as I fold up the heavily dented chair, I go to drive it into your stomach as I try to keep you on the canvas just a little bit longer...
Cherryy: It felt like the world had come crashing down on me, seeing nothing but spinning sparkles of light in my line of sight.. I just slightly arch my neck up, trying to get an idea of where we were in this match, hoping you'd still be trying to stand after that drop kick but your resilience was much stronger. You rebound off the ground at lightning speed, recovering like it were nothing as you had already made your way towards my flattened body and with the metal chair in your grip. I look up, taking a gulp of air as I nervously start to squirm before you swing the steel of the chair down and pierce it into my stomach. My legs and neck arching up into the air as I explode the remaining air in my lungs. "OOOOOOOOOOFF.."
Adam_Drake: I raise my arms to the fans and they know it's time for some patented Showstopping action to make sure this match continued without a hitch. I use our positioning to my advantage, you'd fallen quite far towards the apron after that dropkick. I throw my reckless plan into effect, decidedly taking a page out of somebody else's playbook this time. I rush to the nearest corner, chair in hand as I go to pull off a Coffin Drop! I hop up onto the middle rope for some momentum, knowing this was going to damn well hurt. I quickly position the chair onto my back and let gravity do the work as I hear several worried screams from the audience... Neither one of us was coming out of here without at least some mild injuries here tonight!
Adam_Drake: Darby Allin GIF by ALL ELITE WRESTLING - Find & Share on GIPHY
Cherryy: I was still shaken up, taking every chance I had to re-breathe some of the lost air after that evil chair-shot aimed for my soft tummy. I wasn't totally sure where you were, but it was difficult to be concerned when it felt like a train had just rolled right over my precious stomach. I slowly arch back up, only to watch as your massive frame comes flying down towards me, a comet from the sky ready to crash down on top of me. But that wasn't all.. I braced myself, balling up my knees to try and land you over-top but you had done something much more masterful than I thought. Taking the chair with you, dropping it just over your back to shield you as I end up just bashing my own knees and rolling around in pain as I land.. "AAAAUGHH?! NOOO.. OW... OWW..."
Adam_Drake: A loud crash shakes the ropes as I fall down onto your knees... if it wasn't for that chair I'd be the one who was rolling around right now. The Coffin Drop certainly didn't feel pleasant however, the chair driving into my already aching back as I lay on to canvas somewhat regretting what I had just done. I slowly stagger back to my feet after a couple seconds of inactivity, feeling a searing pain shooting through my spine as I try to use pure adrenaline to push through the pain. The crowd was chanting for some more big action and I was happy to give it to them... I take a handful of your blonde hair, some well deserved payback from earlier as I go to parade you to the nearby ropes on all fours. I planned to really kick this match into high gear, biding my time for it to spill out towards ringside!
Cherryy: My knees on fire, for a second I thought I'd never walk again. My mind was racing and my heart was competing in speed.. I couldn't just lie here and take all of this punishment, it was just too much being thrown at me once. Then, a thought popped into my mind, this was an EXTREME match. Anything in this ring goes, and nobody could get disqualified. Realizing now that I had the perfect plan to get back into this match, it was just the stimulus I needed after such a grim beginning. You reach for a handful of my blonde strands and pull, forcing me up just to my knees before my arm had sneakily charged up and swung right between your legs, trying to uppercut your testicles through your pubic bone before a devastating low-blow..
Adam_Drake: I had your right where I wanted you as I get you up onto your knees. Maybe this would be a quick match after all, given how quickly you'd rolled over and taken so much punishment. I raise my free arm to the crowd, too busy showboating my position to realize that you'd charged up something absolutely devastating... The crowd collectively winces once again as you swing up a perfect uppercut right into my groin! My eyes nearly bug out of my head from the unexpected sharp pain, my legs immediately crossing as I stand in disbelief for a second. Your hair slips from my grasp as I can barely even realize what just happened, struggling to stay up on my feet as my hands move instinctively to protect from any further damage to that area... I groan in pain just loud enough for you to hear, giving you perfect indication that you'd found your target dead on.
Cherryy: Lowblow GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Cherryy: "Ouchh... So you do have nuts? My bad...!" My uppercut lands, hearing the satisfying little moans and groans through your broken voice. Watching as you slowly tremble, eyes and knees crossed with your hands reaching to cradle the balls I didn't think you had in the first place. It was like a pure shot of adrenaline as I slowly start to pick myself up to my feet, reaching forward to grab your head and lock it around my arm. I notice the chair from earlier still laying close-by on the canvas. I slowly pivot us towards it, rotating just enough while you're head was wrapped full around the length of my arm. I attempt to leap up, throwing my weight around in a spin only to come dropping down and landing on my back, meanwhile pulling your face down into the chair for an Implant DDT.
Adam_Drake: Before I know it, the pain shooting through my balls wasn't the only thing I had to worry about. You wrap my head in your arm and before I even can think about escaping you put me down HARD for an Implant DDT right onto the chair! Several shrieks can be heard from the audience as my head spikes off it, I land limply as I try to keep my head on my shoulders. I slowly roll onto my back, blinking slowly and putting my hands up on my head. I could vaguely hear the sounds of the crowd, my hearing slowly returning as my ears ring from the massive chair shot. I felt out of it, but I was nowhere near ready to give you the satisfaction of giving up... I still had plenty of fight in me... I hope.
Cherryy: The crowds cheers just tuned to full blast after that beautiful showcase of power from some female authority inside the ring. Something we didn't get to see enough of these days. I proudly roll over and arch back up to my feet, walking back towards your laid out frame on the mat. His ears were RINGING, and it was obvious that move had done a number on his being, but I wasn't finished just yet. I stand near the side of your head, lifting my leg up to the sky, positioning myself in a perfect split before attempting to drop down with all of my weight, aiming to smash against your throat with my 'CHERRY ON TOP'
Cherryy: Splitlegdrop GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Adam_Drake: The crowd goes absolutely feral as you hit your perfect split... if I wasn't on the receiving end I would've admired the athleticism behind such a move. You come crashing down right onto my throat as I lay completely out of it on the mat... The crowd absolutely eating up the showmanship behind your move. I can feel your weight pressing on me as you linger... if I didn't know any better I'd think you were enjoying this. I kick my legs weakly under you, desperately trying to get some blood flowing again in an attempt to mount a counter. You weren't making this easy for me, but it would take a lot more to make me give up!
Cherryy: I land in a perfect splits, my thighs landing directly over your neck while the thick folds of my butt lay flat over your face. "Woohoo!!" I taunt, raising and waving my arms in celebration of hitting one of my signature attacks, bending my back slightly to get my butt closer to a full on smother, trying to sit there and really enjoy the fine seat of your face. This wasn't effective, nor was it efficient.. but it was damn humiliating, and I wanted to establish my dominance for everyone to see.. "Mmm, comfy!"
Adam_Drake: Humiliating was right, you had me right under your ass as you taunted and celebrated the successful signature move you'd just hit. I could hear the crowd starting to shift a bit in your favor, something I couldn't stand more than anything else. I let out some muffled cries from underneath you as I wriggle around, air starting to be in short supply as I start trying to find anything to grab onto. You'd made a splash in your debut here and I wasn't about to be another stepping stone for you to climb the ranks. I just needed to devise a plan to mount a comeback...
Cherryy: Smiling and giggling as the audience starts to snap pictures of the position.. I knew this was going to make headlines. After a few moments of feeling your little squirms and reaches to try and escape, I slowly start to pick my body up and off of you, collecting my legs and standing back up straight and in ready position. "Feel free to quit anytime!" I taunt, looking down at you as I reach for your wrist and attempt to twist it tightly before tugging up to try and force you to your feet.
Adam_Drake: I couldn't stand the idea of this being the picture that accompanied our match for the rest of time. I take a deep gasp for air as you slowly pick yourself back up and taunt for me to call it quits... You had no idea who you were dealing with. My face a bit red now, both from lack of oxygen and embarrassment from the humiliating facesitting I'd just endured. You waste no time in slinging out some trash talk as you grip my wrist, trying to force me up to my feet. I'm a bit shaky but all your showboating antics had given me some time to think. I try to reverse the position as soon as you get me back up to my feet, looking to toss you with an Irish Whip towards the far ropes!
Cherryy: I had you up to your feet, taking that wrist and really wrenching away to try and make sure I had a stable grip on you. But you shoot back up intensely, clearing upset over the little parade I made of you just moments ago as you savagely grab reverse my grip and take my wrist instead, pushing up against my back and sending me towards the ropes. Little control in my feet as I yelp and hit the ropes, bouncing back towards you.. "AAAHH NOOO!"
Adam_Drake: You come staggering back towards me as you bounce off the ropes. I had a moment to breath, but still had to make a split second decision of how I wanted to handle this... I'd seen some of your rookie tapes before and I knew exactly how to pay you back for hitting that Cherry on Top. As you get close I cry out "CHERRY BOMB!" a play on my use of the Adam Bomb as I steal one of your biggest moves away from you! I was ready to plant you on the mat with your patented sitout facebuster as I try to use all that momentum you'd built up to my advantage... I hear a surge from the crowd as they react to the call out, eager to see if you'd be quick enough to react in time!
Adam_Drake: Cherrybomb GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Cherryy: I come rushing towards you, unable to stop myself as you suddenly grip my head in the middle of my run and prepare to yank me down, but not without screaming the name... of my OWN signature move?! "CHERRY WHA~!? AAAGGGHMMPH." A shock in my voice as I almost second guessed what I was hearing before you pulled me down and planted my face and chest right into the canvas. Face crushed as I moan into the mat, trying to roll over..
Adam_Drake: The ropes quake a bit from the impact, clearly you'd been caught by surprise as I used your own move to put you down! The crowd couldn't believe their eyes, but it was certainly becoming a gimmick of mine to adapt my opponents moves to embarrass them. Normally, I would pounce on top of you for an easy 1-2-3... but this wasn't an ordinary match. I pick myself up slowly as you roll onto your back, I knew that would take some of the wind out of your sails. I stand and outstretch both my arms as I play to the crowd. "Feel free to quit anytime!" I say in a mocking tone, mimicking your words just mere moments ago in the match. I try to roll you over towards the apron, taking a couple steps and eyeing you up as I prepared for a baseball slide to send you flying down to ringside!
Cherryy: You mock me in front of the crowd, showing off as you swung around the entire momentum of the match. You start rolling my body over, taking me across the ring and stopping me just before the end of the apron. Laid out, trying to catch my head as I notice you winding back for another move. So close to the apron, I had a feeling I knew he wanted to kick me right out of the ring. I gulp, not wanting to do what I was about to do, but couldn't bare the other outcome. I push my body over, trying to force myself to fall off the canvas before your slide connects into my body. Landing in a thud onto the hard floors underneath the ring. "Uughh.."
Adam_Drake: I frustratedly bang the canvas with my fist, I wasn't happy that you'd managed to escape to the outside of your own free will. I get back to my feet and watch you carefully to see if you were getting up... I decide it's time to showcase my big finishing move. I'd been saving this one for a special occasion and I couldn't think of a better on than this! I wander over towards the corner, scaling the turnbuckle as quickly as my body will let me. I raise both my arms and play to the crowd as I develop one of my signature spots in the ring... I leap into the air, twisting my body and showing off my acrobatic talent as a sea of camera flashes illuminate the venue. My finishing move Dragon Ascent (Corkscrew Shooting Star Press) was sure to have you begging for mercy after I hit it!
Adam_Drake: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Cherryy: I turn over, a little shaken up after that drop and just trying to regain my footing. I had saved myself from that slide, a feeling of relief crossing my system, thinking all was well when suddenly.. Your body comes crashing down like a meteor, spinning and flipping your body mid-air before crashing down onto my mid-section and CRUSHING my body with one of your signature moves.. "OOOOUUUUUGHHH.. "I scream out, my eyes wide as my voice breaks.. Jackknifing into an arch.
Adam_Drake: Once again, my high risk move had managed to pay off but not before taking a toll on my body as well. I stagger back up to my feet as the referee hurries to ringside to check on our broken bodies... "I'm good! I'm good!" I protest as he puts the microphone right up in my face. He then leans down to put it right next to your lips, checking to see if you would give it up here or keep taking the punishment I'd been dealing out! I watch you for any signs of life as you writhe on the thin pads that cover the outside floor. I had a plan to finish this, assuming you could even still walk after that big hit...
Cherryy: I arch my neck up, struggling to get any words out as my breath was taken. The shock was more debilitating than the impact itself, but your weight crashing down onto me was damn-near life threatening. I saw my life flash before my eyes, struggling to move but my ego was unshaken. "I'm fine.." *cough, cough* I say in a low broken voice.. Desperately trying to keep myself inside this match despite the beating I've taken..
Adam_Drake: I couldn't believe you were still hanging on, I'd clearly underestimated just how far you would go to pull out a win. Despite the odds fully being against you now, you still wouldn't crack... I would have to make sure you did. I huff angerly, continuing to hover over your admittedly resilient body. Your side of the crowd was absolutely going crazy for you, while my supporters were gobsmacked that you'd opt to keep going. I stalk over your body for a moment, taking a couple steps back and stomping my foot against the thin mat. "Get up! Get up! You wanted this!" I was absolutely livid that I hadn't pulled out the win there. I continue to gesture to you, I was setting you up for something... I just didn't know what yet.
Cherryy: My bones were battered, struggling to pull myself up as I claw the ring apron and haul my body to my feet.. This had to have been one of my toughest matches yet, my adrenaline pumping as we kept shooting fire at fire. I grunt as you give me the chance to stand, unsure of what you possibly could have planned but didn't have the time to think. I then quickly attempt to rocket my knuckles straight into your ab wall, hoping it might make a dent and force you into a stun..
Adam_Drake: The crowd gasps as you show signs of life for the first time in quite a while! You managed to literally beat me to the punch as you quickly hammer your fist straight into my abs... A collective gasp from the crowd as I take the full force of the punch, taken by surprise that you had any fight left in you at all. I stumble back a couple steps, slowly steadying my back against the apron and trying my best to keep my momentum alive... I hold my ground there and wait for you to get a bit closer as I play possum a bit. I was hoping the strike had made you cocky as I wait to hit you with a big signature move... The Jaws of the Dragon was calling (Codebreaker) and it wouldn't stop until it had a sacrifice.
Cherryy: My hook connects into your gut, sending you stumbling back as even I was surprised with the amount of power I had built into that punch. From my position, it really had looked like I had you... Getting you exactly where I wanted... I growl, stomping my feet and go rushing towards you ready to set you up for my own signature move. I get close and instantly attempt to snap my foot up to hopefully attack your solar plexus. Looking to double you over and prepare to finish you off.
Adam_Drake: Bingo. You'd come rushing in with a reckless move that was clearly based on emotion... You snap off a kick, but I was ready for your antics this time as you try to drive a kick into my solar plexus. I raise my arms up ready to catch the kick... I hold onto your leg for a moment, I use all of my strength to throw your leg to the side. I was hoping to get you to spin all the way around, dizzying you in the process before attempting to take you down to the thin outside mats once more with a big lariat! I need to make sure I kept my momentum going...
Cherryy: My leg flies up only to land inside the palm of your hand, catching like it were nothing. Was it all a ruse..?! Your recovery unlike anything I'd ever seen, forcing to believe that you were trying to bait me in this entire time. I was fighting my emotions, attacking with the intent to destroy and not necessarily using my brain. I shake my head, nodding with a puppy dog look over my face as I hop on one leg helplessly.. "Oh.. no.. w~ wait pleas~ AAAH!?" I yell as you throw my leg with enough force to send me in a twirl, turning right back into your massive arm as it crushes against my chest and sends me landing onto the thin floorboards beneath us.. "UUGHHH.." My whole world coming to a crash, everything spinning as the shock was overwhelming.
Adam_Drake: I stand looming over your body as you lay face on your back looking up at the bright lights. I debated my next move for a moment, I spread my arms out and do a slight twirl as I play to the crowd after managing to take you down again. I could climb up onto the apron and set up for another big dive, but I was in an especially ruthless mood here tonight... The crowd buzzing as they wait for what will come next. I give you a slight nudge with my foot in an attempt to flip you onto your stomach. I waste no time in showing mercy as I pounce on you, trying to get you into a painful variant of the Cloverleaf! I knew there was no way you would last long with a stretch like that...
Cherryy: I couldn't move, breathing alone felt like labor as you start heading back towards me with nothing but ruthlessness on your mind. I claw the mat, desperately searching for any energy I could find inside, but I was spent. Without another moment to waste, your kick me over and flip me onto my stomach. Before I know it, you had jumped down to pretzel my legs, locking and bending them up towards you while your knee pressed down against my spine. I was arched in a total 'C', stuck as I scream bloody murder. "AAAAGGGGH.. OH MY G~ NOOO! YOU'RE BREAKING ME! STOP!! STOPP!!"
Adam_Drake: The referee quickly rushes over, shoving the microphone in your face and asking the question of the night... "Do you give up?" Just to add to the brutality of your screams being broadcasted throughout the venue, I try to drive my knee a bit more into your back. I pull you backwards with as much strength as I can muster, hoping this would be enough to put an end to the violence. You were resilient to say the least, you'd certainly earned some respect in my book for that alone... Normally a tap out would be the end of this match, but the stakes were all the more humiliating having to verbally confirm your surrender. I continue to ignore your cries for mercy, I was going to take you as another trophy in my collection.
Cherryy: Your knee digs even deeper into my spine, pulling harder and increasing the pressure tenfold as I shriek in pain. I couldn't take it, the pain was overwhelming and as much as my ego would hate it, I had to call it before he broke me in half. "YES, YES... PLEASE. I QUIT... I QUIT!!!!!!" I yelp, my eyes totally shut trying to deal with all the pain..
Adam_Drake: The bell sounds and I hold onto you for probably a bit longer than I should have. Despite hearing those words, I was still seeing red as you yelp into the microphone begging for an end to your suffering. The referee grabs me and breaks my concentration after a moment, snapping me out of it as I realize I was still bending you in the agonizing stretch... I unclasp my arms and let your feet fall down onto the floor with a heavy thud. The victory hadn't set in for me just yet, but the crowd was absolutely electric from the intense show we'd put on. You may not be the strongest in the ring yet, but I knew you'd make a lethal opponent as you find your footing. After all, wrestling can be taught while killer instinct cannot.
Cherryy: "GAAAAGGH.. UUGHH.." Moans and groans were my only language as you slowly unlatch the hold, letting my legs drop while relieving my back of that painful knee. I lay there, unable to move a muscle and while I wasn't out cold, I certainly wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. The crowd going wild, chants and camera snaps audible from all around as I just roll over and watch you bathe in your victory. Accepting my defeat and slowly breathing through my recovery as you rightfully show off.
Adam_Drake: I was certain that the image of you screaming into the microphone would be forever synonymous with this match. While this certainly wasn't as big as an official show would be, the fans in attendance had well gotten their moneys worth for the brutal display tonight. I knew if I'd given you an inch that you very well could've turned this match around and made this a completely different scene. In the moment, I couldn't believe it was over as I raise both arms over my head in triumph... I was absolutely bathing in the positive attention of the crowd, the cameras flashing and the lights chanting making the pain we'd both endured all worth it to me. I pause over your broken body, as you roll onto your back and stare defeatedly up at the lights. I'd taken your signature move and forced you to admit defeat tonight... it was no easy feat but I'd pulled it off. I couldn't help but feel like I had to prop you up and show the crowd that you were just as worthy of celebration... it was a rare feeling of respect as I extend my arm to you, wanting to help you up and give this crowd one last send off with a handshake to show I felt no ill will towards you...
Cherryy: I was forced to just lay there, debating all of the things that went wrong, struggling to accept what had just happened to me inside this ring. All of these voices, these demons inside of my head. This was a match I was going to remember, and as I had started to get my head straight, you walk over and reached down towards me as if to offer a helping hand. Did he really think I was going to let him humiliate me, steal my own move and just give my pride up like that. A different thought struck into my head, something much more dark, more devious, and much more my speed. As you offer a hand, I reach up and pretend to take it. Just before interlocking hands, I whip my hand up between your legs and send my forearm to slam against your precious testicles for a low-blow.
Adam_Drake: You reach for my hand and for a split second, I believed that you'd show some sportsmanship after the match we'd had. Just before you clasp your hand in mine you crush my testicles with your forearm. Immediately the crowd turns on you as boos erupt from the venue... it wasn't the first time you'd pulled such a dirty trick and it certainly wouldn't be the last. My legs can't seem to support my weight as a pained expression ripples across my face, I sink to my knees and cover up my groin from any further damage... Maybe my respect for you was unfounded, you were absolutely a conniving and underhanded heel through and through. I groan as I feel like a lead weight had been place on me, unable to stand or really do anything as you'd hit me with a devastating cheap shot. I open my mouth but words don't come out as I was almost ready to plead for some mercy from you... mercy I was certainly not about to receive.
Cherryy: I peel my arm out from between your thighs, quietly giggling as I watch you fold over and tremble to the canvas. The outcome of the match was still the same, but there was nothing like the rush of crushing your ego right in front of the audience, in the most humiliating way possible. "No balls.." I whisper into your ear, before crawling towards the ropes and diving below the bottom one to slip out of the ring and walking out to the exit ramp. A little limp in my step from that bone butchering match, but my spirit felt free again.

Published: 2024-06-29, viewed 72 times.
